Bill C-424
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2nd Session, 36th Parliament, 48-49 Elizabeth II, 1999-2000
The House of Commons of Canada
BILL C-424 |
An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code and
the Public Service Staff Relations Act
(scabs and essential services)
R.S., c. L-2;
R.S., cc. 9, 27
(1st Supp.), c.
32 (2nd
Supp.), cc. 24,
43 (3rd
Supp.), c. 26
(4th Supp.);
1989, c. 3;
1990, cc. 8,
44; 1991, c.
39; 1992, c. 1;
1993, cc. 28,
38, 42; 1994,
cc. 10, 41;
1996, cc. 10,
11, 12, 18, 31,
32; 1997, c. 9;
1998, cc. 10,
20, 26; 1999,
cc. 28, 31
1. The Canada Labour Code is amended
by adding the following after section 87.7:
relating to
87.8 For the duration of a strike or lockout
declared in accordance with this Part, an
employer is prohibited from
2. The Act is amended by adding the
following after section 100:
100.1 Any person who contravenes section
87.8 is guilty of an offence punishable on
summary conviction and liable, for each day
or part of a day during which the offence is
committed or continued, to a fine
R.S., c. P-35;
R.S., c. 19
(2nd Supp.),
cc. 18, 20, 28
(3rd Supp.),
cc. 1, 7, 28,
41, 47 (4th
Supp.); 1989,
c. 3; 1990, cc.
3, 13; 1991,
cc. 6, 16, 38;
1992, cc. 1,
37, 54; 1993,
cc. 1, 3, 28,
34, 42; 1994,
c. 26; 1995,
cc. 1, 18, 29;
1996, cc. 9,
10, 11, 18;
1997, cc. 6, 9;
1998, cc. 9,
26, 31, 35;
1999, c. 17,
3. The definition ``designated position''
in section 2 of the Public Service Staff
Relations Act is repealed.
4. Section 52.1 of the Act is repealed.
5. Subsections 77(1) and (2) of the Act are
replaced by the following:
Establish- ment of board on request
77. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and section
77.1, the Chairperson shall, on receiving a
request for conciliation of a dispute under
section 76, establish a conciliation board for
the investigation and conciliation of the
dispute if, in respect of that dispute, any
conciliator that may have been appointed has
made a final report to the Chairperson of the
conciliator's inability to assist the parties in
reaching agreement.
Board not
(2) Where it appears to the Chairperson,
after consultation with each of the parties to a
dispute, that the establishment of a
conciliation board under subsection (1) is
unlikely to serve the purpose of assisting the
parties in reaching agreement, the
Chairperson shall forthwith notify the parties
in writing of the Chairperson's intention not to
establish such a board.
6. Subsection 77.1(4) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
(4) Subsection 77(2) applies, with such
modifications as the circumstances require, in
respect of the appointment of a conciliation
7. Sections 78 to 78.5 of the Act are
8. (1) Subsection 102(1) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
by employee
in strike
102. (1) No employee shall participate in a
(2) Section 102 of the Act is amended by
adding the following after subsection (2):
by employee
in strike
(2.1) No employee organization to which an
order made under subsection 106.2(1) relates
shall declare or authorize a strike unless, not
later than seven days before that time, an
agreement in writing referred to in subsection
106.3(1) has been forwarded to the Minister or
a list in writing referred to in subsection
106.4(1) has been forwarded to the Minister
and to the employer concerned.
9. The Act is amended by adding the
following after section 106:
106.1 For the duration of a strike declared
in accordance with this Part, the employer is
prohibited from
of essential
106.2 (1) Where the Governor in Council is
of the opinion that a strike might endanger the
public health or public safety, the Governor in
Council may, on the recommendation of the
Minister, by order, require the employer and
the trade union to maintain essential services
in the event of a strike.
Coming into
force and
(2) The order shall come into force on the
day it is made or on such later date as is stated
therein and shall cease to have effect upon the
filing of a collective agreement entered into
by the parties or of another document in lieu
and notice
(3) The order shall be published in the
Canada Gazette and the Minister shall inform
the parties thereof.
106.3 (1) The parties to which an order
made under subsection 106.2(1) relates shall
negotiate to determine the essential services to
be maintained in the event of a strike and shall
forward to the Minister in writing any
agreement entered into by them with respect
Assistance by
third party
(2) The Minister, on his own initiative or at
the request of either party, may designate a
person to assist the parties in reaching an
106.4 (1) Where no agreement is reached
pursuant to subsection 106.3(1), the trade
union shall forward to the employer and to the
Minister in writing a list of the essential
services to be maintained in the event of a
Nullity of list
(2) Any list providing, in the event of a
strike, for a number of employees greater than
the number ordinarily required in the
bargaining unit is null and void.
(3) No changes may be made to the list by
the trade union except with the written consent
of the Minister.
List followed
by agreement
(4) If the parties forward an agreement to
the Minister after the filing of a list, the
agreement shall prevail.
106.5 On receiving an agreement or a list,
the Minister shall assess whether or not the
essential services provided for therein are
106.6 Unless an agreement has been
reached by the parties, no employer shall
change the conditions of employment of the
employees who provide essential services.
Suspension of
right to strike
106.7 (1) The Governor in Council, on the
recommendation of the Minister, may, by
order, suspend the right to strike if the
Governor in Council is of the opinion that the
essential services provided for or actually
rendered where a strike is apprehended or in
progress are insufficient and that the public
health or public safety is endangered.
Coming into
(2) The order shall come into force on the
day it is made or on such later date as is stated
and notice
(3) The order shall be published in the
Canada Gazette and the Minister shall inform
the parties thereof.
(4) The order shall cease to have effect
where it is shown to the satisfaction of the
Minister that essential services will be
maintained in the event of a strike.
106.8 Any person who contravenes an order
made under section 106.2 or 106.7 is guilty of
an offence punishable on summary conviction
and liable, for each day or part of a day during
which the offence is committed or continued,
to a fine
10. Sections 108 and 109 of the Act are
replaced by the following:
108. No member of the Board or of an
arbitration board or a conciliation board and
no arbitrator, conciliation commissioner,
adjudicator, conciliator or officer or employee
of or person appointed by the Board and no
fact finder appointed under section 54.1 shall
be required to give evidence in any civil
action, suit or other proceeding respecting
information obtained in the discharge of
duties under this Act.
Payment of
witness fees
109. A person who is summoned by the
Board, an arbitrator, a conciliation
commissioner, an adjudicator, an arbitration
board or a conciliation board to attend as a
witness in any proceedings thereof taken
pursuant to this Act, and who so attends, is
entitled to be paid an allowance for expenses,
determined in accordance with the scale for
the time being in force with respect to
witnesses in civil suits in the superior court of
the province in which the proceedings are
being taken.
11. Section 111 of the Act is replaced by
the following:
Facilities and
111. The Board shall provide a fact finder
appointed under section 54.1, an arbitration
board, an arbitrator, a conciliation
commissioner, a conciliation board and an
adjudicator with quarters and staff and such
other facilities as are necessary to enable the
carrying out of their respective functions
under this Act.