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CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Canada as a whole makes up one of the regions of the CPA, and its 14 branches correspond to the provincial and territorial legislative assemblies and the federal Parliament. Within the Canadian region, legislators can take part in a wide range of exchange programs, conferences and seminars. The Canadian region also has its own publication, Canadian Parliamentary Review. The Regional Council is the decision-making body for the Canadian region.

The Canadian Branch was represented by Ms. Alexandra Mendès, M.P., Chair of the Branch, the Honourable Amina Gerba, Senator, Ms. Marie-Hélène Gaudreau, M.P., and Mr. Damien Kurek, M.P.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

On May 29, 2023, Ms. Iqra Khalid, M.P., Vice Chair of the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association met with the Rt. Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the United Kingdom (U.K.) House of Commons, the Rt. Hon. Nigel Evans, Deputy Speaker of the U.K. House of Commons and Susannah Goshko, the British High Commissioner to Canada. Meeting participants discussed negotiations towards a Canada–U.K. free trade agreement (FTA), noting the importance of working together to create joint programs and share professional expertise in sectors such as artificial intelligence and defence. Further, participants identified the need for the FTA to include mechanisms to facilitate foreign credential recognition between Canada and the U.K. The importance of relationships between Commonwealth countries was also discussed, and Ms. Khalid shared her experience attending seminars and events hosted by the U.K. Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

The CPA’s international executive committee (EXCO) meets twice a year, in the spring and just before the annual meeting. The CPA’s constitution authorizes it to control and manage the activities and business of the association. The international executive committee has about 35 members and is led by the chairperson of the CPA. The committee is made up of the officers of the CPA and three representatives from each region (except Africa, which has six representatives given its size).

The Canadian Branch was represented by Mr. Terry Duguid, M.P.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

The 2023 Westminster Seminar on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure organized by the United Kingdom Branch of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association gathered 65 parliamentarians and clerks from every region of the Commonwealth to exchange ideas and build knowledge around topics relevant to Westminster-style democracies.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

CPA International created the CPA Working Group on Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) modalities, following the end of the pilot project. The Canadian Region was represented at this meeting by Mr. Terry Duguid, M.P.