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Bill C-497

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3rd Session, 40th Parliament,
59 Elizabeth II, 2010
house of commons of canada
BILL C-497
An Act warning Canadians of the cancer risks of using tanning equipment
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Tanning Equipment Warning (Cancer Risks) Act.
C.R.C., c. 1370
Amendment of Regulations
2. The Governor in Council shall, within 90 days after this Act comes into force, amend the Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations to require
(a) that an English version and a French version of an ultraviolet radiation warning label measuring 36 cm by 25 cm
(i) be placed in a clearly visible location on the top cover of horizontal full-body and half-body tanning equipment and on the door panel of vertical full-body tanning equipment,
(ii) include in the French version of the label, enclosed within a black border,
(A) in the upper portion, in red on a white background, the signal word “Mise en garde” with the hazard symbol on both sides,
(B) in the middle portion, the primary hazard statement “Les lits de bronzage causent le cancer” in yellow on a black background, and
(C) in the lower portion, the following message in black on a white background:
“Le rayonnement ultraviolet émis par les lits de bronzage est cancérogène et augmente considérablement les risques de mélanome et autres cancers. Plus l’exposition régulière débute tôt, plus les risques qui y sont associés sont élevés. Il est déconseillé aux personnes de moins de 18 ans d’utiliser les lits de bronzage.
Portez le dispositif de protection des yeux. Suivez les instructions. Les lits de bronzage peuvent causer des brûlures à la peau et aux yeux. Les médicaments et cosmétiques peuvent augmenter les effets des rayons UV. L’exposition aux rayons UV peut avoir des effets nocifs sur la santé et contribuer au vieillissement prématuré de la peau et à la formation d’anomalies cutanées.”,
(iii) include in the English version of the label, enclosed within a black border,
(A) in the upper portion, in red on a white background, the signal word “Warning” with the hazard symbol on both sides,
(B) in the middle portion, the primary hazard statement “Tanning beds cause cancer” in yellow on a black background, and
(C) in the lower portion, the following message in red on a white background:
“Ultraviolet radiation from tanning beds is carcinogenic to humans and significantly increases the risk of melanoma cancer and other types of skin cancer. Greater risks are associated with early and repeated exposure. Persons under the age of 18 years are recommended to avoid using tanning beds.
Use protective eyewear. Follow instructions. Tanning beds can cause skin burns and eye burns. Drugs and cosmetics may increase UV effects. UV exposure can be hazardous to your health and can contribute to premature skin aging and skin defects.”, and
(iv) conform to the diagram set out in Schedule 1; and
(b) that an English version and a French version of an ultraviolet radiation warning label measuring 7.5 cm by 35.5 cm
(i) be placed on the upper or lower rim or panel of all horizontal full-body and half-body tanning equipment in a clearly visible location that is adjacent to the tanning surface,
(ii) include in the French version of the label, enclosed within a black border,
(A) in the upper portion, in red on a white background, the signal word “Mise en garde” with the hazard symbol on both sides,
(B) in the middle portion, the primary hazard statement “Les lits de bronzage causent le cancer” in yellow on a black background, and
(C) in the lower portion, the following message in red on a white background:
“Il est déconseillé aux personnes de moins de 18 ans d’utiliser les lits de bronzage”,
(iii) include in the English version of the label, enclosed within a black border,
(A) in the upper portion, in red on a white background, the signal word “Warning” with the hazard symbol on both sides,
(B) in the middle portion, the primary hazard statement “Tanning beds cause cancer” in yellow on a black background, and
(C) in the lower portion, the following message in red on a white background:
“Persons under the age of 18 years are recommended to avoid use”, and
(iv) conform to the diagram set out in Schedule 2.