Bill C-54
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SCHEDULE 1 | ANNEXE 1 | |||||
(Subsections 3(1), 9(1) and (3) and 10(1)) | (paragraphes 3(1), 9(1) et (3) et 10(1)) | |||||
Aerolysin | Aerolysine | |||||
Aerolysine | Aerolysin | |||||
Alpha toxin | Entérotoxine de staphylocoques | |||||
Toxine Alpha | Staphylococcal enterotoxins | |||||
Anthrax toxin | Exotoxine A | |||||
Toxine de Bacillus anthracis | Exotoxin A | |||||
Bordetella pertussis Adenylate cyclase toxin | Exotoxine pyrogène | |||||
Toxine Adénylate cyclase de Bordetella pertussis | Pyrogenic exotoxin | |||||
Botulinum neurotoxin | Hemolysine | |||||
Toxine botulique | Hemolysin | |||||
Cholera toxin | Listeriolysine O | |||||
Toxine du choléra | Listeriolysin O | |||||
Clostridium botulinum C2 and C3 toxins | Perfringolysine O | |||||
Toxines C2 et C3 de Clostridium botulinum | Perfringolysin O | |||||
Clostridium difficile toxins A and B | Pneumolysine | |||||
Toxines A et B de Clostridium difficile | Pneumolysin | |||||
Clostridium perfringens Epsilon toxin | Shigatoxine | |||||
Toxine Epsilon de Clostridium perfringens | Shigatoxins | |||||
Dermonecrotic toxin | Streptolysine O | |||||
Toxine dermonecrotique | Streptolysin O | |||||
Diphtheria toxin | Tetanolysine | |||||
Toxine diphthérique | Tetanolysin | |||||
Escherichia coli CNF, LT, ST, CLDT and EAST toxins | Toxine Adénylate cyclase de Bordetella pertussis | |||||
Toxines CNF, LT, ST, CLDT et EAST de Escherichia coli | Bordetella pertussis Adenylate cyclase toxin | |||||
Exfoliative toxin | Toxine Alpha | |||||
Toxine exfoliative | Alpha toxin | |||||
Exotoxin A | Toxine botulique | |||||
Exotoxine A | Botulinum neurotoxin | |||||
Hemolysin | Toxine de Bacillus anthracis | |||||
Hemolysine | Anthrax toxin | |||||
Listeriolysin O | Toxine de Pasteurella multocida | |||||
Listeriolysine O | Pasteurella multocida toxin | |||||
Pasteurella multocida toxin | Toxine dermonecrotique | |||||
Toxine de Pasteurella multocida | Dermonecrotic toxin | |||||
Perfringolysin O | Toxine diphthérique | |||||
Perfringolysine O | Diphtheria toxin | |||||
Pertussis toxin | Toxine du choléra | |||||
Toxine pertussique | Cholera toxin | |||||
Pneumolysin | Toxine du syndrome du choc toxique de Staphylococcus aureus | |||||
Pneumolysine | Staphylococcus aureus Toxic shock syndrome toxin | |||||
Pyrogenic exotoxin | Toxine Epsilon de Clostridium perfringens | |||||
Exotoxine pyrogène | Clostridium perfringens Epsilon toxin | |||||
Shiga-like ribosome inactivating proteins (verotoxins) | Toxine exfoliative | |||||
Verotoxine | Exfoliative toxin | |||||
Shigatoxins | Toxine pertussique | |||||
Shigatoxine | Pertussis toxin | |||||
Staphylococcal enterotoxins | Toxines A et B de Clostridium difficile | |||||
Entérotoxine de staphylocoques | Clostridium difficile toxins A and B | |||||
Staphylococcus aureus Toxic shock syndrome toxin | Toxines C2 et C3 de Clostridium botulinum | |||||
Toxine du syndrome du choc toxique de Staphylococcus aureus | Clostridium botulinum C2 and C3 toxins | |||||
Streptolysin O | Toxines CNF, LT, ST, CLDT et EAST de Escherichia coli | |||||
Streptolysine O | Escherichia coli CNF, LT, ST, CLDT and EAST toxins | |||||
Tetanolysin | Toxine tétanique | |||||
Tetanolysine | Tetanus toxin | |||||
Tetanus toxin | Verotoxine | |||||
Toxine tétanique | Shiga-like ribosome inactivating proteins (verotoxins) | |||||