(a) a corporation that issues a flow-through share to a person under an agreement incurs, within 60 days after the end of a calendar year, Canadian exploration expenses or Canadian development expenses,

    (b) the expenses are expenses described in paragraph (a), (d) or (f) of the definition ``Canadian exploration expense'' in subsection 66.1(6) or paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition ``Canadian development expense'' in subsection 66.2(5),

    (c) before the end of the year, the agreement was entered into between the corporation and the person and the person paid the consideration for the share in money,

    (d) the corporation and the person deal with each other at arm's length throughout the 60 days, and

    (e) within 90 days after the end of the year, the corporation renounces an amount in respect of the expenses to the person in respect of the share in accordance with subsection (12.6) or (12.601) and the effective date of the renunciation is the last day of the year,

the corporation shall for the purpose of subsection (12.6) or (12.601) be deemed to have incurred the expenses on the effective date of the renunciation.


(11) Subsection 66(12.67) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Restrictions on renunciation

(12.67) A corporation shall be deemed

    (a) not to have renounced under any of subsections (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) and (12.64) any expenses that are deemed to have been incurred by it because of a renunciation under this section by another corporation that is not related to it;

    (b) not to have renounced under subsection (12.601) to a trust, corporation or partnership any Canadian development expenses (other than expenses renounced to another corporation that renounces under subsection (12.6) any Canadian exploration expense deemed to have been incurred by it because of the renunciation under subsection (12.601)) if, in respect of the renunciation under subsection (12.601), it has a prohibited relationship with the trust, corporation or partnership;

    (c) not to have renounced under subsection (12.601) any Canadian development expenses deemed to have been incurred by it because of a renunciation under subsection (12.62); and

    (d) not to have renounced under subsection (12.6) to a particular trust, corporation or partnership any Canadian exploration expenses (other than expenses ultimately renounced by another corporation under subsection (12.6) to an individual (other than a trust) or to a trust, corporation or partnership with which that other corporation does not have, in respect of that ultimate renunciation, a prohibited relationship) deemed to be incurred by it because of a renunciation under subsection (12.601) if, in respect of the renunciation under subsection (12.6), it has a prohibited relationship with the particular trust, corporation or partnership.

Prohibited relationship

(12.671) For the purposes of subsection (12.67), where a trust, corporation (in paragraph (b) referred to as the ``shareholder corporation'') or partnership, as the case may be, gave consideration under a particular agreement for the issue of a flow-through share of a particular corporation, the particular corporation has, in respect of a renunciation under subsection (12.6) or (12.601) in respect of the share, a prohibited relationship

    (a) with the trust if, at any time after the particular agreement was entered into and before the share is issued to the trust, the particular corporation or any corporation related to the particular corporation is beneficially interested in the trust;

    (b) with the shareholder corporation if, immediately before the particular agreement was entered into, the shareholder corporation was related to the particular corporation; or

    (c) with the partnership if any part of the amount renounced would, but for subsection (12.7), be included, because of paragraph (h) of the definition ``Canadian exploration expense'' in subsection 66.1(6), in the Canadian exploration expense of

      (i) the particular corporation, or

      (ii) any other corporation that, at any time

        (A) after the particular agreement was entered into, and

        (B) before that part of the amount renounced would, but for this paragraph, be incurred,

      would, if flow-through shares issued by the particular corporation under agreements entered into at the same time as or after the time the particular agreement was entered into were disregarded, be related to the particular corporation.

(12) Subsection 66(12.69) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Filing re partners

(12.69) Where, in a fiscal period of a partnership, an expense is or, but for this subsection, would be incurred by the partnership as a consequence of a renunciation of an amount under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64), the partnership shall, on or before the last day of the third month following the end of that period, file with the Minister a prescribed form indicating the share of the expense attributable to each member of the partnership at the end of the period and, where the prescribed form is not so filed, the partnership shall be deemed not to have incurred the expense.

(13) Subsection 66(12.7) of the Act is replaced by the following:


(12.7) Where a corporation renounces an amount in respect of Canadian exploration expenses, Canadian development expenses or Canadian oil and gas property expenses under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64), the corporation shall file a prescribed form in respect of the renunciation with the Minister before the end of the first month following the month in which the renunciation is made and, where the prescribed form is not so filed, subsections (12.61), (12.63) and (12.65) do not apply in respect of the amount so renounced.

(14) Subsections 66(12.71) to (12.73) of the Act are replaced by the following:

Restriction on renunciation

(12.71) A corporation may renounce an amount under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64) in respect of Canadian exploration expenses, Canadian development expenses or Canadian oil and gas property expenses incurred by it only to the extent that, but for the renunciation, it would be entitled to claim a deduction in respect of the expenses in computing its income for the purposes of this Part.

Application of sections 231 to 231.3

(12.72) Without restricting the generality of sections 231 to 231.3, where a corporation renounces an amount under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64), sections 231 to 231.3 apply, with such modifications as the circumstances require, for the purpose of permitting the Minister to verify or ascertain the Canadian exploration expenses, Canadian development expenses or Canadian oil and gas property expenses of the corporation in respect of which the amount is renounced, the amounts renounced in respect of those expenses, any information in respect of those expenses or the amounts renounced and the amount of, or information relating to, any assistance in respect of those expenses.

Adjustment in renunciation

(12.73) Where the total of all amounts that a corporation purports to renounce to persons under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64) in respect of expenses incurred by it in any period ending on the effective date of the purported renunciation exceeds the total amount of those expenses in respect of which it may renounce amounts under that subsection, it shall

    (a) reduce the amount so renounced to one or more persons to effect a reduction in the total of the amounts so purported to be renounced by the amount of the excess, and

    (b) file a statement with the Minister indicating the adjustments made in the renunciations,

and if the corporation does not so reduce the amounts and file that statement with the Minister within 30 days after notice in writing by the Minister is forwarded to the corporation that such a reduction is or will be required for the purposes of any assessment of tax under this Part, the Minister may, for the purposes of this section, reduce the amounts purported to be renounced by the corporation to one or more persons to effect a reduction in the total of the amounts so purported to be renounced by the amount of the excess, and in any such case, notwithstanding subsections (12.61), (12.63) and (12.65), the amount renounced to each of the persons shall be deemed to be the amount as reduced by the corporation or the Minister, as the case may be.

(15) Section 66 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (12.74):

Late renunciation

(12.741) Where a corporation purports to renounce an amount under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64) after the period during which the corporation would otherwise be entitled to renounce the amount, the amount shall, except for the purposes of this subsection and subsections (12.7) and (12.75), be deemed to have been renounced at the end of the period if

    (a) the corporation purports to renounce the amount

      (i) on or before the day that is 90 days after the end of that period, or

      (ii) after the day that is 90 days after the end of that period where, in the opinion of the Minister, the circumstances are such that it would be just and equitable that the amount be renounced; and

    (b) the corporation pays to the Receiver General a penalty in respect of the renunciation not more than 90 days after the renunciation.

(16) The portion of subsection 66(12.75) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:


(12.75) For the purposes of subsections (12.74) and (12.741), the penalty in respect of the late filing of a document referred to in subsection (12.68), (12.69), (12.691), (12.7) or (12.701) or in respect of a renunciation referred to in subsection (12.741) is the lesser of $15,000 and

(17) Subsection 66(12.75) of the Act is amended by striking out the word ``and'' at the end of paragraph (a), by adding the word ``and'' at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following after paragraph (b):

    (c) where the penalty is in respect of a renunciation referred to in subsection (12.74), the greater of

      (i) $100, and

      (ii) 1/4 of 1% of the amount of the renunciation.

(18) Paragraph (b) of the definition ``flow-through share'' in subsection 66(15) of the Act is replaced by the following:

      (b) to renounce, before March of the first calendar year beginning after that period, in prescribed form to the person in respect of the share, an amount in respect of the Canadian exploration expenses, Canadian development expenses or Canadian oil and gas property expenses so incurred by it not exceeding the consideration received by the corporation for the share,

(19) Subsection 66(19) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Renunciation by member of partnership, etc.

(19) Notwithstanding subsections (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) and (12.64), where at any time a corporation

    (a) would, but for this subsection, be entitled to renounce under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64) to another person

      (i) all or part of the corporation's share of an outlay or expense made or incurred by a partnership of which the corporation is a member or former member at that time, or

      (ii) all or part of an amount renounced to the corporation under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64), and

    (b) would not be entitled to so renounce the amount described in subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) to the other person if

      (i) the expression ``end of that fiscal period'' in subsection (18) were read as ``time the outlay or expense was made or incurred by the partnership'', and

      (ii) the expression ``on the effective date of the renunciation'' in each of paragraphs (12.61)(a), (12.63)(a) and (12.65)(a) were read as ``at the earliest time that any part of such expense was incurred by the corporation'',

the corporation is not entitled to renounce that amount under subsection (12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64), as the case may be, at that time to the other person.

(20) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to taxation years that end after December 2, 1992.

(21) Subsections (3), (6) and (8) apply to expenses incurred after February 1986.

(22) Subsections (4), (5), (7), (9), (11) and (12) apply to expenses incurred after December 2, 1992.

(23) Subsection (10) applies to expenses incurred after 1992.

(24) Subsection (13) and subsections 66(12.71) and (12.73) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (14), apply to renunciations made after December 2, 1992.

(25) Subsection 66(12.72) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (14), applies after December 2, 1992.

(26) Subsections (15) to (17) apply to renunciations purported to be made after February 1993.

(27) Subsection (18) applies to shares issued pursuant to an agreement entered into after February 1986.

(28) Subsection (19) applies to renunciations of outlays or expenses made or incurred after December 2, 1992.

6. (1) Subsection 66.1(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Deduction for principal-busi ness corporation

(2) In computing the income of a principal-business corporation for a taxation year, there may be deducted any amount that the corporation claims not exceeding the lesser of

    (a) the total of

      (i) the amount, if any, by which its cumulative Canadian exploration expense at the end of the year exceeds the amount, if any, designated by it for the year under subsection 66(14.1), and

      (ii) the amount, if any, by which

        (A) the total determined under subparagraph 66.7(12.1)(a)(i) in respect of the corporation for the year


        (B) the amount that would be determined under subsection (1) in respect of the corporation for the year, if that subsection were read without reference to paragraph (c) thereof, and

    (b) the amount, if any, by which

      (i) the amount that would be its income for the year if no deduction (other than a prescribed deduction) were allowed under this subsection or section 65


      (ii) the total of all amounts each of which is an amount deducted by the corporation under section 112 or 113 in computing its taxable income for the year.

(2) The description of F in the definition ``cumulative Canadian exploration expense'' in subsection 66.1(6) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    F is the total of all amounts deducted or required to be deducted in computing the taxpayer's income for a taxation year ending before that time in respect of the taxpayer's cumulative Canadian exploration expense,

(3) Paragraph (c) of the definition ``restricted expense'' in subsection 66.1(6) of the Act is replaced by the following:

      (c) that was renounced by the taxpayer under subsection 66(10.2), (12.601) or (12.62),

(4) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to taxation years that end after December 2, 1992.

(5) Subsection (3) applies to expenses incurred after December 2, 1992.

7. (1) Clause 66.3(4)(a)(ii)(B) of the Act is replaced by the following:

        (B) 50% of the total of the expenses that were renounced by the corporation under subsection 66(12.6), (12.601), (12.62) or (12.64) in respect of the share; and