LANG Committee Meeting
Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.
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Meeting No. 9
Tuesday, May 5, 1998
The Standing Joint Committee on Official Languages met at 3:38 o’clock p.m., this day, in Room 269 WB, the Co-Chair, Sheila Finestone, presiding.
Members of the Committee present:
Representing the Senate: Jean-Claude Rivest.
Representing the House of Commons: Sheila Finestone, Eugène Bellemare, Cliff Breitzreutz, Denis Coderre, John Godfrey, Ted McWhinney, Denis Paradis, Louis Plamondon.
In attendance: Tonu Onu, Joint Clerk of the Committee. From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Françoise Coulombe, Research Officer.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(4)(b), the Committee proceeded to the consideration of official languages policies and programs.
Witnesses: From the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission: Françoise Bertrand, Chairperson; Jean-Pierre Blais, Senior Legal Counsel and Anne-Marie DesRoches, Manager, French Language Broadcasting, Broadcast Planning.
Françoise Bertrand made an opening statement, and with Anne-Marie DesRoches and Jean Pierre Blais, answered questions.
The Hon. Sheila Finestone gave notice of motion that -- The Official Languages Committee recommends to the Government of Canada that the CRTC be added to the list of the 27 federal institutions designated in the accountability scheme adopted in August 1994 for the purposes of implementing sections 41 and 42 of Part VII of the Official Languages Act.
Cliff Breitkreutz gave notice of motion -- That we instruct the clerk of the official languages committee to draft a letter to the Quebec National Assembly. Let the letter read. That the citizens of Quebec and new immigrants to the province be guaranteed the right to vote in Quebec provincial elections without discriminations based on language preference, race, ethnic origin, religion, sex, or mental or physical ability. Please assure all Quebecers, that the Quebec National Assembly will not tolerate discrimination or radical nationalist views that would restrict the rights of all Canadians to take part in the electoral process.
The Chair presented the Fourth Report of the Sub-Committee on Agenda and Procedure which reads as follows:
The Sub-Committee on Agenda and Procedure of the Standing Joint Committee on Official Languages has the honour to present its FOURTH REPORT to the Standing Joint Committee.
Your Sub-Committee met on Thursday, March 26, 1998 and agreed to recommend that the following appear:
- Mr Victor Goldbloom, Commissioner of Official Languages at first - regarding the 1998-1999 Estimates and in the second place - on the 1997 Annual Report and review of term as Commissioner, to be followed by a reception.
- Mr. Norman Moyer, Deputy Minister, Canadian Heritage, regarding technical and administrative details of the departmental budget and Mr. Gaston Guénette, Assistant
Secretary, Official Languages Division, Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat.
- Radio Canada, regarding regional programming.
That the Committee travel to francophone communities outside Québec.
Respectfully submitted.
Denis Coderre moved, That the Fourth Report of the Sub-Committee on Agenda and Procedure be adopted.
The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.
At 5:22 o’clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Joint Clerk of the Committee