An Act to correct certain anomalies,
inconsistencies and errors in the Statutes
of Canada, to deal with other matters of
a non-controversial and uncomplicated
nature in those Statutes and to repeal
certain provisions of those Statutes that
have expired, lapsed or otherwise ceased
to have effect
[Assented to 23rd June, 1994]
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act,
R.S., c. A-1
Access to Information Act |
2. Schedule I to the Access to Information
Act is amended by striking out the following
under the heading ``Other Government
Canadian Penitentiary Service
National Parole Service
Office of the Correctional Investigator
3. Schedule I to the Act is amended by
adding the following in alphabetical order
under the heading ``Other Government
Correctional Service of Canada
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada
1991, c. 46
Bank Act |
4. Subsection 199(2) of the Bank Act is
replaced by the following:
(2) No remuneration shall be paid to a
director as director until a by-law fixing the
aggregate of all amounts that may be paid to
all directors in respect of directors'
remuneration during a fixed period of time has
been confirmed by special resolution.
5. Paragraph 275(1)(e) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
1992, c. 27
An Act to amend the Bankruptcy Act and to amend the Income Tax Act in consequence thereof |
6. Subsection 39(2) of An Act to amend the
Bankruptcy Act and to amend the Income
Tax Act in consequence thereof, chapter 27
of the Statutes of Canada, 1992, is repealed.
R.S., c. B-3;
1992, c. 27,
s. 2
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act |
7. Subsection 16(1) of the Bankruptcy and
Insolvency Act is replaced by the following:
Security to be
furnished by
16. (1) Every trustee duly appointed shall
forthwith give security in cash or by bond of
a guaranty company satisfactory to the official
receiver for the due accounting for, the
payment and the transfer of all property
received by the trustee as trustee and for the
due and faithful performance of the trustee's
1992, c. 27,
s. 36(1)
8. Subparagraph 69.1(1)(b)(iii) of the
English version of the Act is replaced by the
1992, c. 27,
s. 89(1)
9. Subsection 244(2.1) of the English
version of the Act is replaced by the
No advance
(2.1) For the purposes of subsection (2),
consent to earlier enforcement of a security
may not be obtained by a secured creditor
prior to the sending of the notice referred to in
subsection (1).
1991, c. 11
Broadcasting Act |
10. Subsection 9(4) of the French version
of the Broadcasting Act is replaced by the
(4) Le Conseil soustrait, par ordonnance et
aux conditions qu'il juge indiquées, les
exploitants d'entreprise de radiodiffusion de
la catégorie qu'il précise à toute obligation
découlant soit de la présente partie, soit de ses
règlements d'application, dont il estime
l'exécution sans conséquence majeure sur la
mise en oeuvre de la politique canadienne de
1987, c. 3
Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act |
11. Paragraph 58(4)(a) of the French
version of the Canada-Newfoundland
Atlantic Accord Implementation Act is
replaced by the following:
12. Subsection 112(5) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
Privilège de
(5) Le privilège de l'exploitant relatif à un
titre ou une fraction a, sans nécessité
d'enregistrement, priorité sur tout autre droit,
et lui est opposable, à l'égard duquel un acte
peut être enregistré, peu importe le moment de
l'enregistrement d'un autre acte ou de
l'acquisition du privilège, sauf s'il est
subordonné à cet autre droit par
l'enregistrement d'une cession de priorité
sans que mainlevée ait été enregistrée à cet
13. (1) The definition ``levé marin'' in
subsection 119(1) of the French version of
the Act is replaced by the following:
« levé marin » ``well site seabed survey''
« levé marin » Étude portant sur la nature du
fond ou du sous-sol marins de toute partie
de la zone située dans le secteur prévu pour
le forage d'un puits et sur les éléments, à
prendre en compte à cet égard, susceptible
d'influer sur la sécurité ou l'efficacité du
(2) Subparagraph 119(5)(d)(i) of the
French version of the Act is replaced by the
(3) Subparagraph 119(5)(e)(i) of the
French version of the Act is replaced by the
14. Subsection 150(2) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
(2) Les projets déjà publiés en application
du paragraphe (1) n'ont pas à l'être de
nouveau, qu'ils aient été modifiés ou non à la
suite des observations.
15. Subsection 179(1) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
de l'arrêté
179. (1) L'arrêté d'union peut être modifié
à la demande d'un détenteur mais, avant de le
modifier, le Comité tient une audience à
laquelle les intéressés se voient accorder la
possibilité de présenter leurs observations.
1988, c. 28
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act |
16. The definition ``loi provinciale'' in
section 2 of the French version of the
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum
Resources Accord Implementation Act is
replaced by the following:
« loi
provinciale » ``Provincial Act''
« loi provinciale » La loi, dans sa version mo
difiée, intitulée Canada-Nova Scotia Off
shore Petroleum Resources Accord Imple
mentation (Nova Scotia) Act, chapitre 3 des
lois intitulées Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1987.
17. Paragraph 245(b) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
R.S., c. C-10
Canada Post Corporation Act |
18. The portion of section 21 of the
Canada Post Corporation Act before
paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Setting of
otherwise than
by regulation
21. Notwithstanding subsection 19(1) or
any regulation made pursuant to that
subsection, the Corporation may prescribe
rates of postage otherwise than by regulation
for any person who has entered into an
agreement with the Corporation for
R.S., c. C-15
Canadian Dairy Commission Act |
19. Paragraph 9(1)(c) of the Canadian
Dairy Commission Act is replaced by the
20. Subsection 10(1) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
to submit
program to
10. (1) Each year, following determination
by the Governor in Council pursuant to the
Farm Income Protection Act of the total
amount to be paid by the Minister to the
Commission for the purpose of providing
protection for the income of producers of milk
and cream from the sale of those products, the
Commission shall submit to the Minister an
outline of the program by which it proposes to
carry out its functions under this Act for the
following fiscal year.
21. Section 14 of the Act is replaced by the
Expenses paid
out of
appropria- tions
14. All expenditures for salaries, travel
expenses and expenses of administration,
excluding those that in the opinion of the
Minister are directly attributable to action
taken by the Commission to provide
protection for the income of producers of any
dairy product from the sale of that product,
shall be paid out of moneys appropriated by
Parliament for that purpose.
22. Paragraph 15(2)(d) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
1992, c. 37
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act |
23. Section 7 of the French version of the
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act is
renumbered as subsection 7(1).
1993, c. 34,
s. 41
24. Subsection 72(1) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
72. (1) Cinq ans après l'entrée en vigueur du
présent article, un examen complet des
dispositions et de l'application de la présente
loi doit être fait par le ministre.