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Bill C-419

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2nd Session, 40th Parliament,
57-58 Elizabeth II, 2009
house of commons of canada
BILL C-419
An Act respecting the notification of former residents and former employees of Valcartier military base concerning contaminated water
Whereas the federal government is required to ensure that, in connection with any activities conducted within its jurisdiction, the standards for drinking water are respected;
Whereas the federal government, for several decades, used chlorinated solvents, including trichloroethylene (TCE), on Valcartier military base and at Canadian Arsenals Limited and Defence Research and Development Canada – Valcartier, and these products, which are hazardous to human health, made their way into the environment, contaminating the water table from which the drinking water for Valcartier military base was taken;
And whereas the individuals who resided or worked on Valcartier military base or worked at Canadian Arsenals Limited or Defence Research and Development Canada – Valcartier have the right to be advised of the health risks to which they may have been exposed as the result of contaminants in the drinking water;
Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Valcartier Military Base Act.
Definition of “Minister”
2. In this Act, “Minister” means the Minister of National Defence.
3. (1) The Minister shall, within 180 days of the coming into force of this Act,
(a) identify, using the data in his or her possession and any other reasonable means, including the mass media, electronic media and periodicals, the individuals who resided or were employed on Valcartier military base or at Canadian Arsenals Limited or Defence Research and Development Canada – Valcartier during the period beginning on January 1, 1940, and ending on December 31, 2002, and enter their names in a registry; and
(b) send these individuals, or their assigns or heirs, a written notice containing the following information:
(i) a summary of the circumstances leading to the contamination of the water,
(ii) the fact that the individuals referred to in paragraph (a) may have been exposed to drinking water contaminated by chlorin- ated solvents, including trichloroethylene (TCE), and by their degradation by-products, either by contact, inhalation or ingestion,
(iii) the existence of legal remedies, and
(iv) any other information relating to the health or rights of the individuals referred to in paragraph (a).
(2) The Minister shall include with the notice referred to in paragraph (1)(b) an epidemiolog- ical health questionnaire that the recipient of the notice will have the option of completing.
Development of questionnaire
(3) The Minister of Health shall prepare the questionnaire referred to in subsection (2). The Minister of Health shall analyse the questionnaires and publish the results within 18 months of the coming into force of this Act.
4. The Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) prescribing the form of the registry established by paragraph 3(1)(a);
(b) prescribing the form and content of the notice referred to in paragraph 3(1)(b);
(c) prescribing the form and content of the questionnaire referred to in subsection 3(2); and
(d) generally to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Act.
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons
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