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Bill C-10

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Federal Financial Assistance for Students
1994, c. 28
Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
358. Subparagraph 5(a)(iii) of the English version of the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act is replaced by the following:
(iii) principal and interest on a student loan made by the lender to a borrower whose obligations in respect of the loan are terminated in the circumstances set out in section 10 or 11,
2000, c. 14, s. 17
359. Subsection 6.1(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Financial terms and conditions
(2) Any terms and conditions in the agreement that could have a financial impact on Her Majesty in right of Canada are subject to approval by the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance.
360. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 6.3:
Suspension or denial of financial assistance
6.4 The Minister may suspend or deny the provision of financial assistance to all those who are qualifying students in relation to a designated educational institution if the Minister is satisfied that there are compelling reasons to believe that the provision of the financial assistance would
(a) facilitate the commission by the designated educational institution of an offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament; or
(b) expose the qualifying students or Her Majesty in right of Canada to significant financial risk.
361. Section 10 of the Act is replaced by the following:
Death of borrower
10. (1) All obligations of a borrower in respect of a student loan prescribed by regulations made under paragraph 15(1)(j) terminate if the borrower dies, and in that event the Minister shall pay to the lender the amounts referred to in subparagraph 5(a)(iii).
Death of borrower before this subsection in force
(2) If a borrower dies before this subsection comes into force, then all obligations of that borrower in respect of such a student loan terminate on the day on which this subsection comes into force.
362. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 16.2:
Requirement to provide information or documents
16.3 (1) For the purpose of verifying compliance or preventing non-compliance with this Act, the Minister may, by notice served personally or by confirmed delivery service, require any person who has received financial assistance to provide to the Minister, within the time and in the manner that are stipulated in the notice, any information or document that is in their possession or to which they could reasonably be expected to have access.
Copies as evidence
(2) When a document is provided in accordance with subsection (1), the Minister may make, or cause to be made, one or more certified copies of it and any such copy is evidence of the nature and content of the original document and has the same probative force as the original document would have if it were proven in the ordinary way.
363. Section 17 of the Act is replaced by adding the following:
False statement or information
17. (1) Every person who, in respect of a student loan or other financial assistance to a student, knowingly makes any false statement or misrepresentation, including by omission, in an application or other document or knowingly provides any false or misleading information, including by omission, is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000.
Limitation period
(2) A prosecution for an offence under this Act may not be instituted later than six years after the time when the subject matter of the complaint arose.
Administrative measures
17.1 (1) If a person, in respect of a student loan or other financial assistance to a student, knowingly makes any false statement or misrepresentation, including by omission, in an application or other document or knowingly provides any false or misleading information, including by omission, the Minister may
(a) deny the person financial assistance or a certificate of eligibility for a prescribed period;
(b) deny the person an interest-free period referred to in subsection 7(1) for a prescribed period, or terminate the interest-free period;
(c) deny the person the deferral of payments of principal or interest under section 8 for a prescribed period, or terminate the deferral;
(d) deny the person payments of interest under subsection 9(2) for a prescribed period, or terminate the payments;
(e) deny the person a gratuitous payment referred to in paragraph 15(1)(l);
(f) deny the person special interest-free or interest-reduced periods referred to in paragraph 15(1)(n) for a prescribed period, or terminate the interest-free period or the interest-reduced period;
(g) deny the person repayment of a student loan on an income-contingent basis referred to in paragraph 15(1)(o) for a prescribed period, or terminate repayment on an income-contingent basis;
(h) require the person to immediately repay any outstanding amount of a student loan that they obtained by reason of the false statement or misrepresentation or the false or misleading information; or
(i) require the person to immediately repay any grant that they obtained by reason of the false statement or misrepresentation or the false or misleading information.
Outstanding student loans
(2) If, before the day on which this section comes into force, a person knowingly made any false statement or misrepresentation, including by omission, in an application or other document or knowingly provided any false or misleading information, including by omission, in respect of a student loan that is outstanding on that day, the Minister may take any measure set out in paragraphs (1)(a) to (h).
(3) The Minister may not take any measure under subsection (1) or (2) without having given the person 60 days’ notice of the Minister’s intention to take the measure.
(4) The person may make submissions to the Minister in respect of the measure at any time.
Rescission or modification of measure
(5) The Minister may rescind or modify a measure taken under subsection (1) or (2) if new facts are presented or the Minister considers that the measure was taken without knowledge of some material fact or on the basis of a mistake concerning one.
(6) The Minister may not take any measure under subsection (1) or (2) later than five years after the day on which the Minister becomes aware of the false statement or misrepresentation or the false or misleading information.
364. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 19:
Chief Actuary to report
19.1 (1) The Chief Actuary of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions shall, no later than July 31, 2009, prepare and submit to the Minister a report on financial assistance provided under this Act in the loan year that ended on July 31, 2008.
Subsequent reports
(2) The Chief Actuary shall, no later than three years after the end of the loan year during which he or she previously submitted a report to the Minister under subsection (1) or under this subsection, prepare and submit to the Minister a subsequent report on financial assistance provided under this Act in the loan year or years since the last loan year covered by the previous report. The report shall cover a period that ends on the end of the loan year that precedes the submission of the report.
Contents of report
(3) The Chief Actuary shall include the following in a report made under this section:
(a) an actuarial estimate of the current costs of financial assistance provided under this Act, and of revenues from that assistance;
(b) an actuarial forecast of the costs of financial assistance that is to be provided under this Act for the 25 years that follow the last loan year that is covered by the report, and of revenues from that assistance; and
(c) an explanation of all of the actuarial and economic assumptions and the actuarial methodology used in the preparation of the report.
Report to be laid before Parliament
(4) The Minister shall cause the report to be laid before the Senate and the House of Commons on the day after the day on which the report is submitted or, if that House is not then sitting, on any of the first 15 days afterwards that it is sitting.
R.S., c. S-23
Canada Student Loans Act
365. Section 12 of the Canada Student Loans Act is replaced by the following:
Death of borrower
12. (1) All obligations of a borrower in respect of a guaranteed student loan terminate if the borrower dies, and the Minister shall pay to any lender whose rights against the borrower are terminated under this section the amount of principal and interest determined in the prescribed manner to have been payable by the borrower on the day of the borrower’s death.
Undisclosed death of borrower
(2) If the borrower dies and notice of the borrower’s death is not received by the lender within 30 days after the day of death, then, despite subsection (1), the day on which the amount is determined in the prescribed manner to have been payable is a day that is fixed by the Minister in accordance with the regulations.
Disappearance of borrower
(3) If a borrower disappears under circumstances that, in the opinion of the Minister, raise a presumption that the borrower is dead, then all the borrower’s obligations in respect of a guaranteed student loan terminate on the day on which the Minister forms that opinion, and the Minister shall pay to any lender whose rights against the borrower are terminated under this subsection the amount of principal and interest determined in the prescribed manner to have been payable by the borrower on a day that is fixed by the Minister in accordance with the regulations.
Death of borrower before this subsection comes into force
(4) If, before the day on which this subsection comes into force, a borrower dies or the Minister forms an opinion under paragraph (2)(b) as it read immediately before that day, then all the borrower’s obligations in respect of a guaranteed student loan terminate on that day.
Date fixed is after this subsection comes into force
(5) However, if the Minister fixes a day under subsection (2) — as it read immediately before this subsection comes into force — that is later than the day on which this subsection comes into force, then the day that is fixed is the day on which the amount of principal and interest is determined in the prescribed manner to be payable under subsection (2) or (3).
366. Section 18 of the Act is replaced by the following:
False statement or information
18. (1) Every person who, in respect of a guaranteed student loan, knowingly makes any false statement or misrepresentation, including by omission, in an application or other document or knowingly provides any false or misleading information, including by omission, is guilty of an offence under this Act and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000.
Limitation period
(2) A prosecution for an offence under this Act may not be instituted later than six years after the time when the subject matter of the complaint arose.
Administrative measures
18.1 (1) If a person, in respect of a guaranteed student loan, knowingly makes any false statement or misrepresentation, including by omission, in an application or other document or knowingly provides any false or misleading information, including by omission, the Minister may
(a) deny the person an interest-free period under section 4 or a special interest-free period under section 10 for a prescribed period, or terminate the interest-free period or the special interest-free period;
(b) deny the person the deferral of payments of principal or interest under section 5 for a prescribed period, or terminate the deferral;
(c) deny the person payments of interest under subsection 5.1(2) for a prescribed period, or terminate the payments;
(d) deny the person repayment of a guaranteed student loan on an income-contingent basis referred to in paragraph 17(q) for a prescribed period, or terminate repayment on an income-contingent basis;
(e) deny the person a gratuitous payment referred to in paragraph 17(q.1); or
(f) require the person to immediately repay any outstanding amount of a guaranteed student loan that they obtained by reason of the false statement or misrepresentation or the false or misleading information.
Outstanding student loans
(2) If, before the day on which this section comes into force, a person knowingly made any false statement or misrepresentation, including by omission, in an application or other document or knowingly provided any false or misleading information, including by omission, in respect of a guaranteed student loan that is outstanding on that day, the Minister may take any measure set out in paragraphs (1)(a) to (f).
(3) The Minister may not take any measure under subsection (1) or (2) without having given the person 60 days’ notice of the Minister’s intention to take the measure.
(4) The person may make submissions to the Minister in respect of the measure at any time.
Rescission or modification of measure
(5) The Minister may rescind or modify a measure taken under subsection (1) or (2) if new facts are presented or the Minister considers that the measure was taken without knowledge of some material fact or on the basis of a mistake concerning one.
(6) The Minister may not take any measure under subsection (1) or (2) later than five years after the day on which the Minister becomes aware of the false statement or misrepresentation or the false or misleading information.
367. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 19.2:
Requirement to provide information or documents
19.3 (1) For the purpose of verifying compliance or preventing non-compliance with this Act, the Minister may, by notice served personally or by confirmed delivery service, require any person who has received a guaranteed student loan to provide to the Minister, within the time and in the manner that are stipulated in the notice, any information or document that is in their possession or to which they could reasonably be expected to have access.
Copies as evidence
(2) When a document is provided in accordance with subsection (1), the Minister may make, or cause to be made, one or more certified copies of it and any such copy is evidence of the nature and content of the original document and has the same probative force as the original document would have if it were proven in the ordinary way.
2008, c. 28
Consequential Amendment to the Budget Implementation Act, 2008
368. Section 105 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2008 is repealed.
Division 3
Crown Corporations
R.S., c. F-11
Financial Administration Act
2006, c. 9, s. 262(3)
369. Subsections 85(1.1) and (1.2) of the Financial Administration Act are replaced by the following:
Exempted Crown corporations
(1.1) Divisions I to IV, except for subsection 105(2) and sections 113.1, 119, 131 to 148 and 154.01, do not apply to the Canada Council for the Arts, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the International Development Research Centre or the National Arts Centre Corporation.
Exemption for Telefilm Canada
(1.2) Divisions I to IV, except for subsection 105(2) and sections 113.1, 119, 131 to 148 and 154.01 and subject to subsection 21(2) of the Telefilm Canada Act, do not apply to Telefilm Canada.
370. (1) The portion of subsection 99(2) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Disposal of property
(2) Subject to this section and sections 90, 91 and 130, an agent corporation may sell or otherwise dispose of or lease any property held by the corporation and may retain and use the proceeds of the disposal or lease, but only
(2) The portion of subsection 99(3) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply in respect of any sale or other disposal or lease of property by an agent corporation established by an Act of Parliament, if the corporation is specifically empowered by that Act or any other Act of Parliament
(3) Paragraphs 99(3)(a) and (b) of the English version of the Act are replaced by the following:
(a) to sell or otherwise dispose of or lease property; or
(b) to sell or otherwise dispose of or lease property for consideration not exceeding a specified amount and the sale or other disposal or lease of the property is for consideration equal to or less than the specified amount.
(4) Paragraphs 99(4)(a) and (b) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(a) prescribing the terms and conditions on which an agent corporation may sell or otherwise dispose of or lease property;
(b) prescribing the circumstances in which an agent corporation may retain and use all or any part of the proceeds of any disposal or lease of property; and
(5) Subsection 99(5) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Terms and conditions
(5) The Governor in Council may, in any authorizing order under subsection (2), specify any terms and conditions that the Governor in Council considers appropriate, including terms and conditions respecting the retention and use of all or any part of the proceeds of the disposal or lease by the agent corporation.
371. Subsection 105(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Officer or employee not to be director
(2) No officer or employee of a Crown corporation or any of its affiliates, other than the chief executive officer of a parent Crown corporation, shall be a director of the parent Crown corporation.
Transitional provision
(2.1) Any officer or employee of a Crown corporation or any of its affiliates, other than the chief executive officer of a parent Crown corporation, who was a director of the parent Crown corporation immediately before the day on which this subsection comes into force may continue as a director of that corporation for six months after that day or, if it is shorter, the remainder of his or her term.
372. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 113:
Public meeting
113.1 (1) The board of directors of a parent Crown corporation shall hold a public meeting within 18 months after the day on which the board holds its first meeting or, if it is later, the day on which this section comes into force and, subsequently, within 15 months after the day on which the last preceding public meeting was held.
(2) The meeting shall be held in Canada in the manner provided for in the by-laws or, if no manner is provided for, in the manner determined by the board of directors.
Notice of meeting
(3) The corporation shall publish a notice of the meeting at least 30 days before the day on which the meeting is to be held. The notice shall indicate the location, if any, and the date and time of the meeting, the means of participating in the meeting and how copies of the corporation’s most recent annual report may be obtained.
Director and chief executive officer to attend
(4) One or more directors of the corporation and its chief executive officer, whether or not he or she is a director of the corporation, shall participate in the meeting to answer questions from the public.
1991, c. 24, s. 34
373. (1) The portion of subsection 119(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Obligation to indemnify
119. (1) The Treasury Board shall, in accordance with the regulations, if any, indemnify a present or former director or officer of a Crown corporation or a person who acts or acted at the request of a Minister or a Crown corporation as a director or officer of another corporation, and his or her heirs and legal representatives, against the costs, charges and expenses, including an amount paid to settle an action or satisfy a judgment, that are reasonably incurred by him or her in respect of any civil, criminal, administrative or investigative action or proceeding to which he or she is a party by reason of being or having been such a director or officer, if he or she
(2) Section 119 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):
Advance of costs
(1.1) The Treasury Board shall, in accordance with the regulations, if any, advance moneys to any individual referred to in subsection (1) for the costs, charges and expenses of an action or proceeding referred to in that subsection unless there are reasonable grounds to believe that the individual does not fulfil the conditions set out in paragraph (1)(a) or (b). The individual shall repay the moneys if he or she does not fulfil those conditions.
1991, c. 24, s. 34
(3) The portion of subsection 119(2) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Entitlement to indemnification
(2) Despite anything in this section, a director or officer referred to in subsection (1) is, and his or her heirs and legal representatives are, entitled to indemnity, in accordance with the regulations, if any, from the Treasury Board in respect of the costs, charges and expenses reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with the defence of any civil, criminal, administrative or investigative action or proceeding to which he or she was made a party by reason of being or having been such a director or officer, if he or she
1991, c. 24, s. 34
(4) Subsection 119(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(3) The Treasury Board may make regulations
(a) respecting indemnification and advances under this section, including terms and conditions governing them;
(b) defining, for the purposes of this section, the meaning of any word or expression used in it that is not defined in this Act;
(c) prescribing circumstances in which a director or officer is presumed not to have fulfilled the condition set out in paragraph (1)(a); and
(d) respecting the determination of the amounts to be paid as indemnification or advances under this section.
374. Subsection 138(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Time for examination
(2) A special examination shall be carried out at least once every 10 years and at any additional times that the Governor in Council, the appropriate Minister, the board of directors of the corporation to be examined or the Auditor General of Canada may require.
375. Section 139 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2):
Report to Minister and President of the Treasury Board
(3) The board of directors shall, within 30 days after the day on which it receives the report, submit the report to the appropriate Minister and the President of the Treasury Board.
Report available to public
(4) The board of directors shall, within 60 days after the day on which it receives the report, make the report available to the public.
Consequential Amendments
R.S., c. C-2; 2001, c. 34, s. 14(E)
Canada Council for the Arts Act
376. Section 5 of the Canada Council for the Arts Act is renumbered as subsection 5(1) and is amended by adding the following:
Chief executive officer
(2) The Director is the chief executive officer of the Council.
2008, c. 28, s. 121
Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board Act
377. Subsection 9(6) of the Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (e):
(e.1) a person who is an employee of the Board;
R.S., c. C-10
Canada Post Corporation Act
378. Section 8 of the Canada Post Corporation Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):
Chief executive officer
(1.1) The President is the chief executive officer of the Corporation.
R.S., c. C-15
Canadian Dairy Commission Act
379. Subsection 3(3) of the Canadian Dairy Commission Act is repealed.
1991, c. 8
Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act
2006, c. 9, s. 244
380. Subsection 17(3) of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act is replaced by the following:
Financial Administration Act
(3) Part X of the Financial Administration Act, except for subsection 105(2) and sections 113.1, 131 to 148 and 154.01, does not apply to the Foundation.
1999, c. 34
Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act
2006, c. 9, s. 295
381. Subsection 3(6) of the Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act is replaced by the following:
Financial Administration Act
(6) Part X of the Financial Administration Act, except for sections 113.1, 132 to 147 and 154.01, does not apply to the Board. For the purposes of those sections, any reference to section 131 of that Act shall be read as a reference to section 35 of this Act.
382. Subsection 6(2) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (d):
(d.1) a person who is an employee of the Board;
R.S., c. F-8; 1995, c. 17, s. 45(1)
Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act
383. The Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act is amended by adding the following after section 3.1:
Fiscal year 2009–2010
3.11 Subject to subsection 3.7(3), the fiscal equalization payment that may be paid to a province for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2009 is equal to,
(a) for Ontario, $347,029,000;
(b) for Quebec, $8,354,501,000;
(c) for Nova Scotia, $1,390,747,000;
(d) for New Brunswick, $1,689,410,000;
(e) for Manitoba, $2,063,394,000;
(f) for British Columbia, $0;
(g) for Prince Edward Island, $339,919,000;
(h) for Saskatchewan, $0;
(i) for Alberta, $0; and
(j) for Newfoundland and Labrador, $0.
384. Section 3.2 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (3):
Fiscal year 2009–2010
(4) Despite subsections (1) and (2), for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2009, the fiscal equalization payment that would be received by Nova Scotia or Newfoundland and Labrador, as the case may be, if the amount of that payment were determined in accordance with this section is $1,645,198,000 for Nova Scotia and $856,986,000 for Newfoundland and Labrador.
2007, c. 29, s. 62
385. Section 3.4 of the Act is replaced by the following:
Less than 50% of population
3.4 (1) If the aggregate of the average annual population of all provinces for a fiscal year to which a fiscal equalization payment would be paid for that fiscal year, if the amount of that payment were determined under paragraph 3.2(1)(a), is less than 50% of the aggregate of the average annual population of all provinces for that fiscal year and if the amount that may be paid to a province for that fiscal year under section 3.2 would, if paid, result in that province having, in that fiscal year, a total per capita fiscal capacity that is greater than the per capita equalized fiscal capacity of any province that would not receive a fiscal equalization payment for that fiscal year if the amount of that payment were determined under paragraph 3.2(1)(a), the fiscal equalization payment that may be paid to that province for that fiscal year determined under section 3.2 shall be reduced by the amount determined by the formula
(A – B) × C
A      is the total per capita fiscal capacity of that province for that fiscal year;
B      is the per capita equalized fiscal capacity for that fiscal year of the province that has the lowest per capita equalized fiscal capacity for that fiscal year and that would not receive a fiscal equalization payment for that fiscal year if the amount of that payment were determined under paragraph 3.2(1)(a); and
C      is the average annual population of that province for that fiscal year.
50% or more of population
(2) If the aggregate of the average annual population of all provinces for a fiscal year to which a fiscal equalization payment would be paid for that fiscal year, if the amount of that payment were determined under paragraph 3.2(1)(a), is 50% or more of the aggregate of the average annual population of all provinces for that fiscal year, the fiscal equalization payment that may be paid to a province for that fiscal year determined under section 3.2 shall be reduced by the greater of the following amounts:
(a) zero, and
(b) the amount determined by the formula
(A – B) × C
A      is the total per capita fiscal capacity of that province for that fiscal year,
B      is the quotient obtained by dividing the aggregate of the equalized fiscal capacity of all provinces to which a fiscal equalization payment would be paid for that fiscal year, if the amount of that payment were determined under paragraph 3.2(1)(a), by the aggregate of the average annual population of all of those provinces for that fiscal year, and
C      is the average annual population of that province for that fiscal year.
(3) If, as a result of the application of subsection (2), the amount of the fiscal equalization payment that may be paid to any province for a fiscal year is reduced to zero, that subsection applies again, but the description of B in that subsection does not include, for that fiscal year, the equalized fiscal capacity and the average annual population of any province to which the amount of the fiscal equalization payment is reduced to zero.
Multiple applications
(4) For greater certainty, subsection (3) applies after each application of subsection (2).
Aggregate payment
(5) The aggregate of the fiscal equalization payments that would be paid for a fiscal year beginning after March 31, 2010, if the amounts of those payments were determined under subsections (1) to (4) and section 3.2 as if no province had made an election under subsection 3.2(2), shall be equal to the amount determined by the formula
A × (1 + B)
A      is, for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2010, $14,185,000,000 and, for a fiscal year beginning after March 31, 2011, the amount determined under this subsection for the previous fiscal year; and
B      is the average of the annual rates of growth of the nominal gross domestic product of Canada, as determined by the Minister, for the calendar year that ends during the fiscal year in question and for the two previous calendar years.
(6) If the aggregate of the fiscal equalization payments that would be paid for a fiscal year, if the amounts of those payments were determined under subsections (1) to (4) and section 3.2 as if no province had made an election under subsection 3.2(2), exceeds the amount determined under subsection (5), the fiscal equalization payment that may be paid to a province for that fiscal year determined under subsections (1) to (4) and section 3.2 shall be reduced by the amount determined by the formula
A × B
A      is the lesser of the per capita equalization payment for that province for that fiscal year and the per capita reduction; and
B      is the average annual population of that province for that fiscal year.
Per capita calculation
(7) For the purposes of subsection (6), the Minister shall determine the per capita reduction for a fiscal year and shall, in making that determination, ensure that the aggregate of the reductions referred to in that subsection is equal to the amount determined by the formula
A – B
A      is the aggregate of the fiscal equalization payments that would be paid for that fiscal year, if the amounts of those payments were determined under subsections (1) to (4) and section 3.2 as if no province had made an election under subsection 3.2(2); and
B      is the amount determined under subsection (5).
Adjustment payment
(8) If the aggregate of the fiscal equalization payments that would be paid for a fiscal year, if the amounts of those payments were determined under subsections (1) to (4) and section 3.2 as if no province had made an election under subsection 3.2(2), is less than the amount determined under subsection (5), there may be paid to a province for that fiscal year an adjustment payment that is,
(a) in the case of a province to which a fiscal equalization payment would be paid for that fiscal year, if the amount of that payment were determined under subsections (1) to (4) and section 3.2, the amount determined by the formula
A × B
A      is the per capita adjustment for that fiscal year, and
B      is the average annual population of that province for that fiscal year; and
(b) in any other case, the greater of zero and the amount determined by the formula
(C + D – E) × F
C      is the per capita pre-adjustment equalized fiscal capacity for that fiscal year of the province that has the greatest per capita pre-adjustment equalized fiscal capacity for that fiscal year of the provinces referred to in paragraph (a),
D      is the per capita adjustment for that fiscal year,
E      is the per capita pre-adjustment equalized fiscal capacity of the province in question for that fiscal year, and
F      is the average annual population of the province in question for that fiscal year.
Per capita adjustment
(9) For the purposes of subsection (8), the Minister shall determine the per capita adjustment for a fiscal year and shall, in making that determination, ensure that the aggregate of the adjustment payments referred to in that subsection is equal to the amount determined by the formula
A – B
A      is the amount determined under subsection (5); and
B      is the aggregate of the fiscal equalization payments that would be paid for that fiscal year, if the amounts of those payments were determined under subsections (1) to (4) and section 3.2 as if no province had made an election under subsection 3.2(2).
Section 3.6
(10) No adjustment payment shall be paid for a fiscal year to a province to which section 3.6 applies for that fiscal year.
386. Subsection 3.5(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
“equalized fiscal capacity”
« capacité fiscale après péréquation »
“equalized fiscal capacity” means, in respect of a province for a fiscal year, the product obtained by multiplying the per capita equalized fiscal capacity of that province for that fiscal year by the average annual population of that province for that fiscal year.
“per capita equalization payment”
« paiement de péréquation par habitant »
“per capita equalization payment” means, in respect of a province for a fiscal year, the quotient obtained by dividing the fiscal equalization payment that would be paid to that province for that fiscal year, if the amount of that payment were determined under section 3.2 and subsections 3.4(1) to (4) as if that province had not made an election under subsection 3.2(2), by the average annual population of that province for that fiscal year.
“per capita equalized fiscal capacity”
« capacité fiscale par habitant après péréquation »
“per capita equalized fiscal capacity” means, in respect of a province for a fiscal year, the amount determined by the formula
A + B + (C / F)
A,      B and F have the same meaning as the descriptions of A, B and F, respectively, in the definition “total per capita fiscal capacity”; and
C      is any fiscal equalization payment that may be paid to that province for that fiscal year if the amount of that payment were determined under paragraph 3.2(1)(a).
“per capita pre-adjustment equalized fiscal capacity”
« capacité fiscale par habitant après péréquation et avant rajustement »
“per capita pre-adjustment equalized fiscal capacity” means, in respect of a province for a fiscal year, the amount determined by the formula
A + B + C + [(D + E) / F]
A,      B, D, E and F have the same meaning as the descriptions of A, B, D, E and F, respectively, in the definition “total per capita fiscal capacity”; and
C      is the per capita equalization payment for that province for that fiscal year.
2007, c. 29, s. 62
387. Subsection 3.7(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Election for subsequent fiscal years
(3) Nova Scotia or Newfoundland and Labrador, as the case may be, may elect, at the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, that the amount of the fiscal equalization payment that may be paid to that province
(a) for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2008, be determined under sections 3.2 and 3.4 as they read immediately before the day on which this subsection comes into force, rather than under subsection 3.6(1);
(b) for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2009, be the amount set out in section 3.11, rather than the amount determined under subsection 3.6(1); or
(c) for any fiscal year beginning after March 31, 2010, be determined under sections 3.2 and 3.4, rather than under subsection 3.6(1).
388. Section 24.2 of the Act is renumbered as subsection 24.2(1) and is amended by adding the following:
Fiscal year 2009–2010
(2) Despite subsection (1), the cash contribution established under paragraph 24.1(1)(a) that may be provided to a province for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2009 is
(a) for Ontario, $9,233,217,000;
(b) for Quebec, $5,798,516,000;
(c) for Nova Scotia, $700,137,000;
(d) for New Brunswick, $557,488,000;
(e) for Manitoba, $903,325,000;
(f) for British Columbia, $3,353,843,000;
(g) for Prince Edward Island, $104,364,000;
(h) for Saskatchewan, $843,451,000;
(i) for Alberta, $1,961,782,000;
(j) for Newfoundland and Labrador, $450,450,000;
(k) for Yukon, $26,457,000;
(l) for the Northwest Territories, $26,824,000; and
(m) for Nunavut, $27,208,000.
2007, c. 29, s. 71
389. (1) Subsections 24.7(1.2) and (1.3) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Total equalized tax transfer — fiscal years 2007–2008 to 2010–2011
(1.2) The total equalized tax transfer applicable to a province for each fiscal year in the period beginning on April 1, 2007 and ending on March 31, 2011 is the aggregate of
(a) the total amount, as determined by the Minister, for that fiscal year represented by the federal income tax reduction in that province in respect of the Canada Health Transfer and the Canada Social Transfer for that fiscal year, and
(b) in the case of a territory, zero, and in the case of a province, the amount equal to the lesser of
(i) the equalization payment payable to that province for that fiscal year under Part I, and
(ii) an amount equal to the greater of
(A) the product obtained by multiplying
(I) the aggregate of the amounts obtained by subtracting, for each revenue source referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition “revenue source” in subsection 3.9(1), the per capita yield of the federal income tax reduction for that province for that fiscal year from the per capita national yield of the federal income tax reduction for that fiscal year
(II) the population of that province for that fiscal year, and
(B) zero.
Total equalized tax transfer — fiscal year 2009–2010
(1.21) Despite subsection (1.2), the total equalized tax transfer applicable to a province for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2009 is
(a) for Ontario, $5,531,594,000;
(b) for Quebec, $3,007,447,000;
(c) for Nova Scotia, $363,132,000;
(d) for New Brunswick, $289,145,000;
(e) for Manitoba, $468,518,000;
(f) for British Columbia, $1,649,531,000;
(g) for Prince Edward Island, $54,129,000;
(h) for Saskatchewan, $302,432,000;
(i) for Alberta, $2,129,928,000;
(j) for Newfoundland and Labrador, $123,276,000;
(k) for Yukon, $11,131,000;
(l) for the Northwest Territories, $22,794,000; and
(m) for Nunavut, $8,510,000.
Total equalized tax transfer — fiscal year 2011-2012 and later
(1.22) The total equalized tax transfer applicable to a province for each fiscal year beginning after March 31, 2011 is the aggregate of the total amount, as determined by the Minister, for that fiscal year represented by the federal income tax reduction in that province in respect of the Canada Health Transfer and the Canada Social Transfer for that fiscal year and
(a) in the case of a province that receives an equalization payment for that fiscal year under Part I and in the case of Ontario, an amount equal to the lesser of
(i) the equalization payment payable to that province for that fiscal year under Part I, and
(ii) the amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying
(A) the aggregate of the amounts obtained by subtracting, for each revenue source referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition “revenue source” in subsection 3.9(1), the per capita yield of the federal income tax reduction for that province for that fiscal year from the per capita national yield of the federal income tax reduction for that fiscal year
(B) the population of that province for that fiscal year; or
(b) in any other case, zero.
Revenue sources
(1.3) For the purposes of the calculation under subparagraph (1.2)(b)(ii) and paragraph (1.22)(a), the relevant revenue bases, per capita yield of the federal income tax reduction and per capita national yield of the federal income tax reduction are to be determined in the prescribed manner.
2007, c. 29, s. 71(7)
(2) The portion of subsection 24.7(2) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Federal income tax reduction
(2) For the purposes of subsections (1), (1.2) and (1.22), the amount represented by the federal income tax reduction in a province in respect of the Canada Health Transfer and the Canada Social Transfer for a fiscal year is an amount equal to the aggregate of
390. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 24.701:
Payments to Ontario
24.702 The Minister may pay to Ontario an additional cash payment equal to
(a) for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2009, the amount of $489,058,000; and
(b) for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2010, the amount determined by the formula
-1 × A × B
A      is the amount determined for Ontario under subparagraph 24.7(1.2)(b)(i) for that fiscal year, and
B      is the population of Ontario for that fiscal year.
2007, c. 29, s. 73
391. Paragraph 40(a.1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a.1) respecting the information that must be prepared and submitted by the Chief Statistician of Canada for the purposes of Parts I, I.1, V and V.1;
Payment to Nova Scotia
Payment of $74,188,000
392. There may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, on the requisition of the Minister of Finance, the sum of seventy-four million and one hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars to Nova Scotia.
Enactment of Act
393. The Expenditure Restraint Act, whose text is as follows and whose Schedules 1 and 2 are set out in Schedule 11 to this Act, is hereby enacted:
An Act to restrain the Government of Canada’s expenditures in relation to employment
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Expenditure Restraint Act.
2. The following definitions apply in this Act.
“additional remuneration”
« rémunération additionnelle »
“additional remuneration” means any allowance, bonus, differential or premium or any payment to employees that is similar to any of those payments.
“arbitral award”
« décision arbitrale »
“arbitral award” means an arbitral award governing employees to whom this Act applies.
“bargaining agent”
« agent négociateur »
“bargaining agent” has the same meaning
(a) as in subsection 3(1) of the Canada Labour Code, in relation to employees to whom Part I of that Act applies;
(b) as in section 3 of the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, in relation to employees to whom that Act applies; and
(c) as in subsection 2(1) of the Public Service Labour Relations Act, in relation to employees to whom that Act applies.
“collective agreement”
« convention collective »
“collective agreement” means a collective agreement governing employees to whom this Act applies.
“Her Majesty”
« Sa Majesté »
“Her Majesty” means Her Majesty in right of Canada.
“National Joint Council”
« Conseil national mixte »
“National Joint Council” has the same meaning as in subsection 4(1) of the Public Service Labour Relations Act.
“rate of pay”
« taux de salaire »
“rate of pay” means a base rate of pay, whether expressed as a single rate of pay or a range of rates of pay — or, if no such rate or range exists, any fixed or ascertainable amount of base pay — but does not include any additional remuneration.
“restraint period”
« période de contrôle »
“restraint period” means the period that begins on April 1, 2006 and ends on March 31, 2011.
Deemed bonus
3. For the purpose of this Act, any lump sum that an employer is required by an arbitral award to pay to employees is deemed to be a bonus.
National Joint Council recommendations
4. Any reference in this Act to additional remuneration does not include any additional remuneration that is provided for by a directive, policy, regulation, agreement or other instrument issued or made
(a) on the recommendation of the National Joint Council and with the employer’s approval; or
(b) unilaterally by an employer in respect of a subject matter that, in the opinion of the Treasury Board, is the same as or is related to the subject matter of any instrument made in accordance with paragraph (a).
When certain collective agreements are deemed to have been entered into
5. (1) For the purpose of this Act, a collective agreement is deemed to have been entered into before December 8, 2008 if it was actually entered into on or after that date but its parties had, before that date, agreed in writing to enter into it with effect on the expiry of a previous collective agreement and they entered into it without alteration.
When provisions of certain terms and conditions of employment are deemed to have been established
(2) If subsection (1) applies in respect of a collective agreement and terms and conditions of employment were established on or after December 8, 2008, the provisions of those terms and conditions of employment that are identical in all material respects to those of the collective agreement and that are applicable to non-represented and excluded employees that normally have terms and conditions of employment that are similar to those of the employees governed by the collective agreement are, for the purposes of this Act, deemed to have been made before December 8, 2008.
Right to bargain collectively
6. Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the right to bargain collectively under the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Public Service Labour Relations Act is continued.
Right to strike
7. Nothing in this Act affects the right to strike under the Canada Labour Code or the Public Service Labour Relations Act.
Amendments permitted
8. Nothing in this Act precludes the bargaining agent for employees governed by a collective agreement or arbitral award and the employer of those employees from amending, by agreement in writing, any provision of the collective agreement or arbitral award, other than a provision relating to its term, so long as the amendment is not contrary to any provision of this Act.
Workplace improvements
9. Nothing in this Act precludes the co-development of workplace improvements by bargaining agents and employers under the auspices of the National Joint Council or any other body that they may agree on.
Incremental and merit increases
10. Nothing in this Act is to be construed as precluding the entitlement of any employee to incremental increases — including any based on the attainment of further qualifications or the acquisition of further skills — or to merit or performance increases, in-range increases, performance bonuses or similar forms of compensation.
Conflicts with other Acts
11. In the event of a conflict between a provision of this Act and a provision of any other Act of Parliament, including a provision in Part X of the Financial Administration Act, the provision of this Act prevails to the extent of the conflict, unless the other Act expressly declares that it or any of its provisions apply despite this Act.
Members of Parliament
12. This Act applies to members of the Senate and the House of Commons.
13. (1) This Act applies to employees who are employed in or by
(a) the departments and other portions of the federal public administration named in Schedules I and IV, respectively, to the Financial Administration Act and the separate agencies named in Schedule V to that Act, other than the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada and the Staff of the Non-Public Funds, Canadian Forces;
(b) the Crown corporations and public bodies named in Schedule 1; and
(c) the Senate, the House of Commons, the Library of Parliament, the office of the Senate Ethics Officer and the office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner.
Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(2) For greater certainty, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are employees.
Deemed employees
(3) This Act applies to the following persons, who are deemed to be employees for the purposes of this Act:
(a) the staff of members of the Senate and the House of Commons;
(b) directors of the Crown corporations and public bodies named in Schedule 1;
(c) officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Forces; and
(d) the Chief Electoral Officer.
Persons appointed by Governor in Council
(4) This Act applies to persons who are appointed by the Governor in Council, and those persons are deemed to be employees for the purposes of this Act. Despite this subsection, this Act does not apply to lieutenant governors, judges who are paid a salary under the Judges Act, military judges appointed under section 165.21 of the National Defence Act and prothonotaries appointed under section 12 of the Federal Courts Act.
Persons designated by Governor in Council
14. The Governor in Council may, by order, designate any person or class of persons as persons to whom this Act applies, and those persons are deemed to be employees for the purposes of this Act.
Locally engaged persons and independent contractors
15. This Act does not apply to a person who is locally engaged outside Canada or, for greater certainty, to a person who is engaged as an independent contractor.
Increases to Rates of Pay
Increases to rates of pay
16. Despite any collective agreement, arbitral award or terms and conditions of employment to the contrary, but subject to the other provisions of this Act, the rates of pay for employees are to be increased, or are deemed to have been increased, as the case may be, by the following percentages for any 12-month period that begins during any of the following fiscal years:
(a) the 2006–2007 fiscal year, 2.5%;
(b) the 2007–2008 fiscal year, 2.3%;
(c) the 2008–2009 fiscal year, 1.5%;
(d) the 2009–2010 fiscal year, 1.5%; and
(e) the 2010–2011 fiscal year, 1.5%.
Employees Represented by a Bargaining Agent
Increases to rates of pay — collective agreements or arbitral awards after coming into force
17. (1) The provisions of any collective agreement that is entered into, or arbitral award that is made, after the day on which this Act comes into force may not provide for increases to rates of pay that are greater than those set out in section 16, but they may provide for increases that are lower.
12-month periods
(2) For greater certainty, any collective agreement that is entered into, or any arbitral award that is made, after the day on which this Act comes into force and that provides for increases to rates of pay for any period that begins during the restraint period must do so on the basis of a 12-month period.
Increases to rates of pay — collective agreements and arbitral awards — December 8, 2008 until coming into force
18. The provisions of any collective agreement that is entered into, or any arbitral award that is made, during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force that provide, for any particular period, for increases to rates of pay that are greater than those referred to in section 16 for that particular period are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and are deemed to be provisions that provide for the increases referred to in section 16.
Increases to rates of pay — collective agreements and arbitral awards — before December 8, 2008
19. With respect to a collective agreement that is entered into, or an arbitral award that is made, before December 8, 2008,
(a) section 16 does not apply in respect of any period that began during the 2006–2007 or 2007–2008 fiscal year; and
(b) for any 12-month period that begins during any of the 2008–2009, 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 fiscal years, section 16 applies only in respect of periods that begin on or after December 8, 2008 and any provisions of those agreements or awards that provide, for any particular period, for increases to rates of pay that are greater than those referred to in section 16 for that particular period are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and are deemed to be provisions that provide for the increases referred to in section 16.
Other than 12-month periods — section 18
20. If a collective agreement or arbitral award to which section 18 applies provides for an increase to rates of pay for a period of other than 12 months that begins during any particular fiscal year in the restraint period, that increase is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and is deemed to be an increase for that period of other than 12 months, determined on an annualized basis to the nearest 1/100%, that provides for the increase referred to in section 16 for a period that begins during that particular fiscal year.
Other than 12-month periods — section 19
21. If a collective agreement or arbitral award to which section 19 applies provides for an increase to rates of pay for a period of other than 12 months that begins during any particular fiscal year that begins during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2011, that increase is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and is deemed to be an increase for that period of other than 12 months, determined on an annualized basis to the nearest 1/100%, that provides for the increase referred to in section 16 for a period that begins during that particular fiscal year.
Lower percentages not affected
22. If a collective agreement or arbitral award to which section 18 or 19 applies provides for an increase to the rates of pay for any particular period that is lower than the increase referred to in section 16 for that period, section 16 does not apply in respect of that increase.
Restructuring prohibited
23. Subject to sections 31 to 34,
(a) no provision of a collective agreement that is entered into, or of an arbitral award that is made, after the day on which this Act comes into force may provide for the restructuring of rates of pay during any period that begins during the restraint period;
(b) any provision of a collective agreement that is entered into, or of an arbitral award that is made, during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force that provides for the restructuring of rates of pay during any period that begins during the restraint period is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be; and
(c) any provision of a collective agreement that is entered into, or of an arbitral award that is made, before December 8, 2008 that provides for the restructuring of rates of pay during any period that begins during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2011 is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
No increases to additional remuneration — after coming into force
24. No collective agreement that is entered into, or arbitral award that is made, after the day on which this Act comes into force may provide, for any period that begins during the restraint period, for any increase to the amount or rate of any additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by the collective agreement or the arbitral award immediately before the collective agreement, or the arbitral award, as the case may be, becomes effective.
No increases to additional remuneration — December 8, 2008 until coming into force
25. If a collective agreement that is entered into, or arbitral award that is made, at any time during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force contains provisions that provide, for any period that begins during the restraint period, for an increase to the amount or rate of any additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by the collective agreement or the arbitral award immediately before the collective agreement, or the arbitral award, as the case may be, became effective, those provisions are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
No increases to additional remuneration — before December 8, 2008
26. If a collective agreement that is entered into, or an arbitral award that is made, before December 8, 2008 contains provisions that, for any period that begins in the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2011, provide for an increase to the amount or rate of any additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by the collective agreement or the arbitral award immediately before the first period that began on or after December 8, 2008, those provisions are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
No new additional remuneration — after coming into force
27. No collective agreement that is entered into, or arbitral award that is made, after the day on which this Act comes into force may provide, for any period that begins during the restraint period, for any additional remuneration that is new in relation to the additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by the collective agreement or the arbitral award immediately before the collective agreement or the arbitral award, as the case may be, becomes effective.
No new additional remuneration — December 8, 2008 to coming into force
28. If a collective agreement that is entered into, or an arbitral award that is made, at any time during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force contains a provision that provides, for any period that begins during the restraint period, for any additional remuneration to the employees governed by the collective agreement or the arbitral award that is new in relation to the additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by the collective agreement or the arbitral award, as the case may be, immediately before it became effective, that provision is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
No new additional remuneration — before December 8, 2008
29. If a collective agreement that is entered into, or an arbitral award that is made, before December 8, 2008 contains a provision that provides, for any period that begins in the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2011, for any additional remuneration to the employees governed by the collective agreement or the arbitral award that is new in relation to the additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by the collective agreement or arbitral award, as the case may be, immediately before the first period that began on or after December 8, 2008, that provision is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
Canada Border Services Agency
30. Sections 24 to 26 do not apply in respect of pay notes applicable only to employees in the Canada Border Services Agency who were transferred to the Agency on its creation, but the rates of those pay notes may not be increased during any period that begins in any of the fiscal years referred to in section 16 by a percentage that is higher than the percentage set out in that section for that fiscal year.
Border Services Group
31. The following rules apply in respect of collective agreements that govern employees in the Border Services Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Treasury Board:
(a) paragraph 23(a) does not prevent any collective agreement that is entered into after the day on which this Act comes into force from restructuring, as a result of a classification conversion, the rates of pay during the 2007–2008 or 2009–2010 fiscal year, and the increases set out in section 16 apply in respect of the restructured rates of pay;
(b) if a collective agreement is entered into during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force and, as a result of a classification conversion, it contains provisions for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2007–2008 or 2009–2010 fiscal year, paragraph 23(b) does not apply in respect of those provisions, and the increases set out in section 16 apply in respect of the restructured rates of pay; and
(c) if a collective agreement is entered into before December 8, 2008 and, as a result of a classification conversion, it contains provisions for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2009–2010 fiscal year, paragraph 23(c) does not apply in respect of those provisions, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay.
Groups subject to national rates of pay
32. The following rules apply in respect of collective agreements that govern employees in the Operational Services Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Treasury Board and employees in the General Labour and Trades Group and the General Services Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Parks Canada Agency or Her Majesty as represented by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency:
(a) paragraph 23(a) does not prevent any collective agreement that is entered into after the day on which this Act comes into force from restructuring the rates of pay during the 2009–2010 fiscal year in order to create national rates of pay, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay;
(b) if a collective agreement is entered into during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force and, in order to create national rates of pay, it contains provisions for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2009–2010 fiscal year, paragraph 23(b) does not apply in respect of those provisions, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay; and
(c) if a collective agreement is entered into before December 8, 2008 and, in order to create national rates of pay, it contains provisions for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2009–2010 fiscal year, paragraph 23(c) does not apply in respect of those provisions, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay.
Ships’ Officers Group
33. The following rules apply in respect of any arbitral award that is made before December 8, 2008 and that governs employees in the Ships’ Officers Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Treasury Board:
(a) paragraph 23(c) does not apply in respect of the provisions of any arbitral award that provide for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2010–2011 fiscal year, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay; and
(b) section 29 does not apply in respect of the provisions of any arbitral award that provide for the payment, during the 2010–2011 fiscal year, of a sum in lieu of vacation leave factors.
Law Group
34. (1) The following rules apply in respect of any collective agreement or arbitral award that governs employees in the Law Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Treasury Board, and in respect of any period that begins during the restraint period:
(a) in the case of a collective agreement entered into — or an arbitral award made — after the day on which this Act comes into force,
(i) it may not have retroactive effect in respect of a day that is earlier than May 10, 2006,
(ii) any increase to rates of pay that it provides for in respect of any period that begins during the 2006–2007 fiscal year must be based on the rates of pay set out in Schedule 2,
(iii) it must provide, for all employees in the Law Group, for the same performance pay plans that were in effect on May 9, 2006 for any employees in the Law Group and, in relation to any particular position level, those plans must be at the same amounts or rates that were in effect for that position level on that date, but those plans may not have retroactive effect,
(iv) it may provide for any additional remuneration — other than a performance bonus — that applied to any position level in the Law Group on May 9, 2006, but the amount or rate of that additional remuneration for a particular position level may not be greater than the highest amount or rate that applied to employees of that position level on that date, and
(v) it may not provide for additional remuneration if that additional remuneration applied to no employee in the Law Group on May 9, 2006; and
(b) in the case of a collective agreement entered into — or an arbitral award made — on or before the day on which this Act comes into force,
(i) if any of its provisions has retroactive effect in respect of a day that is earlier than May 10, 2006, that retroactive effect is deemed never to have had effect, the provision is deemed to have had retroactive effect as of May 10, 2006 and the first day of every other period that is related to that provision is deemed to be moved forward by the number of days that is equal to the number of days between the first day the provision was expressed to have retroactive effect and May 10, 2006,
(ii) if the increase provided to rates of pay for any period that begins during the 2006–2007 fiscal year is based on rates of pay that are greater than those set out in Schedule 2, those greater rates of pay are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and the increase is deemed to be based on the rates of pay set out in Schedule 2,
(iii) if subparagraph (ii) applies, its provision that provides for the rates of pay for any other period that begins on or before March 31, 2011 is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and the rates of pay in that provision are deemed to be the rates of pay that applied immediately before the beginning of that period as a result of this Act,
(iv) if it provides for performance pay plans and those plans are not the same as those that were in effect on May 9, 2006 for any employees in the Law Group or the amounts or rates provided for in those plans in relation to any particular position level are not the same as those of the performance pay plans that were in effect on that date — or the plans were expressed to be retroactive — the provisions that provide for those plans are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and are deemed to be provisions that provide, for all employees in the Law Group, as of the day that the agreement was entered into or the award was made, for the same performance pay plans that were in effect on May 9, 2006 for any employees in the Law Group at the same amounts or rates, in relation to any particular position level, that were in effect on that date,
(v) if it does not provide for performance pay plans, it is deemed to provide, for all employees in the Law Group, as of the day that the agreement was entered into or the award was made, for the same performance pay plans that were in effect on May 9, 2006 for any employees in the Law Group at the same amounts or rates, in relation to any particular position level, that were in effect on that date,
(vi) if it provides for any additional remuneration — other than a performance bonus — that applied to any position level in the Law Group on May 9, 2006, and the amount or rate of that additional remuneration for a particular position level is greater than the highest amount or rate that applied to any employees of that position level on that date, the provision that provides for that payment is deemed to be of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and is deemed to provide for the highest amount or rate, as the case may be, that applied in respect of any of those employees on that date, and
(vii) if it provides for any additional remuneration, and that additional remuneration applied to no employee in the Law Group on May 9, 2006, the provision that provides for that payment is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
Other provisions apply
(2) For greater certainty, the provisions of this Act that are not inconsistent with subsection (1) apply to collective agreements and arbitral awards that govern employees in the Law Group.
Non-represented and Excluded Employees
35. (1) The following definitions apply in sections 36 to 54.
« employé »
“employee” means an employee who is not represented by a bargaining agent or who is excluded from a bargaining unit.
“terms and conditions of employment”
« condition d’emploi »
“terms and conditions of employment” means terms and conditions of employment that apply to employees.
When terms and conditions of employment are considered to be established
(2) For the purposes of sections 36 to 54, terms and conditions of employment are considered to be established if they are established by an employer acting alone or agreed to by an employer and employees.
Increases to rates of pay — terms and conditions established after coming into force
36. (1) Terms and conditions of employment established after the day on which this Act comes into force may not provide for increases to rates of pay that are greater than those set out in section 16, but they may provide for increases that are lower.
12-month periods
(2) For greater certainty, terms and conditions of employment established after the day on which this Act comes into force that provide for increases to rates of pay for any period that begins during the restraint period must do so on the basis of a 12-month period.
Increases to rates of pay — terms and conditions of employment — December 8, 2008 until coming into force
37. The provisions of any terms and conditions of employment established during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force that provide, for any particular period, for an increase to rates of pay that are greater than those referred to in section 16 for that particular period are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and are deemed to be provisions that provide for the increases referred to in section 16.
Increases to rates of pay — terms and conditions of employment — before December 8, 2008
38. With respect to any terms and conditions of employment established before December 8, 2008 that provide for increases to rates of pay
(a) section 16 does not apply in respect of any period that began during the 2006–2007 or 2007–2008 fiscal year; and
(b) for any 12-month period that begins during any of the 2008–2009, 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 fiscal years, section 16 applies only in respect of periods that begin on or after December 8, 2008 and any provisions of those terms and conditions of employment that provide, for any particular period, for increases to rates of pay that are greater than those referred to in section 16 for that particular period are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and are deemed to be provisions that provide for the increases referred to in section 16.
Other than 12-month periods — section 37
39. If any terms and conditions of employment to which section 37 applies provide for an increase to rates of pay for a period of other than 12 months that begins during any particular fiscal year in the restraint period, that increase is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and the increase is deemed to be an increase for that period of other than 12 months, determined on an annualized basis to the nearest 1/100%, that provides for the increase referred to in section 16 for a period that begins during that particular fiscal year.
Other than 12-month periods — section 38
40. If any terms and conditions of employment to which section 38 applies provide for an increase to rates of pay for a period of other than 12 months that begins during any particular fiscal year that begins during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2011, that increase is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and is deemed to be an increase for that period of other than 12 months, determined on an annualized basis to the nearest 1/100%, that provides for the increases referred to in section 16 in respect of a period that begins during that particular fiscal year.
Lower percentages not affected
41. If any terms and conditions of employment to which section 37 or 38 apply provide for an increase to the rates of pay for any particular period that is lower than the increase referred to in section 16 for that period, section 16 does not apply in respect of that increase.
Section 16 does not create authority to increase
42. If any terms and conditions of employment established before, on or after the day on which this Act comes into force do not provide for an increase to the rates of pay for any particular period that begins during the restraint period, section 16 is not to be construed as authorizing any increase to those rates of pay.
Restructuring prohibited
43. Subject to sections 51 to 54,
(a) no provision of terms and conditions of employment established after the day on which this Act comes into force may provide for the restructuring of rates of pay during any period that begins during the restraint period;
(b) any provision of terms and conditions of employment established during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force that provides for the restructuring of rates of pay during any period that begins during the restraint period is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be; and
(c) any provision of terms and conditions of employment established before December 8, 2008 that provides for the restructuring of rates of pay during any period that begins during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2011 is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
No increases to additional remuneration — after coming into force
44. No terms and conditions of employment established after the day on which this Act comes into force may provide, for any period that begins during the restraint period, for any increase to the amount or rate of any additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by those terms and conditions of employment immediately before those terms and conditions of employment become effective.
No increases to additional remuneration — December 8, 2008 until coming into force
45. If any terms and conditions of employment established at any time during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force contain provisions that provide, for any period that begins during the restraint period, for an increase to the amount or rate of any additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by those terms and conditions of employment immediately before those provisions became effective, those provisions are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
No increases to additional remuneration — before December 8, 2008
46. If any terms and conditions of employment established before December 8, 2008 contain provisions that, for any period that begins in the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2011, provide for an increase to the amount or rate of any additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by those terms and conditions of employment immediately before the first period that began on or after December, 8, 2008, those provisions are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
No new additional remuneration — after coming into force
47. No terms and conditions of employment established after the day on which this Act comes into force may provide, for any period that begins during the restraint period, for any additional remuneration that is new in relation to the additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by those terms and conditions of employment immediately before the terms and conditions of employment become effective.
No new additional remuneration — December 8, 2008 until coming into force
48. If any terms and conditions of employment established at any time during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force contain, in relation to any employees, a provision that provides, for any period that begins during the restraint period, for any additional remuneration that is new in relation to the additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by those terms and conditions of employment immediately before the effective date of the provisions, that provision is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
No new additional remuneration — before December 8, 2008
49. If any terms and conditions of employment established before December 8, 2008 contain, in relation to any employees, a provision that provides, for any period that begins in the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2011, for any additional remuneration that is new in relation to the additional remuneration that applied to the employees governed by those terms and conditions of employment immediately before the first period that began on or after December 8, 2008, that provision is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
Canada Border Services Agency
50. Sections 44 to 46 do not apply in respect of pay notes applicable only to employees in the Canada Border Services Agency who were transferred to the Agency on its creation, but the rates of those pay notes may not be increased during any period that begins in any of the fiscal years referred to in section 16 by a percentage that is higher than the percentage set out in that section for that fiscal year.
Border Services Group
51. The following rules apply in respect of terms and conditions of employment governing employees in the Border Services Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Treasury Board:
(a) if the restructuring permitted by paragraph 31(a) occurs, paragraph 43(a) does not prevent terms and conditions of employment established after the day on which this Act comes into force from restructuring, as a result of a classification conversion, the rates of pay during the 2007–2008 or 2009–2010 fiscal year, and the increases set out in section 16 apply in respect of the restructured rates of pay;
(b) if any terms and conditions of employment were established during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force and, as a result of a classification conversion, they contain provisions for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2007–2008 or 2009–2010 fiscal year and the restructuring permitted by paragraph 31(b) occurs, paragraph 43(b) does not apply in respect of those provisions, and the increases set out in section 16 apply in respect of the restructured rates of pay; and
(c) if any terms and conditions of employment were established before December 8, 2008 and, as a result of a classification conversion, they contain provisions for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2009–2010 fiscal year and the restructuring permitted by paragraph 31(c) occurs, paragraph 43(c) does not apply in respect of those provisions, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay.
Groups subject to national rates of pay
52. The following rules apply in respect of terms and conditions of employment governing employees in the Operational Services Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Treasury Board and employees in the General Labour and Trades Group and the General Services Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Parks Canada Agency or Her Majesty as represented by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency:
(a) if the restructuring permitted by paragraph 32(a) occurs, paragraph 43(a) does not prevent terms and conditions of employment established after the day on which this Act comes into force from restructuring rates of pay during the 2009–2010 fiscal year in order to create national rates of pay, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay;
(b) if any terms and conditions of employment were established during the period that begins on December 8, 2008 and ends on the day on which this Act comes into force and, in order to create national rates of pay, they contain provisions for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2009–2010 fiscal year and the restructuring permitted by paragraph 32(b) occurs, paragraph 43(b) does not apply in respect of those provisions, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay; and
(c) if any terms and conditions of employment were established before December 8, 2008 and, in order to create national rates of pay, they contains provisions for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2009–2010 fiscal year and the restructuring permitted by paragraph 32(c) occurs, paragraph 43(c) does not apply in respect of those provisions, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay.
Ships’ Officers Group
53. The following rules apply in respect of terms and conditions of employment established before December 8, 2008 that govern employees in the Ships’ Officers Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Treasury Board:
(a) paragraph 43(c) does not apply in respect of the provisions of those terms and conditions of employment that provide for the restructuring of rates of pay during the 2010–2011 fiscal year, and the increase set out in section 16 applies in respect of the restructured rates of pay; and
(b) section 49 does not apply in respect of the provisions of those terms and conditions of employment that provide for the payment, during the 2010–2011 fiscal year, of a sum in lieu of vacation leave factors.
Law Group
54. (1) The following rules apply in respect of terms and conditions of employment governing employees in the Law Group whose employer is Her Majesty as represented by the Treasury Board, and in respect of any period that begins during the restraint period:
(a) in the case where the terms and conditions of employment are established after the day on which this Act comes into force,
(i) the provisions of those terms and conditions of employment that provide for increases to rates of pay may not have retroactive effect in respect of a day that is earlier than May 10, 2006,
(ii) any increase to rates of pay that the terms and conditions of employment provide for in respect of any period that begins during the 2006–2007 fiscal year must be based on the rates of pay set out in Schedule 2,
(iii) the provisions of those terms and conditions of employment must provide, for all employees of the Law Group, for the same performance pay plans that were in effect on May 9, 2006 for any employees in the Law Group and, in relation to any particular position level, those plans must be at the same amounts or rates that were in effect for that position level on that date but those plans may not have retroactive effect, and
(iv) the provisions of those terms and conditions of employment may provide for any additional remuneration — other than a performance bonus — that applied to any position level in the Law Group on May 9, 2006, but the amount or rate of that additional remuneration for a particular position level may not be greater than the highest amount or rate that applied to employees of that position level on that date, and
(v) those terms and conditions of employment may not provide for additional remuneration if that additional remuneration applied to no employee in the Law Group on May 9, 2006; and
(b) in the case where the terms and conditions of employment were established on or before the day on which this Act comes into force,
(i) if any of their provisions have retroactive effect in respect of a day that is earlier than May 10, 2006, that retroactive effect is deemed never to have had effect, the provision is deemed to have had retroactive effect as of May 10, 2006 and the first day of every other period referred to in that provision is deemed to be moved forward by the number of days that is equal to the number of days between the first day the provision was expressed to have retroactive effect and May 10, 2006,
(ii) if the increase provided to rates of pay for any period that begins during the 2006–2007 fiscal year is based on rates of pay that are greater than those set out in Schedule 2, those greater rates of pay are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and the increase is deemed to be based on the rates of pay set out in Schedule 2,
(iii) if subparagraph (ii) applies, the provisions of the terms and conditions of employment that provide for rates of pay for every other period that begins on or before March 31, 2011 are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and the rates of pay in those provisions are deemed to be the rates of pay that applied immediately before the beginning of that period as a result of this Act,
(iv) if those terms and conditions of employment provide for performance pay plans and those plans are not the same as those that were in effect on May 9, 2006 for any employees in the Law Group or the amounts or rates provided for in those plans in relation to any particular position level are not the same as those of the performance pay plans that were in effect on that date — or the plans were expressed to be retroactive — the provisions that provide for those plans are of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and are deemed to be provisions that provide, for all employees in the Law Group, as of the day that the terms and conditions of employment were established, for the same performance pay plans that were in effect on May 9, 2006 for any employees in the Law Group at the same amounts or rates, in relation to any particular position level, that were in effect on that date,
(v) if those terms and conditions of employment do not provide for performance pay plans, they are deemed to provide, for all employees in the Law Group, as of the day that they were established, for the same performance pay plans that were in effect on May 9, 2006 for any employees in the Law Group at the same amounts or rates, in relation to any particular position level, that were in effect on that date,
(vi) if those terms and conditions of employment provide for any additional remuneration — other than a performance bonus — that applied to any position level in the Law Group on May 9, 2006, and the amount or rate of that additional remuneration for a particular position level is greater than the highest amount or rate that applied to any employees of that position level on that date, the provisions that provide for that payment are deemed to be of no effect or are deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be, and are deemed to provide for the highest amount or rate, as the case may be, that applied in respect of any of those employees on that date, and
(vii) if those terms and conditions of employment provide for any additional remuneration, and that additional remuneration applied to no employee in the Law Group on May 9, 2006, the provision that provides for that payment is of no effect or is deemed never to have had effect, as the case may be.
Other provisions apply
(2) For greater certainty, the provisions of this Act that are not inconsistent with subsection (1) apply to terms and conditions of employment governing employees in the Law Group.