Activities and Reports
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February 20, 2024
Annual General Meeting
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 12 - 15, 2023
43rd Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
July 22 - 29, 2023
59th Canadian Regional Conference
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
May 29, 2023
Meeting with The Right Honourable Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
April 17 - 20, 2023
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Canadian Branch was represented by Mr. Terry Duguid, M.P.
March 13 - 17, 2023
71st Westminster Seminar: Parliamentary Practice and Procedure
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
February 8, 2023
CPA Working Group on CPC modalities
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 13 - 16, 2022
42nd Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Canadian Branch was represented by Mr. Kody Blois, M.P. and Mr. Robert Kitchen, M.P.
July 16 - 22, 2022
58th Canadian Regional Conference
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Canadian Branch was represented by Mr. Terry Duguid, M.P., Head of Delegation and EXCO representative, the Honourable Victor Oh, Senator, the Honourable Tony Loffreda, Senator, Ms. Marie-Hélène Gaudreau, M.P., and Mr. Robert Kitchen, M.P.
June 16, 2022
Meeting between Canadian and Falkland Island Parliamentarians
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
May 10 - 11, 2022
Seminar for Parliamentarians of the 12th Parliament of Guyana
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
April 9 - 10, 2022
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Canadian Branch was represented by the Mr. Terry Duguid, M.P.
March 14 - 18, 2022
70th Westminster Seminar: Evolving Parliaments
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
February 23, 2022
Canadian Regional Council
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
February 22 - 24, 2022
CPA UK 3-day Virtual Workshop - Actions to Prevent Human Trafficking through Sport: Workshop to Build Capacity and Techniques
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The first day of the workshop comprised two sessions aiming to provide participants with an understanding of human trafficking through sport. Dr. James Esson, UG Programme Director (Geography and Environment), Reader in Human Geography at Loughborough University, discussed how trafficking through football occurs and identified steps that could be taken to help prevent it. Matthew Edafe, an ambassador for Mission 89, shared his experience of being trafficked for sport in the 1990s.
The second day of the workshop featured breakout rooms where groups of participants discussed their role in addressing sports trafficking. Adeline Dumoulin (CPA UK) and Lerina Bright (Mission 89) facilitated one of the breakout rooms for parliamentarians and parliamentary officials.
February 3, 2022
CPA Constitutional Amendments Working Group
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
January 24, 2022
Global Parliamentary Exchange on the International Day of Education 2022
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
Members of the Canadian Branch attended this event: the Honourable Amina Gerba, Senator; Dr. Robert Kitchen, Member of Parliament (M.P.); and the Honourable Mike Lake, M.P. Additionally, Anita Vandenbeld, M.P. chaired the event with Joseph Nhan-O’Reilly, co-founder and executive director of the International Parliamentary Network for Education. Ms. Vandenbeld’s opening remarks noted that Parliamentarians play a vital role in effectively addressing the global learning crisis.
Guest speaker Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, founder and president of Human Capital Africa, discussed the link between the economy and education. Ms. Ezekwesili noted that research has identified ways to address education challenges which include prioritizing foundational learning in areas such as literacy and taking an evidence-based approach to investments and policy decisions.
Parliamentarians also had the opportunity to participate in discussions in breakout rooms. The first breakout room focussed on improving learning outcomes and began with remarks from Robert Jenkins, Global Director of Education for UNICEF. The theme of the second breakout room was “data and evidence for the learning crisis”; Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO of the Partham Education Foundation in India provided a brief introduction to the facilitated discussion.
December 16, 2021
CPA Post-Election Virtual Seminar for the Parliament of the Bahamas
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
From December 15 to 17 2021, the CPA Headquarters Secretariat hosted a virtual post-election seminar for newly elected and returning members of the Parliament of the Bahamas. The Honourable Marilou McPhedran, Senator, was invited to provide remarks during a workshop on Women in Parliament held on December 16, 2021. The workshop provided the opportunity for Parliamentarians to discuss women’s representation and share experiences about working in Parliament.
In her presentation, Senator McPhedran discussed women’s representation in Canada’s Parliament, as well as ways to foster a gender-sensitive workplace. During her remarks, Senator McPhedran explained that by introducing family-friendly measures, parliaments can help overcome barriers faced by female elected officials and make workplaces more gender sensitive. During the questions and comments portion of the workshop, Senator McPhedran highlighted Canadian initiatives related to women’s participation in politics including Equal Voice, an organization dedicated to supporting women in politics, and its Daughters of the Vote Program.
December 2, 2021
CPC Virtual Workshop: How NHRIs and Parliaments can Protect and Promote Disability Rights
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
- The Honourable Dennitah Ghati, Member of the National Assembly of Kenya and Chairperson of Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities
- Caroline Waters OBE, Deputy Chair of the UK's Equality and Human Rights Commission
- The Honourable Eugene Mussolini M.P., Member of the Rwandan Chamber of Deputies for Persons with Disabilities
- Richard Rieser, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Disabled Person's Forum
- Bonface Massah, Commissioner, Malawi Human Rights Commission
The presenters took turns sharing initiatives undertaken by NHRIs and Parliaments within their jurisdictions to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities. They also discussed some of the challenges faced by persons with disabilities within their countries during the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken by NHRIs and Parliaments to mitigate them. During their presentations and the question-and-answer portion of the workshop, the panelists stressed the importance on both the signing and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The workshop was attended by the following member of the Canadian Branch of the CPA: the Honourable Chantal Petitclerc, Senator.
November 22, 2021
CPA Workshop for Women Parliamentarians and Public Engagement Roundtable for the National Assembly of Belize – By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
Senator McPhedran’s presentation focused on Canada’s approach to Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+). She started by defining GBA+ and its importance within the context of policy making. Senator McPhedran then presented various opportunities for parliamentarians to advance GBA+ and gender-sensitive initiatives, including its application to legislation, budgeting, committee work and to the parliamentary environment more generally. Senator McPhedran also underscored some of the challenges faced by parliamentarians and policy makers when trying to apply GBA+, including those pertaining to the availability of data and the resources required to conduct parliamentary studies that adequately represent the groups effected by proposed legislation.
September 27 - 30, 2021
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Canadian Branch was represented by the Hon. Yuen Pau Woo, Senator.
July 21, 2021
Canadian Regional Council
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
July 5 - 9, 2021
Virtual Conference on the 4th Industrial Revolution
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The 4th Industrial Revolution. Each day covered a different theme and consisted of panel sessions covering different topics. Presenters included parliamentarians, academics and industry experts. The objective of the conference was to challenge participants to think about how the Commonwealth, parliaments and democracies will evolve in the next 10, 50 or even 100 years.
The conference was attended by the following members of the Canadian Branch of the CPA: The Honourable Terry M. Mercer, Senator, Mr. Terry Duguid, M.P., and Ms. Brenda Shanahan, M.P.
The themes of the conference were:
• What is the 4th Industrial Revolution?
• The 4th Industrial Revolution and Environmental Stewardship
• Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Algorithms
• Big Data and Blockchain
• Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things
During a panel session (Regulating at Speed and Scale), the Honourable Terry M. Mercer, Senator, discussed the findings of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications’ study on automated vehicles, which were published in its 2018 report entitled Driving Change: Technology and the future of the automated vehicle.
June 28, 2021
CPA-UK Branch Workshop: CPTPP and Agriculture and CPTPP and Creative Industries
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The fourth workshop, which took place on 28 June 2021, was divided in two parts: CPTPP and Agriculture and CPTPP and Creative Industries.
The CPTPP and Agriculture topic was presented by Randy Hoback, MP, former Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade of the Parliament of Canada; Tori Morgan and Isabelle Rayner from the U.K.’s National Farmers’ Union; and Ken Ash, former Director of the Organisation for Co-operation and Economic Development’s Trade and Agriculture Directorate. The session examined the benefits and risks of joining CPTPP from an agricultural perspective as well as the process for negotiating specific exceptions for local farming industries to accommodate differences in national standards for food safety and animal welfare.
In addition to Mr. Hoback, the workshop was attended by the following parliamentarians from the Canadian Branch of the CPA: the Honourable Robert Black and Mr. Dan Mazier, MP.
The second topic was presented by Garry Neil, author of Canadian Culture in a Globalized World: The impact of trade deals on Canada’s cultural life; and Reema Selhi, Legal and Policy Manager at the U.K.’s Design and Artists Copyright Society. The session focused on intellectual property provisions within the CPTPP particularly as they relate to creative industries such as music, radio, television, visual arts, photography, crafts and design.
June 21, 2021
CPA Virtual Training for British Virgin Islands Parliamentarians
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
Over the three-day series, Members of Parliament from across the Commonwealth were invited to give presentations. Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, MP, Chair of the Canadian Branch of the CPA, gave a presentation on June 21, 2021. Her presentation focused the roles and responsibilities of standing committees in both chambers of the Parliaments of Canada. She also discussed the role of the Chair, the opposition and the staff that assist standing committees. Ms. Ratansi also drew parallels between Canada and BVI’s system of governance and answered questions from the audience.
June 21, 2021
CPA-UK Branch Workshop: Scrutinising Trade Agreements
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The third workshop, entitled Scrutinising Trade Agreements, took place on 21 June 2021. The topic was presented by Simon O’Connor, MP, and Chair of the Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Committee in the Parliament of New Zealand; Randy Hoback, MP, former Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade of the Parliament of Canada; and Emily Jones, Associate Professor of Public Policy at the University of Oxford. The session focused on the roles of parliamentarians in scrutinizing multilateral trade agreements once implementing legislation is tabled in parliament. Mr. O’Connor and Mr. Hoback shared their experience of scrutinizing the CPTPP within their respective jurisdictions. For her part, Ms. Jones focused on the procedural challenges U.K. parliamentarians face when scrutinizing trade agreements.
In addition to Mr. Hoback, the workshop was also attended by Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, MP, Chair of the Canadian Branch of the CPA.
June 17, 2021
Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Steering Committee - Canadian Region
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
June 14, 2021
CPA-UK Branch Workshop: Multilateral Trade Agreements: Opportunities and Challenges
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The first workshop, entitled Multilateral Trade Agreements: Opportunities and Challenges, was held on 14 June 2021. The topic was presented by David Lawrence, Senior Political Adviser at the U.K. Trade Justice Movement, and Stephanie Honey, a trade expert and former New Zealand diplomat. The session generally focused on the history of multilateral trade agreements, their benefits and challenges. Mr. Lawrence explored whether the U.K. would benefit from the CPTPP economically, geopolitically and environmentally.
The workshop was attended by the following parliamentarians from the Canadian Branch of the CPA: The Honourable Robert Black, Senator, Mr. Randy Hoback, MP, and Mr. Daniel Blaikie, MP.
June 3, 2021
High-level roundtable for Parliamentarians on education financing
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The round table was held as part of the lead up to the Global Education Summit: Financing GPE [Global Partnership for Education] 2021–2025, which will be cohosted by the governments of Kenya and the United Kingdom in July 2021. The Global Education Summit will seek to raise at least US $5 billion for the GPE.
The round table was attended by Canadian parliamentarians, including several members of the Canadian Branch of the CPA:
Yasmin Ratansi, M.P.
Honourable Brent Cotter, Senator
Ziad Aboultaif, M.P.
Marie-Hélène Gaudreau, M.P.
Robert Kitchen, M.P.
Mike Lake, M.P.
The roundtable discussion was initiated by the Honourable Julia Gillard, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Global Partnership for Education and former Prime Minister of Australia; the Right Honourable Gordon Brown, United Nations (UN) Special Envoy for Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; the Honourable David Moinina Sengeh, Minister of Education of Sierra Leone; and Shradha Koirala, GPE Youth Leader from Nepal.
The speakers primarily focussed their remarks on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to education across the globe, the importance of education in meeting the UN development goals and the role parliamentarians have in supporting governments and growing both development assistance and national spending on education.
May 3, 2021
CPA Post-Election Virtual Seminar for the National Assembly of Belize
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Honourable Stan Kutcher, Senator, gave a presentation on parliamentary privileges and immunities. Senator Kutcher focussed on the boundaries of the concept – emphasizing that parliamentary privilege is a shield to protect, not a sword to attack. He also underscored that, within the Canadian context, parliamentary privilege is a multilayered concept that is not codified. He added that the courts have the jurisdiction to determine the existence and scope of a claim of privilege.
The Honourable Marilou McPhedran, Senator, participated in discussions during the session on the legislative process. Her remarks focussed on the Senate of Canada’s role within the Parliament of Canada’s legislative process and touched on various themes including oversight, Senate Public Bills and committee work.
April 6, 2021
Executive Committee Meeting
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
March 23 - 26, 2021
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Canadian Branch was represented by Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Branch. The international executive committee also agreed to postpone the next Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, which will be held in Canada, until August 2022.
March 22 - 24, 2021
CPA UK Virtual Parliamentary Forum on Climate Change
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
March 18, 2021
Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Steering Committee - Canadian Region
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
March 4, 2021
CPC Virtual Workshop: Leading the Way - How the Commonwealth can Empower Persons with Disabilities
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
This workshop centred on the importance of drafting disability-sensitive legislation and improving the accessibility of legislative institutions. Mr. Mike Lake, MP, discussed the importance of creating supportive environments for people with disabilities. He provided personal examples of his autistic son thriving in contexts where a supportive environment was fostered. This webinar was also attended by the Honourable Kim Pate, Senator and Mr. Robert Kitchen, MP.
March 2, 2021
CPC Virtual Workshop: Social Media - A Curse or a Blessing?
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
During this workshop, panellists explored the various benefits and challenges of social media in different contexts, including governance and legislating. They also provided insights into the competing interests at play in the regulation of social media companies to protect user privacy. This meeting was attended by the Honourable Salma Ataullahjan, Senator, the Honourable Kim Pate, Senator, the Honourable Vernon White, Senator and Mr. Sameer Zuberi, MP.
February 25, 2021
CPC Virtual Workshop: Promote and Respect for International Humanitarian Law - Placing Humanity First -– By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The objective of this workshop was to gain a better understanding of the relevance of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to legislatures and to parliamentarians. Participants were given a general introduction to IHL and its history. The Honourable Marilou McPhedran, Senator, gave a presentation on the roles and responsibilities of parliamentarians in implementing and upholding IHL at the domestic and international levels. She provided several examples from the Parliament of Canada’s perspective. The workshop was also attended by the Honourable Salma Ataullahjan, Senator, the Honourable Kim Pate, Senator, and Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, MP.
February 23, 2021
CPC Virtual Workshop - National Action Towards Climate Change: Role of Parliaments and Parliamentarians of the Commonwealth
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
This workshop focussed on the role of parliamentarians in advocating, introducing, and implementing climate change policy as well as on how they can help close important policy gaps between the global, national, and local levels of governance. During this workshop, Mr. Terry Duguid, MP, gave a presentation that focussed on Canada’s domestic response to climate change and the challenges of climate action in the Canadian federal system. Mr. Duguid also answered questions relating to the role of parliamentarians in elaborating and implementing climate change legislation. The workshop was also attended by the Honourable Kim Pate, Senator.
February 22 - 24, 2021
CPA Post-Election Virtual Seminar for the House of Representatives of Trinidad and Tobago
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
Giving Parliamentarians a Voice: Amendments, Debates, Parliamentary Questions, and Motions
This session provided an overview of the various tools parliamentarians can use to draw the attention of their respective chambers to issues of importance to them and to their constituents. The Honourable Yuen Pau Woo, Senator, was invited to share his knowledge and experiences as Facilitator of the Independent Senators Group in the Senate of Canada. His presentation drew parallels between the Parliament of Canada and the Trinidad and Tobago Parliament. Senator Woo touched on Private Members Bills, Question Period, and the selection of the Speaker.
Public Financial Management
This session focused on various aspects of public financial management in a parliamentary context. As a member of Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Mr. Greg Fergus, MP, gave a presentation on the unique roles and responsibilities of this committee in the Parliament of Canada. He discussed the work of the committee, the Auditor General’s reports to the committee, as well as the important contribution civil society can make in keeping members of the committee informed.
Ethics and Standards
This session looked at various ways Commonwealth parliaments are working to establish ethical parliaments. Ms. Brenda Shanahan, MP, presented some of the Parliament of Canada’s various mechanisms for holding parliamentarians responsible and accountable. She also stressed the importance of transparency as well as personal and institutional responsibility in building trust between parliamentarians and the public.
February 11, 2021
Canadian Regional Council
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
February 3, 2021
CPA UK Virtual Caribbean Regional Workshop on Human Trafficking, Forced Labour and other Contemporary Forms of Exploitation: Your Role as Parliamentarians and Parliamentary Officials
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Caribbean Workshop on Human Trafficking, Forced Labour and Contemporary Forms of Exploitation, organized by CPA UK, took place online from February 2 and 3, 2021. Parliamentarians and officials taking part in the workshop represented the UK, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, St Vincent & Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago and Virgin Islands (UK). The programme explored topics such as child exploitation, debt bondage and the role of the hospitality sector. There was also opportunities for elected representatives to discuss their role in tackling these issues, through debates in parliament, strengthening legislation, providing scrutiny and educating constituents. With the other participants, Senator Julie Miville-Dechêne was invited to discuss the role parliamentarians and officials can play towards eradicating human trafficking, forced labour and other contemporary forms of exploitation. Senator Julie Miville-Dechêne talk about the bill she presented to the Senate in February 2020, Modern Slavery Act, currently numbered S-216.
January 28, 2021
Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Steering Committee - Canadian Region
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
December 1 - 3, 2020
CPA Post-Election Seminar for the Bermuda House of Assembly
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
November 25, 2020
CPA Webinar for Speakers and Presiding Officers: COVID-19 and Independent Parliaments
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
November 23 - 27, 2020
69th Westminster Seminar: Preparing Parliamentarians for a Changing World
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 7, 2020
CPA Roundtable: Working towards a Common Future
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
September 23 - 25, 2020
CPA Post-Election Seminar for the Dominica House of Assembly
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
September 15 - 16, 2020
CPA UK Branch Webinar: Assisting and Protecting Survivors of Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
August 18 - 22, 2020
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
August 14, 2020
CPA UK Branch Webinar on the following subject: The Rise of Cybercrime amid Covid-19
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
July 30, 2020
Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Steering Committee - Canadian Region
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
July 20 - 24, 2020
CPA Post Election Seminar, House of Assembly of Anguilla
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
July 14, 2020
Canadian Regional Council
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
June 9, 2020
CPA UK Branch Webinar on Covid-19 - How can MPs Continue to Communicate with Constituents during COVID-19?
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
May 1, 2020
Virtual Parliamentary Sittings During the COVID-19 Pandemic
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
February 4, 2020
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
6:00 p.m.
To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is 7 days before the meeting.
January 20 - 23, 2020
Bilateral Visit to the Caribbean
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago and Bridgetown, Barbados
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 17 - 20, 2019
41st Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The Canadian Regional Seminar of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), held since 1973, brought together delegates from the federal, provincial, and territorial CPA branches for annual training and exchanges related to their work as legislators. The 41st seminar explored themes relating to citizen engagement and protecting democratic institutions.
September 22 - 29, 2019
64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Kampala, Uganda
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
During this conference, 500 Parliamentarians, parliamentary staff and decision makers from across the Commonwealth came together for professional development, supportive learning and the sharing of best practices to address the critical issues facing today's parliaments. The conference theme was: Adaptation, engagement, and evolution of parliaments in a rapidly changing Commonwealth.
June 11, 2019
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
April 11 - 15, 2019
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The CPA’s International Executive Committee (EXCO) meets twice a year, once in the spring and just prior to the Annual Conference. The Constitution of the CPA vests in an Executive Committee the control and management of the activities and business of the Association. The Executive Committee consists of approximately 35 Members led by the Chairperson of the CPA and comprising the Officers of the Association, and three Regional Representatives from each Region of CPA except Africa which, as a large Region, has six Regional Representatives. The Canadian Branch was hosting the EXCO meeting for the first time since 2004, which was held during the 50th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference.
March 1 - 10, 2019
Bilateral Visit to New Zealand and Samoa
Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand and Apia, Samoa
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The purpose of the bilateral visit to New Zealand and Samoa was to strengthen bonds with our Commonwealth partners and exchange ideas of mutual significance. In particular, our parliamentarians built on and develop common areas of interest, including: people-to-people ties, governance and democracy, indigenous relations and reconciliation, climate change, and trade and investment.
February 26, 2019
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
Room 325, Wellington Building
6:00 p.m.
To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is 7 days before the meeting.
January 24 - 25, 2019
Meeting of the Executive Committee (EXCO) Working Group on Programmes
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
December 6, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
November 26 - 30, 2018
67th Westminster Seminar on Practice and Procedure
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
The 67th Westminster Seminar on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure organized by the United Kingdom Branch of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association gathered 70 parliamentarians and clerks from every region of the Commonwealth to exchange ideas and build knowledge around topics relevant to Westminster-style democracies.
November 5 - 9, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 25, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 11 - 14, 2018
40th Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
September 1 - 8, 2018
Bilateral Visit to South Africa and Kenya
Cape Town, South Africa and Nairobi, Kenya
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
July 22 - 27, 2018
56th Canadian Regional Conference
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
June 8 - 11, 2018
Expert Committee Meeting on Status (EXCO)
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
May 22, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
April 25, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
March 30 - April 7, 2018
Bilateral Visit to Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
March 21 - 24, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Port Louis, Mauritius
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
March 4 - 8, 2018
Participation in Post-election Seminar
Mombasa, Kenya
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
February 26 - March 1, 2018
Commonwealth Parliamentarians' Forum
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
February 7, 2018
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
December 4, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
November 13 - 17, 2017
66th Westminster Seminar on Practice and Procedure
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
November 2 - 12, 2017
63rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference and Bilateral Visit to Sri Lanka
Dhaka, Bangladesh and Colombo, Sri Lanka
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 16 - 20, 2017
14th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 10 - 13, 2017
39th Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
August 19 - 31, 2017
Bilateral Visit to Africa
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Lusaka, Zambia
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
July 16 - 22, 2017
55th Canadian Regional Conference
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
June 7, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
April 24 - 27, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Darwin, Australia
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
April 12, 2017
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
April 4, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
March 27 - 31, 2017
International Parliamentary Conference on National Security and Cybersecurity Day
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 22, 2017
Reception to mark the 150th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 10 - 12, 2017
Expert Committee Meeting on Status (EXCO)
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 7 - 8, 2017
Participation of Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) in Daughters of the Vote initiative 2017 – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 24 - 27, 2017
Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Working Group
Steyning, West Sussex, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 16, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
December 11 - 17, 2016
62nd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 21 - 25, 2016
65th Westminster Seminar on Practice and Procedure
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 10 - 12, 2016
38th Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
Québec, Quebec, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 26, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 1 - 4, 2016
9th Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Outreach Program
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 9 - 18, 2016
Bilateral Visit
Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad, India
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 17 - 23, 2016
54th Canadian Regional Conference
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 29 - June 4, 2016
13th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 18, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 4, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 3, 2016
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 27 - 30, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 29 - April 7, 2016
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Workshops
Georgetown, Guyana
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 24, 2016
Visit of Baroness Patricia Scotland, Secretary-General Designate of the Commonwealth
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 14 - 17, 2016
International Parliamentary Conference on Energy, Sustainability and Development
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 12 - 19, 2016
Bilateral Visit
London, United Kingdom and Valletta, Malta
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 24, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 22, 2016
Visit of the Right Honourable Hugo Swire, M.P., Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 7 - 14, 2016
Bilateral Visit
Turks and Caicos and Georgetown, Guyana
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 26, 2016
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 12 - 15, 2015
37th Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 4 - 8, 2015
8th Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Outreach Program
Toronto and Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 1 - 5, 2015
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 20 - 25, 2015
53rd Canadian Regional Conference
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 27 - 28, 2015
Visit to Canada of a Ministerial delegation from the Turks and Caicos Islands
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 25 - 29, 2015
12th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 12, 2015
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 2 - 10, 2015
Election Assessment Mission to the United Kingdom
London, England, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 29, 2015
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 27 - 30, 2015
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Sabah, Malaysia
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 27 - 28, 2015
Conference on Open data and Open Parliament
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 8 - 10, 2015
Workshop on Parliamentary Codes of Conduct
Melbourne, Australia
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 24 - 24, 2015
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 19, 2015
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 5 - 15, 2015
Bilateral Visit
Hobart, Canberra and Sydney, Australia
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 3, 2015
Annual Briefing with DFATD
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 27, 2015
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 18 - 20, 2014
CPA UK Branch Parliamentary Conference
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 3, 2014
Visit to Canada of a Parliamentary Delegation from the Falkland Islands
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 3, 2014
Reception celebrating Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 21, 2014
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 16 - 19, 2014
36th Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 2 - 10, 2014
60th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Yaounde, Cameroon
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 20 - 26, 2014
52nd Canadian Regional Conference
Fredericton, New-Brunswick, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 16 - 20, 2014
63rd Westminster Seminar on Practice and Procedure
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 1 - 7, 2014
11th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 6, 2014
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 28 - May 1, 2014
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 21 - 26, 2014
Visit to the Caribbean
Grenada, St. Vincent and British Virgin Islands
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 8 - 12, 2014
Bilateral Visit
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 4, 2014
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 13 - 15, 2014
Visit to the USA
Washington, D.C., United States of America
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 31 - November 2, 2013
35th Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 23, 2013
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
August 28 - September 6, 2013
59th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Johannesburg, South Africa
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 14 - 20, 2013
Canadian Regional Conference
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 17 - 21, 2013
62nd Westminster Seminar on Practice and Procedure
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 2 - 8, 2013
10th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 14, 2013
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 7, 2013
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 17, 2013
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 3 - 10, 2013
Visit to the Caribbean - Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Jamaica
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 26 - 26, 2013
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 17 - 22, 2013
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
George Town, Cayman Islands
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 8 - 16, 2013
Bilateral Visit
India and Bangladesh
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 11 - 15, 2013
British Islands and Mediterranean Region Conference
Stanley, Falkland Islands
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 5, 2013
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 3, 2012
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 9 - 15, 2012
58th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
August 31 - September 8, 2012
Bilateral Visit
Mumbai, Bangalore and Kerala, India
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 15 - 21, 2012
Canadian Regional Conference
Québec, Quebec, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 20, 2012
Luncheon in honour of a visiting delegation from the Republic of South Africa
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 8, 2012
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 16 - 21, 2012
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 12, 2012
Commonwealth Day
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 5 - 9, 2012
61st Westminster Seminar on Practice and Procedure
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 28, 2012
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 17 - 26, 2012
Bilateral Visit
Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai, India
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
December 14, 2011
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
December 8 - 9, 2011
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 28 - December 2, 2011
United Kingdom Conference on Meeting the Millenium Development Goals
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 24 - 30, 2011
22nd Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar
New Delhi, India
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 16, 2011
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 3 - 6, 2011
33rd Canadian Regional Seminar
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 16 - 22, 2011
9th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 4, 2011
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 9 - 17, 2011
Bilateral Visit
Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 21 - 28, 2011
57th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
July 16, 2011
Canadian Regional Council
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 13 - 19, 2011
Canadian Regional Conference
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 21, 2011
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 9, 2011
Commonwealth Day Reception
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 7 - 18, 2011
60th Westminster Seminar on Practice and Procedure
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 23 - 28, 2011
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 21 - 24, 2011
Working Party Meeting
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 19 - 24, 2011
Bilateral Visit
Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 2, 2011
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 24 - 27, 2011
CPA Parliamentary Seminar
Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
December 9, 2010
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 15 - 26, 2010
CPA UK Branch Seminar
London and Cardiff, United Kingdom and Brussels, Belgium
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 21 - 24, 2010
32nd Canadian Regional Seminar
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 17 - 23, 2010
8th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 6, 2010
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 10 - 19, 2010
56th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Nairobi, Kenya
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 9 - 12, 2010
Bilateral Visit
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 23 - 31, 2010
35th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic
Port of Spain, Trinidad
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 15 - 15, 2010
Canadian Regional Council
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 11 - 16, 2010
Canadian Regional Conference
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 3 - 5, 2010
9th Commonwealth Women's Affairs Ministers Meeting Partners Forum: Parliamentary Workshop on HIV/AIDS and Unpaid Care Work
Bridgetown, Barbados
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 8 - 13, 2010
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Lobamba, Swaziland
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 5, 2010
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 31 - 31, 2010
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 23 - 23, 2010
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 8, 2010
Commonwealth Day
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 31 - February 6, 2010
International Parliamentary Conference on Peacebuilding: Tackling State Fragility
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
December 11 - 19, 2009
Bilateral Visit to New Zealand
Auckland, Rotorua and Wellington, New Zealand
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
December 1, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 11, 2009
Parliamentary Committees Workshop for Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 18 - 24, 2009
7th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 29 - October 6, 2009
55th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Arusha, Tanzania
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 17, 2009
Commonwealth Conversation
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 18 - 24, 2009
Canadian Regional Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 12 - 16, 2009
34th CPA Regional Conference, the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic
Georgetown, Guyana
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 5 - 11, 2009
International Parliamentary Conference on Climate Change: Countdown to Copenhagen
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 19, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 15 - 19, 2009
British Islands and Mediterranean Region Conference
St. Peter Port, Guernsey
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 12, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 5, 2009
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 13 - 18, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Hamilton, Bermuda
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 31 - 31, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 14 - 21, 2009
Bilateral Visit
Nicosia, Cyprus and Valetta, Malta
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 9, 2009
Commonwealth Day
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 24 - 24, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 11 - 11, 2009
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 2 - 7, 2009
Conference on International Migration & Human Trafficking
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 27 - 27, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
December 6 - 6, 2008
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 16 - 22, 2008
International Development: Aid Effectiveness
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
August 10 - 14, 2008
Bilateral Visit
Singapore, Singapore
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
August 1 - 10, 2008
54th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 21 - 27, 2008
Canadian Regional Conference
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 29 - July 6, 2008
33rd CPA Regional Conference of the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic
Anguilla, Anguilla
Canadian Section of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 8 - 14, 2008
20th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 8 - 20, 2008
CPA UK Branch Seminar
London, United Kingdom and Brussels, Belgium
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 14, 2008
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 5, 2008
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 21 - 26, 2008
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Jersey, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 9, 2008
Commonwealth Ministerial Debt Sustainability Forum
Washington D.C., United States of America
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 10, 2008
Commonwealth Day
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
February 3 - 8, 2008
CPA UK Branch Conference on Tackling Drugs, Changing Communities - Challenges for Parliamentarians
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 15 - 22, 2008
Bilateral Visit
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 26 - 30, 2007
CPA UK Branch Seminar on Climate Change
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 27 - November 3, 2007
19th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar
Edinburgh, Scotland
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 21 - 27, 2007
6th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 21 - 30, 2007
53rd CPA Conference
Delhi, India
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 27, 2007
50th Canadian Regional Council Meeting
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 23 - 29, 2007
45th Canadian Regional Conference
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 24 - 30, 2007
32nd Regional Conference of the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic
Cayman Island
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 10 - 22, 2007
Seminar on Governance in the UK
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
June 6, 2007
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 2, 2007
National Student Commonwealth Forum - BBQ, Ottawa - Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
April 16 - 21, 2007
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Limassol, Cyprus
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 7 - 13, 2007
Bilateral Visit
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 22 - 28, 2006
5th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 12 - 15, 2006
28th CPA Canadian Regional Seminar
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
September 1 - 10, 2006
52nd Parliamentary Conference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 13, 2006
49th Canadian Regional Council
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
July 8 - 14, 2006
44th Canadian Regional Conference
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 28 - June 3, 2006
18th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar
Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 7 - 19, 2006
United Kingdom Seminar
United Kingdom and Belgium
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 3 - 7, 2006
Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)
Isle of Man
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
May 3, 2006
National Student Commonwealth Forum
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 20 - 24, 2006
Workshop on Committee Strengthening
Trinidad and Tobago
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
March 6 - 17, 2006
55th Westminster Seminar
London, United Kingdom
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 22 - 28, 2006
CPA-UK Seminar on Restoring Faith in the Political Process: Tackling Corruption; Upholding Human Rights; the Role of the Media
London, United Kingdom
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
January 4 - 9, 2006
18th Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers Conference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 20 - 26, 2005
4th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar
Ontario, Canada
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
November 7 - 18, 2005
Commonwealth Parliamentary Visit
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
October 20 - 23, 2005
27th Canadian Regional Seminar
September 1 - 10, 2005
51st Parliamentary Conference
July 19 - 24, 2005
43rd Canadian Regional Conference
June 4, 2005
Canadian Regional Council Meeting
May 29 - June 4, 2005
17th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar
South Africa
May 26 - 29, 2005
Study Group on the Administration of Parliament
May 4, 2005
The National Students Commonwealth Forum
April 10 - 15, 2005
International Executive Committee (EXCO)
March 7 - 18, 2005
54th Westminster Seminar
January 13 - 24, 2005
Bilateral Visit
Falkland Islands
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
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