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Bill C-389

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1st Session, 41st Parliament,
60-61 Elizabeth II, 2011-2012
house of commons of canada
BILL C-389
An Act to implement the recommendations of the Pay Equity Task Force
Whereas the Pay Equity Task Force was established on June 19, 2001 by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for Canada and by the Minister of Labour to undertake a comprehensive review of the legislation and policies that have been implemented by the Government of Canada in respect of matters relating to pay equity;
And whereas the Pay Equity Task Force prepared a report dated May 5, 2004 that contained a number of recommendations as to how that legislation and those policies could be improved;
Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Pay Equity Task Force Recommendations Act.
Implementation of recommen-dations
2. The Government of Canada must immediately take all measures necessary to implement the recommendations of the Pay Equity Task Force set out in its final report dated May 5, 2004 and entitled Pay Equity: A New Approach to a Fundamental Right.
Annual report
3. At the end of the first fiscal year that begins after the coming into force of the Act, and at the end of each of the following four fiscal years, the Minister of Labour must prepare a report reviewing the progress made by the Government of Canada during that fiscal year in fulfilling its obligations under section 2, and must cause the report to be laid before each House of Parliament within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year or, if that House is not then sitting, on any of the first 15 days next thereafter that the House is sitting.
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons