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Bill S-8

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First Session, Thirty-sixth Parliament,
46 Elizabeth II, 1997
An Act to amend the Tobacco Act (content regulation)

first reading, November 26, 1997

The Honourable Senator Haidasz


This enactment amends the Tobacco Act by prohibiting the manufacture of tobacco products intended for use by smoking, unless they contain no more than the specified amounts of certain harmful substances.
The enactment also authorizes the Governor in Council to make regulations reducing the allowed amounts of these harmful substances.

Available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site at the following address:

1st Session, 36th Parliament,
46 Elizabeth II, 1997
senate of canada
An Act to amend the Tobacco Act (content regulation)
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1997, c.13
1. Section 2 of the Tobacco Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
“reconstituted tobacco”
« tabac reconstitué »
“reconstituted tobacco” means any substance that settles out by sedimentation when the contents of a tobacco product, not including paper or other wrapping material or filter material, are floated in acetone or other organic non-acid solvent, including water or the alcohols.
“salt of nicotine”
« sel de nicotine »
“salt of nicotine” means any nicotinic substance, including nicotine and the alkaloids nornicotine, mysomine, anabasine, anatabine, and 3,2-Bipyridil, or a substance that renders cotinine in human blood.
« fumer »
“smoking” means the intentional inhalation of smoke produced by the combustion of tobacco.
“tobacco additive”
« additif »
“tobacco additive” means any substance which is added to a tobacco product or which becomes part of the tobacco product as a result of the manufacturing process or by absorption from the packaging or during the storage of the tobacco
(a) that serves to enhance the bioavailability of nicotine in the human body,
(b) that serves to increase cotinine in human blood, or
(c) that, upon heating or combustion, produces substances that are detrimental to human health.
2. Section 5 of the Act is replaced by the following:
Product standards
5. No person shall manufacture a tobacco product that does not conform with the standards established by this Act and the regulations made pursuant to it.
3. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 6:
Content limits
6.1 No tobacco product intended for use by smoking shall be manufactured unless every gram of the tobacco product, as expressed per gram of the tobacco product not including the weight of paper or other wrapping material or filter material,
(a) contains and produces on use not more than 0.3 mg of nicotine, including any salt of nicotine;
(b) contains not more than 2.0 per cent by weight of reconstituted tobacco;
(c) contains not more than 0.1 per cent by weight of tobacco additives; and
(d) produces, on being burnt, smoke that contains not more than 0.5 mg of cancer-causing tars when measured in accordance with test methods prescribed by the regulations.
4. Paragraph 7(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a) establishing standards for a tobacco product, including
(i) reducing the allowable amount of nicotine, including any salt of nicotine, or the percentage of reconstituted tobacco, or the percentage of tobacco additives, or the amount of cancer-causing tars contained in the smoke produced by the burning of the tobacco product, as set out in section 6.1,
(ii) prescribing the amounts of substances that may be contained in the tobacco product or its emissions, including the emissions conveyed by sneezing or by expectoration in the use of the tobacco product, and
(iii) prescribing substances that may not be added to the tobacco product;
Coming into force
5. This Act comes into force 6 months after the day it is assented to.
Published under authority of the Senate of Canada

Explanatory Notes
Clause 1: New.
Clause 2: Section 5 reads as follows:
5. No person shall manufacture a tobacco product that does not conform with the standards established by the regulations.
Clause 3: New.
Clause 4: Paragraph 7(a) reads as follows:
(a) establishing standards for tobacco products, including
(i) prescribing the amounts of substances that may be contained in the product or its emissions, and
(ii) prescribing substances that may not be added to tobacco products;

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