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CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association held the second of its CPA High-Level Roundtables with Commonwealth High Commissioners based in London and representatives of Overseas Territories. The newly appointed CPA Secretary-General, Stephen Twigg spoke on the topic of the ‘Working Towards a Common Future’ ahead of #CHOGM2021 and the roundtable also heard from guest panellists, Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of CPA Canadian Branch and Her Excellency Rethabile Mokaeane, High Commissioner of Lesotho to the UK.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

The newly elected members of the Dominican House of Assembly participated in the post-election seminar, which is the oldest program run by the CPA. This was the second virtual seminar of its kind and was attended by representatives from throughout the Commonwealth. Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Branch, was invited to be a panelist. She presented approaches to conducting Public Outreach, Representation and Education, and discussed how to strengthen the voice of women in Parliament.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

In partnership with the UK Modern Slavery & Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (Modern Slavery PEC), CPA UK hosted this two-day international virtual conference for parliamentarians, survivors of modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labour, NGOs, government officials, researchers and civil society organisations from around the Commonwealth and beyond on “Assisting and Protecting Survivors of Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour”. By bringing these stakeholders together with survivors and organisations working with survivors, the conference aims to increase participants’ knowledge and understanding of the support and protection needed by survivors of modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labour. The following parliamentarians attended the conference: Hon. Julie Miville-Dechêne, Senator; Mr. Sameer Zuberi, M.P.; Ms. Iqra Khalid, M.P.; Mr. Arnold Viersen, M.P.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

The CPA’s international executive committee (EXCO) meets twice a year, in the spring and just before the annual meeting. This year, however, the meeting was held in August and was held virtually for the first time. The CPA’s constitution authorizes it to control and manage the activities and business of the association. The international executive committee has about 35 members and is led by the chairperson of the CPA. The committee is made up of the officers of the CPA and three representatives from each region (except Africa, which has six representatives given its size). The Canadian Branch was represented by Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Branch. This was the first meeting for the new secretary general, Stephen Twigg. The international executive committee also agreed to postpone the next Commonwealth parliamentary conference, which will be held in Canada, until August 2021.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

With the surge in reliance on digital infrastructure during the Covid19 pandemic comes the risk of increased cyberattacks that puts individuals, the private and public sector at risk to malicious adversaries. Parliamentarians, as legislators, have a central role in ensuring that robust cybersecurity laws are enacted. CPA UK organized three webinars on the following subject: The Rise of Cybercrime amid Covid-19. The three themes were the following: Cybersecurity and Covid19: Addressing Key Trends and Issues Pre and Post-Covid19; Cybersecurity and Covid19: The Changing Nature of Threats to Parliament; and Cybersecurity and Covid19: The Role of Parliamentarians. Mr. Ziad Aboultaif, M.P., attended the webinar on Addressing Key Trends and Issues Pre and Post-Covid19.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

The Canadian Branch of the CWP is administered by a steering committee that represents the views and concerns of women parliamentarians throughout Canada and develops programs to support the objectives of the CWP in the region. This committee is composed of one representative from each province and territory and one from the federal Parliament. A chair oversees its activities and represents Canada on the CWP international steering committee. Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Branch, sits on the CWP steering committee of the Canadian Region. A virtual meeting was held given that the regional conference has been postponed.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Attended by newly elected Members of the Anguilla House of Assembly, the Post-Election Seminar featured panelists presenting from across the Commonwealth. This seminar, which is the CPA’s longest running program, was delivered for the first time fully virtually due to travel restrictions in place during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Branch, was invited to appear on the panel. During a round table discussion, she addressed the role of committees in the Westminster parliamentary system. At another point in the seminar, she also discussed how to strengthen the voice of women in Parliament.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Canada as a whole makes up one of the regions of the CPA, and its 14 branches correspond to the provincial and territorial legislative assemblies and the federal Parliament. Within the Canadian region, legislators can take part in a wide range of exchange programs, conferences and seminars. The Canadian region also has its own publication, Canadian Parliamentary Review. The Regional Council is the decision-making body for the Canadian region. Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Branch, is a member of the Regional Council. A virtual meeting was held given that the regional conference has been postponed.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Branch, participated as a panelist in this webinar organized by the CPA UK Branch, sharing her thoughts on how MPs can continue to engage their constituents during the COVID-19 pandemic.