The enactment amends the Criminal Code by
(a) providing additional protection to members of the Senate and the
House of Commons and persons who play a role in the
administration of criminal justice from certain acts of intimidation
directed against them or their families;
(b) providing law enforcement officers and other persons acting at
their direction with circumscribed protection from criminal liability
for certain otherwise illegal acts committed in the course of an
investigation or enforcement of an Act of Parliament;
(c) extending the application of its proceeds of crime provisions to
indictable offences under the Criminal Code and other Acts of
Parliament, with a few exceptions;
(d) extending the application of its provisions relating to
offence-related property to indictable offences under the Criminal
(e) providing for the management, by judicial order, of proceeds of
crime and offence-related property, whether seized or restrained;
(f) providing broader measures for investigation and prosecution in
connection with organized crime by expanding the concepts of
criminal organization and criminal organization offence and by
creating three new offences relating to participation in the
activities - legal and illegal - of criminal organizations, and to the
actions of their leaders.
The enactment also amends the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal
Matters Act to allow the enforcement in Canada of search warrants,
restraint orders and orders of forfeiture from foreign jurisdictions.