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Bill C-267

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Second Session, Fortieth Parliament,
57 Elizabeth II, 2009
BILL C-267
An Act to provide for a House of Commons committee to review the possibility of using proportional representation in federal elections

first reading, January 27, 2009

Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre)


The purpose of this enactment is to provide for a review of the possibility of using proportional representation in federal elections. A standing committee of the House will be designated to conduct this review and to report with recommendations after public hearings.
A referendum may be held and the question shall be whether electors favour replacing the present electoral process with the process proposed by the Proportional Representation Committee as concurred in by the House.
The referendum, if any, must be held at the same time as the next general election.

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2nd Session, 40th Parliament,
57 Elizabeth II, 2009
house of commons of canada
BILL C-267
An Act to provide for a House of Commons committee to review the possibility of using proportional representation in federal elections
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Proportional Representation Review Act.
2. The definitions in this section apply in this Act.
« ministre »
“Minister” means the member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada designated by the Governor in Council for the purposes of the Canada Elections Act.
“proportional representation”
« représentation proportionnelle »
“proportional representation” means an electoral process that provides for the allocation of some of the seats in a legislative body or chamber to members democratically designated by parties so that the overall proportion of seats held in the body or chamber by each party approximates to the proportion of votes cast for the party on a national basis.
“Proportional Representation Committee”
« Comité de la représentation proportionnelle »
“Proportional Representation Committee” means the standing committee of the House of Commons designated under section 3.
Committee study
3. Within 30 sitting days after the coming into force of this Act, the Minister shall, by a motion in the House of Commons, propose that a standing committee of the House, designated therein,
(a) ensure public consultation on the question of whether the present process used in federal elections should be replaced with proportional representation;
(b) conduct public hearings in every province and territory as part of the public consultation;
(c) study electoral processes outside Canada that use proportional representation; and
(d) report to the House of Commons with recommendations within 180 days of adoption of the motion by the House.
Draft question
4. If the Proportional Representation Committee report provided for in paragraph 3(d) recommends replacing the present process with proportional representation, the Proportional Representation Committee shall include in its report a draft question to be put to the electors of Canada, at a referendum to be held in accordance with section 6, which asks whether the present process used in federal elections should be replaced with proportional representation as defined in the question.
Information to public on recommendations
5. Upon concurrence by the House of Commons with the Proportional Representa-tion Committee’s report and proposed referendum question as described in section 4, the Minister shall, within 30 sitting days after the concurrence, table in the House of Commons a detailed plan by which the government will provide electors with sufficient information concerning the report and the referendum question to allow them to make an informed decision when voting in the referendum to be held in accordance with section 6.
Proclamation of referendum
6. Where a referendum question is approved by the House of Commons, the Governor in Council shall, by proclamation issued in the manner provided for in section 3 of the Referendum Act, direct that the opinion of electors be obtained on the question, by putting the question to the electors of Canada at a referendum to be held on the date of the next general election of members of the House of Commons.
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons
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