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Bill C-311

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2nd Session, 37th Parliament,
51 Elizabeth II, 2002

House of Commons of Canada

BILL C-311

An Act to protect the privacy of patients and the confidentiality of their health information


Whereas the Parliament of Canada recognizes that the right of privacy is fundamental in a free and democratic society and includes a patient's right to determine with whom to share their health information and to know of and exercise control over collection of health information and the use and disclosure of and access to such information as has been collected;

And Whereas the Parliament of Canada acknowledges that the principles and rules for health information must recognize the highly sensitive nature of health information, the circumstances of vulnerability and trust under which it is confided or collected and the fiduciary duties of health professionals in relation to this information;

Now, Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Health Information Privacy Act.



2. The definitions in this section apply in this Act.

« accès »

``access'' means the ability to acquire or possess health information in any information format.

``accountable' ' or ``accountabilit y''
« responsabili té »

``accountable'' means having clearly defined and understood responsibilities in connection with health information, agreeing to accept those responsibilities and being subject to appropriate sanctions for failing to fulfil accepted responsibilities, and ``accountability'' has an equivalent meaning.

« autorisé »

``authorized'' means that which occurs with patient consent or within the provisions of this Act and applies to purposes, collection, use or disclosure of, or access to, health information.

``authorized user''
« utilisateur autorisé »

``authorized user'' means an individual permitted to collect, use, disclose or access health information under the provisions of this Act, who is properly instructed on the applicable limits and responsibilities, and who can be held accountable for compliance with this Act.

« collecte » ou « recueillir »

``collecting'' means accessing, receiving, compiling, gathering, acquiring or obtaining health information on a patient from any source and by any means, directly or through an intermediary.

``Commission er''
« Commissair e »

``Commissioner'' means the Privacy Commissioner appointed under section 53 of the Privacy Act.

« confier »

``confide'' means to give information regarding a patient within a therapeutic context.

``confidential' '
« confidentiali té »

``confidential'', in respect of health information, means to be kept secret and not disclosed or made accessible to others unless the patient to whom it relates consents.

« consenteme nt »

``consent'' means the patient's informed and voluntary agreement to confide or permit access to or the collection, use or disclosure of the patient's health information for a specified purpose.

« Cour »

``Court'' means the Federal Court of Canada.

« Couronne »

``Crown'' means Her Majesty in right of Canada.

« divulgation »

``disclosure'' means the provision of health information to a third party for any reason, or making health information available for a third party to collect, and includes the transfer or migration of health information from one provider or user to another.

``duty of confidentiality ''
« obligation de confidentialité »

``duty of confidentiality'' means the duty of a physician or other health professional in a fiduciary relationship with a patient to ensure that health information respecting the patient is kept secret and not disclosed or made accessible to others unless authorized by consent given by the patient.

``emergency situation''
« situation d'urgence »

``emergency situation'' means an instance when health care must be provided to preserve life or prevent severe harm to a patient who is unable to be cognizant of the context and whose surrogate is not immediately available to make decisions on the patient's behalf.

« explicite »

``express'', with respect to consent, means given explicitly, either orally or in writing, unequivocally and not inferred.

``federal work, undertaking or business''
« entreprise fédérale »

``federal work, undertaking or business'' means any work, undertaking or business that is within the legislative authority of Parliament.

``fiduciary duty''
« obligation de fiduciaire »

``fiduciary duty'' means the obligation to act with the utmost good faith for the benefit of another.

``health information''
« renseigneme nts personnels sur la santé »

``health information'' means any information about a patient that is confided or collected in the therapeutic context, including information created or generated from it, information that is not directly or indirectly linked to the provision of health care and any sample taken from the patient's body, and includes information in any format and information linked to other information that is not related to the health of a patient.

``health information custodian''
« dépositaire de renseignement s personnels sur la santé »

``health information custodian'' means a person who has custody, care or control of health information.

``health professional''
« professionne l de la santé »

``health professional'' means a person who has a fiduciary duty to patients and who is registered and entitled under the laws of a province to practise or provide health care in that province.

« implicite »

``implied'', with respect to consent, means an agreement that may reasonably be inferred from the action or inaction of a patient where there is good reason to believe that the patient is aware of the agreement and would give express consent were it sought.

``information format''
« support »

``information format'' means any form containing or recording health information, including:

      (a) a form that identifies or could identify a specific patient, either directly or indirectly;

      (b) a form that removes the link between the patient and information about the patient and which could, either directly or indirectly, be manipulated to reconnect the link;

      (c) a form that removes the link between the patient and information about the patient with the intent of preventing any reconnecting of the link in accordance with recognized standards; or

      (d) a composite form produced when health information is linked to any information about the patient from another source, whether or not it is also health information.

« intégrité »

``integrity'', in respect of health information, means the preservation of its content throughout storage, use, transfer and retrieval, sufficient to give confidence that the information has not been tampered with or modified other than as authorized.

« connaissanc e »

``knowledge'' means the patient's awareness of what can or must happen with the health information the patient confides or permits to be collected.

« lien »

``linkage'' means the joining together of health information with information from any other source, in whatever form.

``need-to-kno w''
« en cas de nécessité »

``need-to-know'' means a situation where the transfer of information to a provider is necessary in order to fulfil a therapeutic purpose, considering what a reasonable person in similar circumstances to the patient would expect, or otherwise authorize by consent, and is conditional upon proper clarification of unclear or ambiguous expectations to the provider who is to receive the information.

``organization ''
« organisme »

``organization'' means any association, partnership or group, whether or not incorporated, and includes the Crown or an agent of the Crown.

« patient »

``patient'' means the person about whom health information is collected and, for the purposes of this Act, includes a surrogate or guardian acting on behalf of the person.

``patient privacy impact analysis''
« analyse d'impact sur la vie privée du patient »

``patient privacy impact analysis'' means an evaluation of a proposed measure on the privacy of patients, including a review of:

      (a) the likely impact of the proposed measure on

        (i) the right of privacy of patients,

        (ii) the relationship between patients and their physicians, and in particular on the duty of confidentiality and the trust within this relationship,

        (iii) the willingness of patients to disclose health information, and

        (iv) the ability of patients to receive health care; and

      (b) any credible evidence that demonstrates broad public support for the proposed measure.

« personne »

``person'' includes an organization.

« médecin »

``physician'' means a person who is registered and entitled under the laws of a province to practise medicine in that province.

« première »

``primary'', with respect to purpose, means that which occurs for the therapeutic benefit of a particular patient.

« fournisseur »

``provider'' means a health professional or institution that delivers health care services or products in the therapeutic context.

« fin »

``purpose'' means an end or aim for which health information is collected, used, disclosed or accessed, which may be general enough to incorporate a range of like information uses, provided that the general description is sufficiently narrow and limited so as to communicate to the ordinary person a clear understanding of the potential information uses that could reasonably be expected to be relevant to their consent.

``right of privacy''
« droit à la vie privée »

``right of privacy'' includes a patient's right to determine with whom the patient will share information and to know of and exercise control over use, disclosure and access concerning any information collected about the patient, including a right to give or withold consent and a right to understand that privacy is violated by nonconsensual collection, use, disclosure or access, even if therapeutically justified.

« secondaire »

``secondary'', with respect to purpose, means not directly related to the therapeutic benefit of the particular patient from whom the information has originated or to whom the information particularly relates.

« sécurité »

``security'' means reasonable precautions, including physical and technical protocols, to protect health information from unauthorized collection, use, disclosure and access, and to ensure that the integrity of the information is properly safeguarded.

« nature délicate »

``sensitivity'', in respect of health information, means the patient's interest in keeping the information secret, which interest may vary according to the nature of the information, its form, and the potential negative repercussions of its collection, use or disclosure on the patient's interests.

``therapeutic context''
« contexte thérapeutique »

``therapeutic context'' means a setting in which information is confided by or collected from, about or on behalf of a patient who

      (a) is in a therapeutic relationship with or under the care of a physician or health professional;

      (b) is resident in or seeking health care within a facility or institution whose principal function is the provision of health care, including physicians' offices, hospitals and other health care facilities;

      (c) confides information within a fiduciary relationship to a health professional and with the belief that the health professional will maintain its confidentiality, subject to exceptions explained to the patient; or

      (d) confides information in the belief that it is necessary for the safe, timely and effective delivery of health care to the patient.

« utilisation »

``use'', in respect of health information, means any processing of health information including storage, retention, retrieval, manipulation, connection or linkage to other sources of information in any format.