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REGS Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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(Meeting No. 6)

Thursday, February 26, 1998

The Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations met at 8:34 a.m. this day in Room 256-S, Centre Block, the Joint Chairman, Mr. Derek Lee, presiding.

Members of the committee present:

Representing the Senate: Maria Ferretti Barth, Normand Grimard, William Kelly, P. Derek Lewis, Wilfred P. Moore. (5)

Representing the House of Commons: Paul DeVillers, Marlene Jennings, Derek Lee, Gary Lunn, Ghislain Lebel, John Maloney, Gurbax Singh-Malhi, Tom Wappel, Ted White (9).

In attendance: Suzanne Verville, Joint Clerk of the Committee (House of Commons); François-R. Bernier, General Counsel and Peter Bernhardt, Counsel to the committee, Research Branch, Library of Parliament.

The committee continued its consideration of its permanent Order of Reference, section 19, The Statutory Instruments Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. S-22, which follows:

19. Every statutory instrument issued, made or established after December 31, 1971, other than an instrument the inspection of which and the obtaining of copies of which are precluded by any regulations made pursuant to paragraph 20( d), shall stand permanently referred to any committee of the House of Commons, of the Senate or of both Houses of Parliament that may be established for the purpose of reviewing and scrutinizing statutory instruments.

On SOR/88-361 -- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regulations, 1988

Consideration of draft report

The committee undertook consideration of its draft Second Report on sections 56 and 57 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regulations, 1988, SOR/88-361.

Mr. Wappel moved that the report be adopted

During debate on the motion it was agreed that in a letter addressed to the Solicitor General, it will be indicated that if the regulations in question are not changed by April 2, 1998 the committee will consider reporting that the regulations be revoked.

After debate, the question being put on the motion, it was -- Adopted with Ms Jennings abstaining.

On Thermal Power General Emissions - National Guidelines for New Stationary Sources;

SOR/90-453 -- PCB Waste Export Regulations; SOR/91-152 -- Chlorobiphenyls Regulations; SOR/92-632 -- Schedule II to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, amendment; SOR/92-636 -- List of Hazardous Waste Authorities; SOR/93-433 -- Ocean Dumping Regulations, 1988, amendment; SOR/94-260 -- New Substances Notification Regulations; SOR/94-261 -- Masked Name Regulations.

It was agreed to accept the work plan submitted by the Department of the Environment to the committee with respect to outstanding concerns raised at the committee meeting of December 4, 1997 and that Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/87-65 -- Assessor's Rules of Procedure,

It was agreed to invite officials of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food before the committee and subsequently consider writing a letter to the Minister.

On SI/97-38 -- Order Authorizing the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to Prescribe Fees

It was agreed, -- That Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Department of Ariculture & Agri-Food with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/97-11-Credit Information (Insurance Companies) Regulations; SOR/96-555-Regulations Amending the Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg and Chick Orderly Marketing Regulations; SOR/89-524-Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg and Chick Orderly Marketing Regulations.

It was agreed, --That the file be closed.

On SOR/90-218 -- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations, amendment,

It was agreed, -- That Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken and to invite officials of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food to appear before the committee.

On SOR/82-925 -- Form of Proxy Regulations

It was agreed, -- That Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions with respect and to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/92-650 -- Health of Animals Regulations, amendment

It was agreed, -- That the file be closed.

On SOR/97-151 -- Regulations Amending certain Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Regulations (Miscellaneous Programs) 1996-1

It was agreed, -- That Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SI/94-8 -- Order Designating the Minister for International Trade as Minister for Purposes of Sections 1 to 9 and Parts I and III of the Act

It was agreed, -- That Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/91-373 -- Conference of European Ministers of Justice Privileges and Immunities Order, 1991

It was agreed, -- That Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/92-134 -- Redpath Specialty Products Sucralose Remission Order; SOR/94-73 -- Prospectus Exemptions (Banks) Regulations; SOR/94-74 -- Prospectus Exemptions (Cooperative Credit Associations) Regulations; SOR/94-75 -- Prospectus Exemptions (Insurance Companies) Regulations; SOR/94-76 -- Prospectus Exemptions (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations; SOR/96-227 -- Income Tax Regulations, amendment; SOR/96-430 -- Fertilizers Fees Order; SOR/97-371 -- Minority Investment (Banks) Regulations; SOR/97-372 -- Minority Investment (Cooperative Credit Associations) Regulations; SOR/97-373 -- Minority Investment (Insurance Companies) Regulations; SOR/97-374 -- Minority Investment (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations;

It was agreed, -- That Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/96-30 -- Canadian International Trade Tribunal Procurement Inquiry Regulations; SOR/96-460 -- Tax Collection Agreements and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Regulations, 1987, amendment; SOR/96-551 -- Regulations Amending the Federal Sales Tax New Housing Rebate Regulations (Miscellaneous Program)

It was agreed, --That the file be closed.

The committee considered the following Statutory Instruments without comment.

On SI/93-138 -- Order Transferring to the Department of Supply and Services the Control and Supervision of the Government Telecommunications Agency and the Translation Bureau and Transferring to the Minister of Supply and Services the Powers, Duties and Functions of the Minister of Public Works and Amalgamating and Combining the Department of Supply and Services and the Department of Public Works Under the Minister of Supply and Services; SI/93-141 -- Order Transferring to the Department of Industry, Science and Technology the Control and Supervision of Certain Portions of the Public Service and Transferring to the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology the Powers, Duties and Functions of the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs and Amalgamating and Combining the Departments of Industry, Science and Technology and the Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs under the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology; SI/93-142 -- Order Transferring to the Department of Employment and Immigration the Control and Supervision of Certain Portions of the Public Service and Transferring to the Minister of Employment and

Immigration the Powers, Duties and Functions of the Minister of Labour and Amalgamating and Combining the Department of Employment and Immigration and the Department of Labour Under the Minister of Employment and Immigration; SI/93-144 -- Order Transferring to the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources the Powers, Duties and Functions of the Minister of Forestry and Amalgamating and Combining the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Department of Forestry under the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources; SI/95-63 -- Appointment of Certain Employees of the Canada Communication Group to the Department of Supply and Services Exclusion Approval Order; SI/95-71 -- Appointment of Certain Persons Employed with the Advisory Council on the Status of Women to the Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women Exclusion Approval Order; SI/95-72 -- Statistics Canada 1996 Census of Population Terms Exclusion Approval Order, amendment; SI/95-97 -- Appointment of Graham Van Aggelen and Craig Buday to Certain Positions of the Department of Environment Exclusion Approval Order; SI/95-98 -- Appointment of Certain Persons to Certain Positions in the Laboratories Division of the Environmental Conservation Branch of the Pacific and Yukon Region of the Department of Environment Exclusion Approval Order; SI/96-1 -- Order Fixing January 1, 1996 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act; SI/96-41 -- Order Fixing May 14, 1996 as the Date of the Coming into Force of the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act; SI/96-60 -- Order Fixing July 1, 1996 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of An Act to amend Certain Acts in relation to the Pensions and to Enact the Special Retirement Arrangements Act and the Pension Benefits Division Act; SI/96-65 -- Order Fixing July 15, 1996 as the Date of the Coming into Force of the Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act; SI/96-73 -- Order Fixing July 12, 1996 as the Date of the Coming into Force of An Act to amend the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Income Tax Act and the Tax Court of Canada Act; SI/96-81 -- Order Fixing October 1, 1996 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Intellectual Property Law Improvement Act; SI/96-83 -- Order Fixing September 11, 1996 as the Date of the Coming into Force of an Act to amend the Explosives Act; SI/97-8 -- Certain Taxpayers Remission Order, 1996-3; SOR/92-357 -- Special Financing Corporation (Banks) Regulations; SOR/92-358 -- Specialized Financing Corporation (Insurance Companies) Regulations; SOR/92-359 -- Specialized Financing Corporation (Cooperative Credit Associations) Regulations; SOR/92-511 -- Unemployment Insurance Regulations, amendment; SOR/92-614 -- Specialty Services Regulations, 1990, amendment; SOR/92-615 -- Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987, amendment; SOR/93-378 -- United States Tariff Rules of Origin Regulations, amendment; SOR/93-380 -- United States Tariff Rules of Origin Regulations, amendment; SOR/93-467 -- Food and Drug Regulations, amendment; SOR/93-468 -- Food and Drug Regulations, amendment; SOR/93-469 -- Automatic Firearms Country Control List, amendment; SOR/93-475 -- Food and Drug Regulations

amendment; SOR/93-560 -- Surtax on Boneless Beef Order, 1994; SOR/93-610 -- Automotive Goods Rules of Origin Regulations; SOR/94-12 -- Surtax on Boneless Beef Order No. 2, 1994; SOR/94-13 -- Boneless Beef Remission Order, 1993; SOR/94-124 -- Atlantic Pilotage Tariff Regulations, amendment; SOR/94-560 -- Atlantic Pilotage Tariff Regulations, amendment; SOR/95-35 -- Export Control List, amendment; SOR/95-120 -- Immigration Act Fees Regulations, amendment; SOR/95-153 -- Statistics Canada 1996 Census of Population Terms Exclusion Approval Order Statistics Canada 1996 Census of Population Terms Regulations; SOR/95-167 -- Special Appointment Regulations, No. 1995-3; SOR/95-235 -- Import Control List, amendment; SOR/95-236 -- Export Control List, amendment; SOR/95-300 -- Canadian International Trade Tribunal Procurement Inquiry Regulations, amendment; SOR/95-345 -- Burwash Airport Zoning Regulations; SOR/95-346 -- Mayo Airport Zoning Regulations; SOR/95-457 -- Retirement Compensation Arrangements Regulations, No. 2, amendment; SOR/95-464 -- Feed Grain Transportation and Storage Assistance Regulations, amendment; SOR/95-503 -- Order Directing the CRTC to Issue a Notice to all Television Networks throughout Canada to Broadcast a Special Message from the Prime Minister; SOR/95-595 -- Retirement Compensation Arrangements Regulations, No. 2, amendment; SOR/96-75 -- Proclamation Amending the Schedule to the Royal Canadian Mint Act, amendment; SOR/96-104 -- Proclamation Amending the Schedule to the Royal Canadian Mint Act; SOR/96-105 -- Proclamation Authorizing the Issue and Prescribing the Composition, Dimensions and Design of a Two Dollar Precious Metal Coin; SOR/96-251 -- Retirement Compensation Arrangements Regulations No. 2, amendment; SOR/96-455 -- Proclamation Authorizing the Issue and Prescribing the Composition, Dimensions and Design of a One Hundred Dollar Precious Metal Coin; SOR/96-490 -- Proclamation Authorizing the Issue and Prescribing the Composition, Dimensions and Designs of Two Twenty Dollar Precious Metal Coins; SOR/96-552 -- Proclamation Authorizing the Issue and Prescribing the Composition, Dimensions and Design of a One Dollar Precious Metal Coin; SOR/97-23 -- Regulations Amending the Citizenship Regulations, 1993; SOR/97-225 -- Société de Cogénération Kingsey Turbine Remission Order; SOR/97-259 -- Regulations Amending the Cable Television Regulations, 1986; SOR/97-260 -- Regulations Amending the Cable Television Regulations, 1986.

At 10:05 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Tõnu Onu

Joint Clerk of the Committee (Senate)