An Act to amend the Income Tax Act

[Assented to 12th May, 1994]

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

R.S., c. 1 (5th Supp.); 1991, cc. 47, 49; 1992, cc. 1, 24, 27, 29, 48; 1993, cc. 24, 27


1. (1) The portion of the definition ``qualifying debt obligation'' in subsection 15.1(3) of the Income Tax Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

``qualifying debt obligation''
« créance admissible »

``qualifying debt obligation'' of a corporation at a particular time means an obligation that is a bond, debenture, bill, note, mortgage or similar obligation issued after February 25, 1992 and before 1995,

(2) Subsection (1) applies to obligations issued after 1992, and, for the purpose of the definition ``small business development bond'' in subsection 15.1(3) of the Act, an election made after 1992 and before the day that is 91 days after the day this Act is assented to in respect of an obligation issued after 1992 and before 1995 shall be deemed to have been made within 90 days after the day the obligation was issued.

2. (1) The portion of the definition ``qualifying debt obligation'' in subsection 15.2(3) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

``qualifying debt obligation''
« créance admissible »

``qualifying debt obligation'' of an issuer at a particular time means an obligation that is a bill, note, mortgage or similar obligation issued after February 25, 1992 and before 1995,

(2) Subsection (1) applies to obligations issued after 1992, and, for the purpose of the definition ``small business bond'' in subsection 15.2(3) of the Act, an election made after 1992 and before the day that is 91 days after the day this Act is assented to in respect of an obligation issued after 1992 and before 1995 shall be deemed to have been made within 90 days after the day the obligation was issued.

3. (1) Subparagraph 20(1)(hh)(ii) of the Act is replaced by the following:

      (ii) that is, because of subparagraph 12(1)(x)(vi) or subsection 12(2.2), not included under paragraph 12(1)(x) in computing the taxpayer's income for the year or a preceding taxation year, where the particular amount relates to an outlay or expense (other than an outlay or expense that is in respect of the cost of property of the taxpayer or that is or would be, if amounts deductible by the taxpayer were not limited because of paragraph 66(4)(b), subsection 66.1(2) or subparagraph 66.2(2)(a)(ii) or 66.4(2)(a)(ii), deductible under section 66, 66.1, 66.2 or 66.4) that would, but for the receipt of the particular amount, have been deductible in computing the taxpayer's income for the year or a preceding taxation year;

(2) Subsection (1) applies to taxation years that end after December 2, 1992.

4. (1) Paragraph 37(1)(e) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (e) that part of the total of all amounts each of which is an amount deducted under subsection 127(5) in computing the tax otherwise payable by the taxpayer under this Part for a preceding taxation year that can reasonably be attributed to a prescribed proxy amount of a preceding taxation year or expenditures of a current nature made in a preceding taxation year that were qualified expenditures in respect of scientific research and experimental development for the purposes of section 127;

(2) Subparagraph 37(8)(a)(ii) of the Act is replaced by the following:

      (ii) where the references occur other than in subsection (2), include only

        (A) expenditures incurred by a taxpayer in a taxation year (other than a taxation year for which the taxpayer has elected under clause (B)), each of which is

          (I) an expenditure of a current nature all or substantially all of which was attributable to the prosecution, or to the provision of premises, facilities or equipment for the prosecution, of scientific research and experimental development in Canada,

          (II) an expenditure of a current nature directly attributable, as determined by regulation, to the prosecution, or to the provision of premises, facilities or equipment for the prosecution, of scientific research and experimental development in Canada, or

          (III) an expenditure of a capital nature that at the time it was incurred was for the provision of premises, facilities or equipment, where at that time it was intended

            1. that it would be used during all or substantially all of its operating time in its expected useful life for, or

            2. that all or substantially all of its value would be consumed in,

          the prosecution of scientific research and experimental development in Canada, and

        (B) where a taxpayer has elected in prescribed form and in accordance with subsection (10) for a taxation year, expenditures incurred by the taxpayer in the year each of which is

          (I) an expenditure of a current nature for, and all or substantially all of which was attributable to, the lease of premises, facilities or equipment for the prosecution of scientific research and experimental development in Canada, other than an expenditure in respect of general purpose office equipment or furniture,

          (II) an expenditure in respect of the prosecution of scientific research and experimental development in Canada directly undertaken on behalf of the taxpayer,

          (III) an expenditure described in subclause (A)(III), other than an expenditure in respect of general purpose office equipment or furniture,

          (IV) that portion of an expenditure made in respect of an expense incurred in the year for salary or wages of an employee who is directly engaged in scientific research and experimental development in Canada that can reasonably be considered to relate to such work having regard to the time spent by the employee thereon, and, for this purpose, where that portion is all or substantially all of the expenditure, that portion shall be deemed to be the amount of the expenditure,

          (V) the cost of materials consumed in the prosecution of scientific research and experimental development in Canada, or

          (VI) 1/2 of any other expenditure of a current nature in respect of the lease of premises, facilities or equipment used primarily for the prosecution of scientific research and experimental development in Canada, other than an expenditure in respect of general purpose office equipment or furniture;

(3) Subparagraph 37(8)(d)(ii) of the Act is replaced by the following:

      (ii) any outlay or expense made or incurred for the use of, or the right to use, a building other than a prescribed special-purpose building, and

(4) Section 37 of the Act is amended by adding the following:

Salary or wages

(9) For the purposes of clauses (8)(a)(ii)(A) and (B), an expenditure of a taxpayer does not include remuneration based on profits or a bonus, where the remuneration or bonus, as the case may be, is in respect of a specified employee of the taxpayer.

Time for election

(10) Any election under clause (8)(a)(ii)(B) made by a taxpayer for a taxation year shall be filed with the taxpayer's return of income under this Part for the year.

(5) Subsections (1) to (4) apply to taxation years that end after December 2, 1992.

5. (1) Paragraph 66(10.1)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (a) an amount deducted or required to be deducted under subsection 66.1(2) in respect of those expenses by the joint exploration corporation in computing its income for any taxation year preceding the particular taxation year, or

(2) Paragraph 66(10.1)(d) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (d) shall be included in the amount determined for F in the definition ``cumulative Canadian exploration expense'' in subsection 66.1(6) by the joint exploration corporation in computing its cumulative Canadian exploration expense, at the time the election is made or, where the election is made after the end of the particular taxation year, immediately before the end of that year.

(3) The portion of subsection 66(12.6) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Canadian exploration expenses to flow-through shareholder

(12.6) Where a person gave consideration under an agreement to a corporation for the issue of a flow-through share of the corporation and, during the period beginning on the day the agreement was entered into and ending 24 months after the end of the month that included that day, the corporation incurred Canadian exploration expenses, the corporation may, after it complies with subsection (12.68) in respect of the share and before March of the first calendar year beginning after that period, renounce, effective on the date on which the renunciation is made or on an earlier date set out in the form prescribed for the purposes of subsection (12.7), to the person in respect of the share the amount, if any, by which those expenses incurred by it during that period and on or before the effective date of the renunciation exceed the total of

(4) Paragraph 66(12.6)(d) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (d) exceeding the amount, if any, by which the consideration for the share exceeds the total of other amounts renounced under this subsection or subsection (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64) in respect of the share on or before the date on which the renunciation is made, or


(5) Subsection 66(12.61) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Flow-through share rules for first $2 million of Canadian development expenses

(12.601) Where

    (a) a person gave consideration under an agreement to a corporation for the issue of a flow-through share of the corporation, and

    (b) during the period beginning on the later of December 3, 1992 and the particular day the agreement was entered into and ending on the day that is 24 months after the end of the month that included that particular day, the corporation incurred Canadian development expenses described in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition ``Canadian development expense'' in subsection 66.2(5) or that would be described in paragraph (f) of that definition if the words ``paragraphs (a) to (e)'' in that paragraph were read as ``paragraphs (a) and (b)'',

the corporation may, after it complies with subsection (12.68) in respect of the share and before March of the first calendar year beginning after that period, renounce, effective on the day on which the renunciation is made or on an earlier day set out in the form prescribed for the purposes of subsection (12.7), to the person in respect of the share the amount, if any, by which those expenses incurred by it during that period and on or before the effective date of the renunciation exceed the total of

    (c) the assistance that it has received, is entitled to receive, or can reasonably be expected to receive at any time, and that can reasonably be related to those expenses or Canadian development activities to which those expenses relate (other than assistance that can reasonably be attributable to expenses referred to in paragraph (b)),

    (d) any of those expenses that are prescribed Canadian exploration and development overhead expenses of the corporation, and

    (e) all amounts that are renounced on or before the day on which the renunciation is made by any other renunciation under this subsection or subsection (12.62) in respect of those expenses.


(12.602) A corporation shall be deemed not to have renounced any particular amount under subsection (12.601) in respect of a share where

    (a) the particular amount exceeds the amount, if any, by which the consideration for the share exceeds the total of other amounts renounced in respect of the share under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64) on or before the day on which the renunciation is made;

    (b) the particular amount exceeds the amount, if any, by which

      (i) the cumulative Canadian development expense of the corporation on the effective date of the renunciation, computed before taking into account any amounts renounced under subsection (12.601) on the day on which the renunciation is made,


      (ii) the total of all amounts renounced under subsection (12.601) by the corporation in respect of any other share

        (A) on the day on which the renunciation is made, and

        (B) effective on or before the effective date of the renunciation; or

    (c) the particular amount relates to Canadian development expenses incurred by the corporation in a calendar year and the total amounts renounced, on or before the day on which the renunciation is made, under subsection (12.601) in respect of

      (i) Canadian development expenses incurred by the corporation in that calendar year, or

      (ii) Canadian development expenses incurred in that calendar year by another corporation associated with the corporation at the time the other corporation incurred such expenses

    exceeds $2,000,000.

Effect of renunciation

(12.61) Subject to subsections (12.69) to (12.701), where under subsection (12.6) or (12.601) a corporation renounces an amount to a person,

    (a) the Canadian exploration expenses or Canadian development expenses to which the amount relates shall be deemed to be Canadian exploration expenses incurred in that amount by the person on the effective date of the renunciation; and

    (b) the Canadian exploration expenses or Canadian development expenses to which the amount relates shall, except for the purposes of that renunciation, be deemed on and after the effective date of the renunciation never to have been Canadian exploration expenses or Canadian development expenses incurred by the corporation.

(6) The portion of subsection 66(12.62) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Canadian development expenses to flow-through shareholder

(12.62) Where a person gave consideration under an agreement to a corporation for the issue of a flow-through share of the corporation and, during the period beginning on the day the agreement was entered into and ending 24 months after the end of the month that included that day, the corporation incurred Canadian development expenses, the corporation may, after it complies with subsection (12.68) in respect of the share and before March of the first calendar year beginning after that period, renounce, effective on the date on which the renunciation is made or on an earlier date set out in the form prescribed for the purposes of subsection (12.7), to the person in respect of the share the amount, if any, by which those expenses incurred by it during that period and on or before the effective date of the renunciation exceed the total of

(7) The portion of subsection 66(12.62) of the Act after paragraph (b) and before paragraph (e) is replaced by the following:

    (c) the total of amounts that are renounced on or before the day on which the renunciation is made by any other renunciation under this subsection or subsection (12.601) in respect of those expenses,

but not in any case

    (d) exceeding the amount, if any, by which the consideration for the share exceeds the total of other amounts renounced in respect of the share under this subsection or subsection (12.6), (12.601) or (12.64) on or before the date on which the renunciation is made, or

(8) The portion of subsection 66(12.64) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Canadian oil and gas property expenses to flow-through shareholder

(12.64) Where a person gave consideration under an agreement to a corporation for the issue of a flow-through share of the corporation and, during the period beginning on the day the agreement was entered into and ending 24 months after the end of the month that included that day, the corporation incurred Canadian oil and gas property expenses, the corporation may, after it complies with subsection (12.68) in respect of the share and before March of the first calendar year beginning after that period, renounce, effective on the date on which the renunciation is made or on an earlier date set out in the form prescribed for the purposes of subsection (12.7), to the person in respect of the share the amount, if any, by which those expenses incurred by it during that period and on or before the effective date of the renunciation exceed the total of

(9) Paragraph 66(12.64)(c) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (c) exceeding the amount, if any, by which the consideration for the share exceeds the total of other amounts renounced in respect of the share under this subsection or subsection (12.6), (12.601) or (12.62) on or before the date on which the renunciation is made, or

(10) Subsection 66(12.66) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Expenses in the first 60 days of year

(12.66) Where