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Bill C-64

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2nd Session, 35th Parliament,
45 Elizabeth II, 1996-97

The House of Commons of Canada


An Act respecting the inspection of fish and marine plants

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Fish Inspection Act.



2. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Act.

« contenant »

``container'' means a receptacle, package, wrapper or confining band used in market ing fish.

``conveyance' '
« véhicule »

``conveyance'' means any vessel, aircraft, train, motor vehicle, cargo container, trailer or other means of transportation of goods or fish.

« établisse-

``establishment'' means a freezer-factory ship with an enclosed processing deck or a plant or building where fish are prepared for mar ket.

« exporta-

``export'' means to send or convey fish to another province or country for the purpose of marketing it.

« poisson »

``fish'' includes

      (a) parts of fish;

      (b) shellfish, crustaceans, marine ani mals and any parts of shellfish, crusta ceans or marine animals;

      (c) the eggs, sperm, spawn, larvae, spat and juvenile stages of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and marine animals; and

      (d) fish products or by-products.

``grade name''
« nom de catégorie »

``grade name'' means a prescribed name or designation for a category or class of fish.

« importa-
tion »

``import'' means to convey or bring fish into Canada for the purpose of marketing it.

``inspection mark''
« sceau d'inspection »

``inspection mark'' means a prescribed mark, stamp or seal applied to any fish or its con tainer or to an inspection certificate.

« inspecteur »

``inspector'' means an inspector designated under section 34.

``licensed establish-
« établisse-
ment agréé

``licensed establishment'' means an establish ment in respect of which a plant operating licence is issued under section 9.

« commercia-

``marketing'' means preparing, advertising, purchasing, conveying, distributing, trad ing in and selling fish and any other act nec essary to make fish available for consump tion or use.

« ministre »

``Minister'' means the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

« condition-

``preparing'' includes processing, storing, in specting, grading, assembling, packaging, pricing, marking, coding and labelling.

Version anglaise seulement

``prescribed'' means prescribed by regulation.

« transfor-

``processing'' includes cleaning, filleting, washing, shucking, icing, packing, can ning, freezing, irradiating, pasteurizing, smoking, salting, cooking, pickling and drying.


(2) Unless the context requires otherwise, every reference in this Act to fish shall be read as including a reference to marine plants, including benthic and detached algae, marine flowering plants, brown algae, red algae, green algae, phytoplankton and their products and by-products.


Binding on Her Majesty

3. This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.



4. No person shall import, export or prepare fish for export without a licence issued under this Act.

Tainted fish

5. No person shall import, export or have in possession for export any fish that is tainted, decomposed or unwholesome, as defined in the regulations, or any containers that do not meet the prescribed requirements.

Requirements for vessels

6. (1) No person shall catch fish from a vessel for the purpose of marketing it, unless the vessel meets the prescribed requirements.

Transporting fish for export

(2) No person shall import or export fish or convey it to or from a licensed establishment or a person who holds an export licence unless the conveyances and equipment used for loading, unloading, handling, holding or transporting the fish meet the prescribed requirements.

Export prohibition

7. (1) No person who holds a licence issued under section 9 or 10 shall export or have in possession for export any fish that does not meet the requirements of this Act and the regulations.


(2) In any prosecution for an offence under this section, any fish found in the possession of the accused in excess of fifty kilograms is deemed to be for export, in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

Marketing imported fish

8. (1) No person shall market or have in possession to market any fish that has been imported, or exported from another province, unless the fish meets the requirements of this Act and the regulations.


(2) In any prosecution for a contravention of subsection (1), an accused found in possession of any fish in excess of fifty kilograms is deemed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, to be in possession of the fish for the purpose of marketing it.


Plant operating licence

9. (1) The Minister may issue to any person a plant operating licence to authorize the person to use an establishment for exporting fish or preparing it for export.

Operation of licensed establishment

(2) No person shall operate a licensed establishment unless it meets the require ments of this Act and the regulations.

Export licence

10. (1) The Minister may issue to any person who does not hold a plant operating licence a licence to prepare for export or to export

    (a) live lobster, crab or eel;

    (b) whole or dressed unfrozen fish, other than crustaceans or shellfish, that is washed, iced or boxed;

    (c) fish prepared in a licensed establish ment;

    (d) marine plants and their products and by-products; or

    (e) fish, other than crustaceans or shellfish, that is salted or pickled by a fisher-packer.

Definition of fisher-packer

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(e), a fisher-packer is a fisher who catches fish and processes it in an establishment that the fisher owns or rents, without assistance from any person employed or engaged by the fisher.

Import licence

11. (1) The Minister may issue to any person a licence to import fish.

Notifying inspector of import

(2) A person who holds an import licence shall notify an inspector of each importation of fish at the times and in the form and manner prescribed and shall not market the fish without the inspector's approval.

Licence conditions

12. The Minister may attach any conditions that the Minister considers necessary to any licence or exemption permit issued under this Act.

Standard licence condition

13. It is a condition of every licence issued under section 9 or 10 that all fish in an establishment operated by the licence holder are deemed to be for export and are subject to the application of this Act and the regulations.


Licence suspension or revocation

14. The Minister may refuse to issue a licence to a person, or may suspend or revoke a person's licence or vary its terms and conditions, if the person contravenes

    (a) a condition of the licence; or

    (b) a provision of this Act or the regulations or an order issued under this Act.

Exemption permits

15. (1) The Minister may issue a permit to any person or class of persons exempting them from the application of any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations, where the exemption is necessary in the Minister's opinion for

    (a) the production or marketing of exper imental or test products or pharmaceuticals;

    (b) the rework, reconditioning, culling or salvage of fish to enable it to meet the requirements of this Act or the regulations;

    (c) the marketing, possession, use or dispos al of tainted, decomposed or unwholesome fish not intended for human consumption;

    (d) the re-use of containers or the use of labels that do not meet the prescribed requirements;

    (e) the labelling of products to accommo date particular cultural communities in Canadian or foreign markets;

    (f) the importing, exporting or marketing of fish for charitable purposes, international events or national festivities;

    (g) the production and supply of food in an emergency or for international aid; or

    (h) the exporting of fish or containers that do not meet the requirements of this Act or the regulations to another country.

Evidence of compliance with foreign standards

(2) Before issuing a permit for the purposes of paragraph (1)(h), the Minister must be satisfied, on the basis of evidence from the government or a trade organization of the other country, that the fish or containers meet that country's requirements for import and that that country consents to the import.

Performance bond

16. (1) The Minister may require any person to whom a licence is issued under this Act to post a performance bond or provide other security to the Minister that is satisfactory to the Minister as a guarantee that the person will comply with this Act, the regulations and the terms and conditions of the licence.

Failure to comply

(2) Where a person fails to comply with this Act, the regulations or the person's licence, the Minister may enforce the terms of the performance bond, and any security referred to in subsection (1) is forfeited to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Recall order

17. (1) Where the Minister believes that exported or imported fish pose a danger to public health and safety, the Minister may, by notice served on any person importing, ex porting or marketing the fish, order the person to recall it or send it to a place designated by the Minister.

Notification of order

(2) An order issued under subsection (1) is not a statutory instrument for the purposes of the Statutory Instruments Act, but no person may be convicted of an offence for contraven ing the order unless the person was notified of it.

Import prohibition

18. The Minister may make regulations prohibiting the importation of fish that, in the Minister's opinion, pose a danger to public health and safety.

Information exchange

19. The Minister may release any informa tion to the public or an inspection agency in Canada or abroad where it is necessary, in the Minister's opinion, to protect public health and safety, consumers or the reputation of Canadian exports of fish.

Electronic information

20. The Minister may communicate, re ceive or transmit information under this Act in electronic form, and the signature of docu ments in electronic form has the same effect as a written signature.