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REGS Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Proceedings of the Standing Joint Committee for the
Scrutiny of Regulations

Issue 16 - Minutes of Proceedings

OTTAWA, Thursday, March 24, 2011


The Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations met at 8:35 a.m., this day, in room 256-S, Centre Block, the joint chairs, the Honourable Yonah Martin and Mr. Andrew Kania, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Hervieux-Payette, P.C., Martin and Moore (3).

Representing the House of Commons: Rob Anders, Gérard Asselin, Gordon Brown, Dona Cadman, Marlene Jennings, Andrew Kania, Derek Lee, Pascal-Pierre Paillé, Andrew Saxton and Rodney Weston (10).

Acting members present for the House of Commons: Peter Stoffer for Brian Masse (1).

Also present: Graeme Truelove, Joint Clerk of the Committee (House of Commons); Peter Bernhardt, General Counsel, and Jacques Rousseau, Counsel, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Library of Parliament.

In attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.

The committee proceeded to consider its permanent order of reference, as set out in section 19, the Statutory Instruments Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. S-22, which provides for the following:

Every statutory instrument issued, made or established after December 31, 1971, other than an instrument the inspection of which and the obtaining of copies of which are precluded by any regulations made pursuant to paragraph 20(d), shall stand permanently referred to any committee of the House of Commons, of the Senate or of both Houses of Parliament that may be established for the purpose of reviewing and scrutinizing statutory instruments.

In the matter of SOR/93-486 — Canadian Wheat Board Regulations, amendment, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Canadian Wheat Board with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/2003-284 — Regulations Amending the Canada Grain Regulations, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/2010-28 — Order Exempting Bands from the Operation of Section 32 of the Indian Act, it was agreed that the joint chairs correspond with the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/2002-182 — Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Part VI), it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Transport Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/2002-352 — Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Parts I, VI and VIII), it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Transport Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of C.R.C. c. 931 — Hazardous Products (Toys) Regulations, as amended by SOR/91-267, it was agreed that counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

In the matter of SOR/98-443 — Environmental Assessment Review Panel Service Charges Order, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/2004-109 — Regulations Amending the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Environment Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of C.R.C. c. 1238 — Northwest Territories Reindeer Regulations, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/93-382 — Prince Edward Island Cattle Marketing Levies Order, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Farm Products Council of Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/2001-203 — Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (1024 — Clinical Trials), it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Health Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/2003-212 — Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Cost Recovery Fees Regulations, it was agreed that counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

In the matter of C.R.C. c. 1551 — Textile Labelling and Advertising Regulations, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Competition Bureau Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SI/2009-94 — Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Saoyú-Æehdacho (Grizzly Bear Mountain and Scented Grass Hills) National Historic Site) Order, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SI/2010-18 — Withdrawal from Disposal, Setting Apart and Appropriation of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Reindeer Grazing Reserve) Order, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/92-23 — Health of Animals Regulations, amendment, it was agreed that counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

In the matter of SOR/2007-24 — Regulations Amending the Health of Animals Regulations and the Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Administered and Enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, it was agreed that counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

In the matter of SOR/2010-43 — By-law Amending Certain By-laws Made Under the Canadian Payments Act, it was agreed that counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

In the matter of SOR/2010-271 — Regulations Amending the Consular Services Fees Regulations, it was agreed that the file be closed.

In the matter of SOR/2010-289 — Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the Canada Post Corporation Act (Miscellaneous Program), it was agreed that the file be closed.

The committee considered the following Statutory Instruments without comment:

Seeds Fees Notice;

SI/2011-1 — Order Terminating the Assignment of the Honourable Peter Kent;

SI/2011-2 — Order Terminating the Assignment of the Honourable Diane Ablonczy and Assigning the Honourable Diane Ablonczy to Assist the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Americas and Consular Affairs);

SI/2011-3 — Order Assigning the Honourable Ted Menzies to Assist the Minister of Finance;

SI/2011-4 — Order Assigning the Honourable Julian Fantino to Assist the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development;

SOR/2009-183 — Canadian Press Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations;

SOR/2009-268 — Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Part I);

SOR/2010-129 — Regulations Amending Schedules I and III to the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act;

SOR/2010-162 — Order Amending the Area Control List;

SOR/2010-185 — Order 2010-87-09-02 Amending the Domestic Substances List;

SOR/2010-186 — Order 2010-105-09-01 Amending the Domestic Substances List;

SOR/2010-194 — Order Adding a Toxic Substance to Schedule 1 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999;

SOR/2010-200 — Order Authorizing the Issue and Determining the Composition, Dimensions and Designs of a Twenty-five Cent Circulation Coin;

SOR/2010-207 — Order Amending the British Columbia Vegetable Marketing Levies Order;

SOR/2010-213 — Regulations Repealing the Canada Industrial Relations Remuneration Regulations;

SOR/2010-219 — Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Parts I and VI — Airspeed Limitations on Take-off;

SOR/2010-228 — Order Amending the Indian Bands Council Elections Order (Chemainus); and

SOR/2010-244 — Regulations Amending the Atlantic Pilotage Tariff Regulations, 1996.

At 9:36 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the joint chairs.


Marcy Zlotnick

Joint Clerk of the Committee (Senate)