Activities and Reports
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Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
March 25, 2024
Annual General Meeting
By videoconference
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)
To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is seven days before the meeting.
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association
October 26, 2023
Recognition Ceremony in honour of CAAF's co-founders
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)
On October 26, 2023, a ceremony was held to mark the 20th anniversary of the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF) and to pay tribute to its co-founders, the Honourable Raynell Andreychuk, Senator from 1993 to 2019, and the late Honourable Mauril Bélanger, Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Vanier from 1995 to 2016. CAAF’s co-chairs, the Honourable Amina Gerba, Senator, and Ms. Brenda Shanahan, M.P., delivered speeches and presented plaques to former Senator Andreychuk and Mr. Bélanger’s widow, Ms. Catherine Bélanger.
The new Speaker of the House of Commons, the Honourable Greg Fergus, was in attendance, along with several senators, Members of Parliament, and former staff. Former Senator Andreychuk and Ms. Bélanger highlighted how the Association has played an important role in the co-founders’ lives and has had a positive influence on Canadian and African parliamentarians. The Honourable René Cormier, Senator and vice-chair of the Association, and the Honourable Robert Oliphant, P.C., M.P., vice-chair and former co-chair of the Association, also made vibrant tributes to the two co-founders, as they reflected on the highlights of the past twenty years.
The new Speaker of the House of Commons, the Honourable Greg Fergus, was in attendance, along with several senators, Members of Parliament, and former staff. Former Senator Andreychuk and Ms. Bélanger highlighted how the Association has played an important role in the co-founders’ lives and has had a positive influence on Canadian and African parliamentarians. The Honourable René Cormier, Senator and vice-chair of the Association, and the Honourable Robert Oliphant, P.C., M.P., vice-chair and former co-chair of the Association, also made vibrant tributes to the two co-founders, as they reflected on the highlights of the past twenty years.
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