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Bill S-236

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First Session, Forty-second Parliament,

64-65-66 Elizabeth II, 2015-2016-2017


BILL S-236
An Act to recognize Charlottetown as the birthplace of Confederation

June 21, 2017


This enactment recognizes Charlottetown as the birthplace of Confederation.

Available on the Senate of Canada website at the following address:

1st Session, 42nd Parliament,

64-65-66 Elizabeth II, 2015-2016-2017


BILL S-236

An Act to recognize Charlottetown as the birthplace of Confederation


Whereas, on September 1, 1864, leaders of the governments and legislatures of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada met in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, and created a shared vision of a union of the British North American colonies and the creation of a new country;

Whereas the ambitions and ideals that flourished at and grew out of the Charlottetown Conference form part of the basis for the nation of Canada;

Whereas the rich heritage of Charlottetown is reflec-ted in the recognition of Province House, where the discussions took place, as a national historic site and in the recognition of other national historic sites in Charlottetown in view of their strong association with the birth of this country;

Whereas, by Proclamation of the Prime Minister of Canada on September 1, 1996, the role of Charlottetown as the birthplace of Confederation was recognized and affirmed as an integral part of our Canadian heritage;

And whereas September 1, 2014, marked the 150th anniversary of the Charlottetown Conference, which, along with the Quebec Conference of 1864 and the London Conference of 1866-1867, led to the promulgation of the Constitution Act, 1867;

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short title

1This Act may be cited as the Recognition of Charlottetown as the Birthplace of Confederation Act.

Birthplace of Confederation

2Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, is recognized as and declared to be the birthplace of Confederation.

Jurisdiction of the Minister

3For greater certainty, nothing in this Act constitutes a designation within the jurisdiction of the Minister responsible for the Parks Canada Agency under the Parks Canada Agency Act.

Published under authority of the Senate of Canada

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Bill S-236
(Third Reading)
June 21, 2017
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