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Bill S-30

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First Session, Thirty-sixth Parliament,
46-47-48 Elizabeth II, 1997-98-99
An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Board of Elders of the Canadian District of the Moravian Church in America

first reading, May 13, 1999

The Honourable Senator Taylor


This enactment provides the Board of Elders of the Canadian District of the Moravian Church in America with a French name, and removes from the Board’s Act of incorporation the limit on the annual value of property that the Board may hold.

Available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site at the following address:

1st Session, 36th Parliament,
46-47-48 Elizabeth II, 1997-98-99
senate of canada
An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Board of Elders of the Canadian District of the Moravian Church in America
WHEREAS the Board of Elders of the Canadian District of the Moravian Church in America has by its petition prayed that its Act of incorporation be amended as hereinafter provided, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the petition;
1909, c. 112; 1952, c. 65
NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1. The long title of the French version of chapter 112 of the Statutes of Canada, 1909, hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, is replaced by the following:
Loi constituant en personne morale le Conseil des anciens de la section canadienne de l’Église morave d’Amérique
2. The reference to “The Board of Elders of the Canadian District of the Moravian Church in America” in section 1 of the French version of the Act is replaced by a reference to “Conseil des anciens de la section canadienne de l’Église morave d’Amérique”.
1952, c. 65, s. 3
3. Subsection 5(2) of the Act is repealed.
4. In the preamble and in sections 4 and 5 of the French version of the Act each reference to “Église Morave en Amérique” is replaced by a reference to “Église morave d’Amérique”.
Previous transactions
5. Any acquisition or disposition of property by the Board of Elders of the Canadian District of the Moravian Church in America before the coming into force of this Act is deemed to be an acquisition or disposition by the Board under chapter 112 of the Statutes of Canada, 1909, as amended by this Act.
Published under authority of the Senate of Canada

Explanatory Notes
Clause 1: The long title in the French version reads as follows:
Loi constituant en corporation le Board of Elders of the Canadian District of the Moravian Church in America
Clause 2: This amendment provides the Board with a French name.
Clause 3: Subsection 5(2) reads as follows:
5. (2) The annual value of the real estate held in Canada by or in trust for the Board shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars.
Clause 4: This amendment is consequential on clause 2.

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