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Bill C-437

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This enactment provides the legal framework for preparing and implementing a National Sustainable Development Strategy that will eliminate all major environmental problems by 2030 and achieve environmental sustainability. It requires the Government of Canada to adopt specific goals with respect to sustainable development. It provides for the adoption of the official National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Government of Canada.
It provides for the appointment of the Cabinet Committee on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Advisory Council to advise the Government on the development of the National Sustainable Development Strategy.
The enactment also provides for the appointment of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development by the Governor in Council. It lists the Commissioner’s powers and obligations, which include monitoring progress in achieving sustainable development and reporting to Parliament on the implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy. The Commissioner can also receive petitions and follow up on the appropriate minister’s response to them.
The enactment creates a Green Fund to assist in the implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy.

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