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SJCA Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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(Meeting No. 16)

Friday, April 3, 1998

The Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access met at 9:10 o’clock a.m., this day, in the Cartier Room, Radisson Hotel, Montreal, the Joint Chairs, the Honourable Landon Pearson and Roger Gallaway presiding.

Members of the Committee present:

From the Senate: The Honourable Senators Anne Cools, Duncan Jessiman, Landon Pearson and Lucie Pépin.

From the House of Commons: Eleni Bakopanos, Carolyn Bennett, Paul Forseth, Roger Gallaway, Caroline St-Hiliare and Diane St-Jacques.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Kristen Douglas, Research Coordinator.

Witnesses: As an Individual: Cerise Morris, Ph. D. From "Ordre Professionnelle des Travailleurs Sociaux du Québec": Claudette Guilmaine, Social Worker, Family Mediator. From the University of Quebec in Hull, Department of Social Work: Denyse Côté. From Goldwater, Dubé: Anne France Goldwater, Barrister, Family Law. From the Organization for the Protection of Children’s Rights: Riccardo Di Done, Founding President and Angela Ficca, Lawyer. As an Individual: Jacques Gurvits.

Pursuant to its Orders of Reference from the Senate dated October 28, 1997 and from the House of Commons dated November 18, 1997 the Committee resumed its study relating to child custody and access.

The witnesses made opening statements and answered questions.

It was agreed – That two individuals be permitted to address the Committee for 5 minutes, one at the end of the morning sitting and one at the end of the afternoon sitting.

At 12:04 p.m. the sitting was suspended.

At 1:10 o’clock p.m. the sitting resumed

Witnesses: From Parental Alienation Information: Pamela Stuart-Mills. From F.E.D.-U.P.: William Levy, President; Tony Drafouka, Member and Harry Braunschweiller, Member. From McGill University, Department of Education Counselling: Professor Glenn Cartwright and Despina Vassilion. From "Groupe d’entraide aux Pères et de Soutien à l’Enfant": Claude Lachaine, Director and Ghislain Prud’homme, Director. From Montreal Men Against Sexism: Martin Dufresne. As an Individual: Naïma Bendris. From Nemesis Network: Elizabeth Cook. As an Individual: Janice Outcalt.

The witnesses made opening statements and answered questions.

At 3:36 o’clock p.m., the Committee adjourned.



Joint Clerks of the Committee