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CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is seven days before the meeting.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

On October 26, 2023, a ceremony was held to mark the 20th anniversary of the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF) and to pay tribute to its co-founders, the Honourable Raynell Andreychuk, Senator from 1993 to 2019, and the late Honourable Mauril Bélanger, Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Vanier from 1995 to 2016. CAAF’s co-chairs, the Honourable Amina Gerba, Senator, and Ms. Brenda Shanahan, M.P., delivered speeches and presented plaques to former Senator Andreychuk and Mr. Bélanger’s widow, Ms. Catherine Bélanger.
The new Speaker of the House of Commons, the Honourable Greg Fergus, was in attendance, along with several senators, Members of Parliament, and former staff. Former Senator Andreychuk and Ms. Bélanger highlighted how the Association has played an important role in the co-founders’ lives and has had a positive influence on Canadian and African parliamentarians. The Honourable René Cormier, Senator and vice-chair of the Association, and the Honourable Robert Oliphant, P.C., M.P., vice-chair and former co-chair of the Association, also made vibrant tributes to the two co-founders, as they reflected on the highlights of the past twenty years.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

On May 18, 2023, the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association, in collaboration with Mosaïque Interculturelle, held a reception to mark its 20th anniversary and celebrate Africa Day. The event brought together parliamentarians, members of the African diplomatic corps, and distinguished guests, including members of the African diaspora in Canada. The reception began with opening remarks by the Association's Co-Chairs, The honourableAmina Gerba, Senator and Ms. Brenda Shanahan, M.P., who paid warm tribute to the Association's co-founders, former Senator Raynell Andreychuk and the late Mauril Bélanger, M.P., whose vision and passion for Africa led to the creation of an official association. They also underlined the growing consolidation of ties between Canada and Africa, while acknowledging the confidence and ingenuity shown by Africans in managing the continent's rapid changes. The event offered a unique cultural experience, enabling parliamentarians and guests to discover the many traditions and perspectives of the African continent through musical performances, pan-African cuisine showcasing the richness of African gastronomy, and art exhibitions.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

On 15 February 2023, the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association organized a plenary conference around the theme of "Welcome to Africa – The Building Site of the Century." This event brought together heads of missions from 14 African countries in Canada, representatives of missions from nine other African countries, Association members, as well as other Members of Parliament and Senators. The conference began with opening remarks from the Honourable Amina Gerba, Senator, and Brenda Shanahan, MP— Co-chairs of the Association—along with Vice-Chair and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Rob Oliphant. The keynote speaker, Jean-Louis Roy, presented some of the challenges that Africa faces today, and will face in the future: significant population growth, the expansion of cities and the emergence of new ones, climate change, and the implementation of a free trade zone in Africa. He also indicated that the needs and solutions to these challenges must be determined by Africans, and that Canadians should only accompany them and share their expertise. This event was an opportunity for exciting exchanges as well as an enjoyable and enriching social gathering between the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association and the African diplomatic community in Canada.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

On 7 February 2023, the Co-Chairs of the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association, the honourable Amina Gerba, Senator, and Brenda Shanahan, M.P., along with other members of the Association, met with a delegation from the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The delegation was led by the Honorable Tagesse Chaffo Dullo, Speaker of the House of People's Representatives, and included the Deputy Speaker of the House, Honorable Lomi Bedo, and the Chief Government Whip, Honorable Tesfaye Beljige. It was accompanied by His Excellency Fitsum Arega Gebrekidan, Ambassador of Ethiopia to Canada. Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs and members of the Ethiopian delegation were followed by a conversation among the participants. Discussions focused on the high proportion of women in the Ethiopian Parliament, foreign investment in Ethiopia, including that of Canada, sectors open to foreign investment, such as the banking sector, which recently opened to such investment, and the ease of doing business in Ethiopia.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

On November 21, 2022, the Co-Chair of the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association, Brenda Shanahan, met with the Honorable Thomas D’Acquin Masela Kiluty Zury and the Honorable Simon Mulamba Mputu, members of Parliament at the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Ms. Shanahan gave an opening speech before handing over the floor to Mr. Masela, Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly of the DRC. This was followed by a conversation among the participants. The purpose of the discussion was to facilitate parliamentary relations between Canada and the DRC.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

11:00 a.m.

To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is 7 days before the meeting.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

The meeting was attended by the Honourable Senators Jim Munson, Co-Chair; Salma Ataullahjan; René Cormier; Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia; and MPs Sven Spengemann, Co-Chair; Rob Oliphant; Terry Duguid, Yasmin Ratansi; and Gabriel Ste-Marie. First, they welcomed the Chargé d’affaires and a Minister representing the Kenya High Commission in Canada, who discussed current affairs in Kenya and answered questions from parliamentarians. Then, the President of the Canada-Africa Chamber of Business and the Chair of its Board of Directors introduced the organization by discussing its mission and activities in Canada and Africa. They also spoke with parliamentarians about co-operation opportunities between parliamentarians and the Canada-Africa Chamber of Business’ members. Lastly, the President of the Kigali Council on Foreign Relations made a presentation about his organization and discussed its mandate, activities and interest in Canada, as well as its role in Africa and other regions of the world regarding current major international issues.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

The following members of the association participated in the activity: The Honourable Jim Munson, Senator (Co-Chair), The Honourable Salma Ataullahjan, Senator (Vice-Chair), The Honourable René Cormier, Senator (Vice-Chair), Mr. Sven Spengemann, M.P. (Co-Chair), Mr. Greg Fergus, M.P. (Vice-Chair), Ms. Heather McPherson, M.P. (Vice Chair), Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P. (Counsellor). Representatives from Global Affairs Canada provided an update about the overall current situation in Africa with regards to COVID-19 and other political, economic and social regional issues related to countries such as : Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Mali and other countries. The update was followed by a session of questions and answers. Senior representatives from the Parliamentary Centre offered a presentation about its mission, projects and initiatives as well as opportunities for engagement with parliamentarians. The presentation was followed by a discussion with parliamentarians.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 20, 2020

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

505, Victoria Building

12:30 p.m.

To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is 7 days before the meeting.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

April 8, 2019

Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Genocide in Rwanda

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

A CAAF delegation travelled to Ethiopia and Rwanda for meetings with parliamentarians, government officials, and members of civil society organizations and regional bodies. Meetings focused on parliamentary relations, peace and security, economic cooperation, and social and political issues.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

430, Wellington Building

12:30 p.m.

To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is 7 days before the meeting.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

December 4, 2018

Meeting with members of a delegation of Burkina Faso

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

October 23, 2018

Meeting with members of a delegation of the Business Committe of Ghana's Parliament

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

CAAF travelled to Algeria for a parliamentary mission to meet their counterparts, government officials and representatives from NGOs, human rights associations and business communities, to exchange on economic, social and political topics, such as economic development and the electoral situation.

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

June 21, 2018

Meeting with members of a delegation of the Departmental Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of Kenya

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

June 20, 2018

Meeting with the Hon. John Ntim Fordjour, M.P., Chair of the Ghana-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Association

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

June 19, 2018

Meeting with Mr. Khemaies Jhinaoui, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

June 6, 2018

Meeting with the Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN) in collaboration with the Global Health Caucus

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 30, 2018

Meeting with South Sudanese Community Association of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 24, 2018

Meeting with Sudanese Groups

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

April 19, 2018

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 11 - 16, 2018

Bilateral Mission to Kenya

Nairobi and other cities, Kenya

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 28, 2018

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 8, 2018

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

January 15 - 17, 2018

Bilateral Mission to Sudan

Khartoum, Sudan

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

December 7, 2017

Meeting with Ms. Agnes Wasuk and Ms. Awak Deng from the National Women's Program of the South Sudan Council of Churches

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

December 1, 2017

Meeting with members of a delegation of the Special Committee on the Budget and the Committee on Constitution, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs of the Parliament of Ghana

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

November 30, 2017

Meeting with members of a delegation of the Republic of Chad

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

October 19, 2017

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

August 24 - 30, 2017

Bilateral Visits

Ghana and The Gambia

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 11, 2017

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 27 - April 1, 2017

Bilateral Visits

Zimbabwe and Botswana

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 9, 2017

Briefing Session on Burundi

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 9, 2017

Meeting with the South African Independent Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 9, 2017

Good Governance and Development Forum

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

January 17 - 24, 2017

Bilateral Visits

Tunisia and Egypt

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

November 23, 2016

Meeting with Mr. Carlos dos Santos, High Commissioner-Designate of Mozambique

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

October 25, 2016

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 10, 2016

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 22, 2016

Meeting with Mr. Eugene Owusu, United Nations Deputy Special Representative and Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 29 - March 4, 2016

Bilateral Visits

Namibia and South Africa

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

January 28, 2016

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 27, 2015

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 27, 2015

Africa Day on the Hill

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

April 21, 2015

Meeting with a Delegation of Municipal Councillors of the City of Johannesburg

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 26, 2015

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 25, 2015

Meeting with Ms. Valerie Msoka, Executive Director of the Tanzanian Media Women's Association

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 16 - 20, 2015

Bilateral Visits

Tanzania and Mauritius

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 5, 2015

Annual Briefing with DFATD

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 5, 2015

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

January 19 - 23, 2015

Bilateral Visits

Lesotho and Malawi

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

December 10, 2014

Reception in honour of the visit of Her Majesty Masenate Mohato Seeiso, Queen of the Kingdom of Lesotho

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

December 3, 2014

Meeting with the Ambassador of Canada to Tunisia and interview with Express FM (Tunisian radio station)

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

November 27, 2014

Meeting with the Standing Committee on Privileges and Ethics of South Africa of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

October 13 - 17, 2014

Bilateral Visits

Djibouti and Jordan

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

September 18, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

June 18, 2014

Meeting with the South African High Commission for a presentation on BRICS

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 26, 2014

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 15 - 22, 2014

Bilateral Visits

Madagascar and Mozambique

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

January 29, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

October 24 - 24, 2013

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

September 30 - October 4, 2013

Bilateral Visits

Ivory Coast and Morocco

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

June 12 - 12, 2013

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

April 24 - 24, 2013

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 27 - 27, 2013

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

January 19 - 26, 2013

Bilateral Visits

Kenya and Malawi

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

November 28 - 28, 2012

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

November 13 - 17, 2012

Bilateral Visit

Yaoundé, Cameroon

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

September 27 - 27, 2012

Executive Committee Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

January 17 - 20, 2012

Bilateral Visits

Kenya and South Sudan

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

December 7 - 7, 2011

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

October 9 - 14, 2011

Bilateral Visits

Ethiopia and Senegal

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

January 16 - 22, 2011

Bilateral Visits

Abuja, Nigeria, Accra, Ghana and Lomé, Togo

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

September 5 - 12, 2010

Bilateral Visits

Cotonou, Benin and Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 31, 2010

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 14 - 19, 2010

Bilateral Visits

Gaborone, Botswana and Lusaka, Zambia

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

October 1 - 1, 2009

Reception on the occasion of the Conference: The New Africa

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

August 17 - 21, 2009

Bilateral Visits

Windhoek, Namibia and Luanda, Angola

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 25, 2009

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

February 15 - 20, 2009

Bilateral Visits

Algiers, Algeria and Tunis, Tunisia

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

June 22 - 29, 2008

Bilateral Visits

Nairobi, Kenya, Bujumbura, Burundi and Kigali, Rwanda

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 29 - 29, 2008

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 5 - 9, 2008

9th Ordinary Session of the Pan-African Parliament and Fact-Finding Mission to Zimbabwe

Midrand, South Africa; Harare, Zimbabwe

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

August 31 - September 9, 2007

Bilateral Visits

Dar es Salaam & Arusha, Tanzania and Kampala & Gulu, Uganda

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 31 - 31, 2007

Annual General Meeting

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 4 - 6, 2007

Bilateral Visit

Cairo, Egypt

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

November 13 - 14, 2006

6th Ordinary Session of the Pan-African Parliament

Midrand, South Africa

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

November 6, 2006

Africa-Canada Parliamentary Dialogue, organized by the Parliamentary Centre and Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

July 28 - August 1, 2006

Election Observation Mission

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

May 1 - 2, 2006

5th Ordinary Session of the Pan-African Parliament

Midrand, South Africa

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 20 - 24, 2006

Bilateral Visits

Mozambique and South Africa

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

CAAF Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

March 29 - April 1, 2005

Opening Ceremony of the Pan-African Parliament

South Africa

Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF)

Results: 1 - 112 of 112 — Page: 1 of 1