Bill S-11
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Joint and Several, or Solidary, Liability |
Individual or
personal body
237.5 (1) Defendants and third parties
referred to in subsection 237.2(1) are jointly
and severally, or solidarily, liable for the
damages awarded to a plaintiff who is an
individual or a personal body corporate and
Definition of
(2) In subsection (1), ``personal body
corporate'' means a body corporate that is not
actively engaged in any financial, commercial
or industrial business and that is controlled by
an individual or a group of individuals, each
member of which is connected by blood
relationship, adoption or marriage or by
cohabiting with another member in a conjugal
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply when the
plaintiff brings the action as a member of a
partnership or other association or as a trustee
in bankruptcy, liquidator or receiver of a body
237.6 (1) If the value of the plaintiff's total
financial interest referred to in subsection
237.5(1) is greater than the prescribed
amount, a court may nevertheless determine
that the defendants and third parties are jointly
and severally, or solidarily, liable if the court
considers that it is just and reasonable to do so.
(2) The Governor in Council may establish
factors that the court shall take into account in
deciding whether to hold the defendants and
third parties jointly and severally, or
solidarily, liable.
(3) The Statutory Instruments Act does not
apply to the factors referred to in subsection
(2), but the factors shall be published in Part
I of the Canada Gazette.
Value of
237.7 (1) When, in order to establish the
value of the total financial interest referred to
in subsection 237.5(1), it is necessary to
determine the value of a security that is traded
on an organized market, the value of the
security is, on the day specified in subsection
Court may
adjust value
(2) The court may adjust the value of a
security that has been determined under
subsection (1) when the court considers it
reasonable to do so.
Valuation day
(3) The value of the security is to be
determined as of the day that the error,
omission or misstatement occurred. If the
security was acquired in the period between
that day and the day, as determined by the
court, that the error, omission or misstatement
was generally disclosed, the value is to be
determined as of the day that it was acquired.
Definition of
(4) In this section, ``organized market''
means a recognized exchange for a class of
securities or a market that regularly publishes
the price of that class of securities in a
publication that is generally available to the
237.8 (1) The court shall determine the
value of all or any part of a financial interest
that is subject to resale restrictions or for
which there is no organized market.
(2) The Governor in Council may establish
factors that the court may take into account in
determining value under subsection (1).
(3) The Statutory Instruments Act does not
apply to the factors referred to in subsection
(2), but the factors shall be published in Part
I of the Canada Gazette.
Application to
237.9 The plaintiff may, by application
made at any time before or during the course
of the proceedings, request the court to
determine the value of the plaintiff's financial
interest for the purpose of subsection
116. Paragraph 239(2)(a) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
117. (1) The portion of subsection 241(2)
of the French version of the Act before
paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
(2) Le tribunal saisi d'une demande visée au
paragraphe (1) peut, par ordonnance,
redresser la situation provoquée par la société
ou l'une des personnes morales de son groupe
qui, à son avis, abuse des droits des détenteurs
de valeurs mobilières, créanciers,
administrateurs ou dirigeants, ou, se montre
injuste à leur égard en leur portant préjudice
ou en ne tenant pas compte de leurs intérêts :
(2) Paragraph 241(2)(b) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
118. Subsection 242(3) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
Absence de
(3) Les plaignants ne sont pas tenus de
fournir de cautionnement pour les frais des
demandes, actions ou interventions visées à la
présente partie.
1999, c. 31,
s. 65
119. Section 246 of the Act is replaced by
the following:
Appeal from
246. A person who feels aggrieved by a
decision of the Director referred to in any of
paragraphs (a) to (g) may apply to a court for
an order, including an order requiring the
Director to change the decision
The Court may make any order it thinks fit.
120. Section 249 of the Act is replaced by
the following:
Appeal of
final order
249. (1) An appeal lies to the court of appeal
of a province from any final order made by a
court of that province under this Act.
Appeal with
(2) An appeal lies to the court of appeal of
a province from any order other than a final
order made by a court of that province, only
with leave of the court of appeal in accordance
with the rules applicable to that court.
121. The Act is amended by adding the
following after section 252:
252.1 The definitions in this section apply
in this Part.
document'' « document électronique »
``electronic document'' means, except in
section 252.6, any form of representation of
information or of concepts fixed in any
medium in or by electronic, optical or other
similar means and that can be read or
perceived by a person or by any means.
system'' « système d'information »
``information system'' means a system used to
generate, send, receive, store, or otherwise
process an electronic document.
252.2 This Part does not apply to a notice,
document or other information sent to or
issued by the Director pursuant to this Act or
to any prescribed notice, document or other
Use not
252.3 (1) Nothing in this Act or the
regulations requires a person to create or
provide an electronic document.
Consent and
(2) Despite anything in this Part, a
requirement under this Act or the regulations
to provide a person with a notice, document or
other information is not satisfied by the
provision of an electronic document unless
Revocation of
(3) An addressee may revoke the consent
referred to in paragraph (2)(a) in the manner
Creation and
provision of
252.4 A requirement under this Act or the
regulations that a notice, document or other
information be created or provided, is
satisfied by the creation or provision of an
electronic document if
Creation of
information in
252.5 (1) A requirement under this Act or
the regulations that a notice, document or
other information be created in writing is
satisfied by the creation of an electronic
document if, in addition to the conditions in
section 252.4,
Provision of
information in
(2) A requirement under this Act or the
regulations that a notice, document or other
information be provided in writing is satisfied
by the provision of an electronic document if,
in addition to the conditions set out in section
(3) A requirement under this Act or the
regulations for one or more copies of a
document to be provided to a single addressee
at the same time is satisfied by the provision
of a single version of the electronic document.
(4) A requirement under this Act or the
regulations to provide a document by
registered mail is not satisfied by the sending
of an electronic document unless prescribed.
and affidavits
252.6 (1) A statutory declaration or an
affidavit required under this Act or the
regulations may be created or provided in an
electronic document if
(2) For the purposes of this section,
``electronic document'' and ``secure
electronic signature'' have the same meaning
as in subsection 31(1) of the Personal
Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act.
(3) For the purpose of complying with
paragraph (1)(c), the references to an
``electronic document'' in sections 252.3 to
252.5 are to be read as references to an
``electronic document'' as defined in
subsection 31(1) of the Personal Information
Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
252.7 A requirement under this Act or the
regulations for a signature or for a document
to be executed, except with respect to a
statutory declaration or an affidavit, is
satisfied if, in relation to an electronic
document, the prescribed requirements
pertaining to this section, if any, are met and
if the signature results from the application by
a person of a technology or a process that
permits the following to be proven:
122. Subsection 253(4) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
(4) If a corporation sends a notice or
document to a shareholder in accordance with
subsection (1) and the notice or document is
returned on two consecutive occasions
because the shareholder cannot be found, the
corporation is not required to send any further
notices or documents to the shareholder until
the shareholder informs the corporation in
writing of the shareholder's new address.
123. Subsection 257(3) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
Certificat de
(3) Les mentions du registre des valeurs
mobilières et les certificats de valeurs
mobilières émis par la société établissent, à
défaut de preuve contraire, que les personnes
au nom desquelles les valeurs mobilières sont
inscrites sont propriétaires des valeurs
mentionnées dans le registre ou sur les
1994, c. 24,
s. 26
124. Sections 258.1 and 258.2 of the Act
are replaced by the following:
Content and
form of
notices and
258.1 The Director may establish the
requirements for the content and fix the form,
including electronic or other forms, of notices
and documents sent to or issued by the
Director pursuant to this Act, including
258.2 In the prescribed circumstances, the
Director may, on any conditions that the
Director considers appropriate, exempt from
the application of any provision of this Act
requiring notices or documents to be sent to
the Director any notices or documents or
classes of notices or documents containing
information similar to that contained in
notices or documents required to be made
public pursuant to any other Act of Parliament
or to any Act of the legislature of a province
as the Director specifies.