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Bill S-44

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This enactment ensures that the public interest is promoted and protected in the management of property under the control of the National Capital Commission.
It requires the Commission to submit proposals for the disposition of land to each House prior to proceeding with the proposal. Dealings with property with a value of less than one hundred thousand dollars are exempted, as are leases for ten years or less and easements that will not affect the use or appearance of the property. Property received as a gift is covered by the requirement.
The Clerk of the House receiving a notice of a proposal is required to publish it in the records of the House.
Any member of either House may move a motion that the proposal be referred to a committee of that House. If a petition is received by the House concerning the proposal, signed by no less than one thousand qualified electors, any motion made by a member of the House to refer the proposal to a committee must be voted on.
The Commission may proceed with the proposal if no motion is moved in either House by the third sitting day following the last day a petition may be submitted, or if any motion moved is not adopted within thirty sitting days. If the matter is referred to a committee of either House, the Commission is bound by any report of the committee concurred in by the House within a further thirty sitting days.
The Commission may amend a proposal that is being considered by the committee. This enables the Commission to amend a proposal to secure a committee’s support.
Finally, the Governor in Council’s previous power to approve a department’s proposal for the development or sale of property, even if the Commission does not, is augmented by giving the Governor in Council the power to direct the Commission not to approve a proposal or to place conditions on the approval.

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