Bill C-84
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(2) Subsection 63(2) of the French version
of the Act is replaced by the following:
Actifs et
(2) Le receveur général fait tenir des
comptes retraçant les actifs, les passifs et les
passifs éventuels de l'État, ainsi que les
provisions constituées à cet égard, qui, selon
le président du Conseil du Trésor et le
ministre, sont nécessaires à une présentation
fidèle de la situation financière du Canada.
112. (1) Subparagraph 64(2)(a)(iii) of the
French version of the Act is replaced by the
(2) Paragraph 64(2)(b) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
(3) Paragraph 64(2)(d) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
113. The definition ``créances sur Sa
Majesté'' in section 66 of the French version
of the Act is replaced by the following:
« créance sur
Sa Majesté » ``Crown debt''
« créance sur Sa Majesté » Dette existante ou
future, échue ou à échoir, de Sa Majesté,
ainsi que tout autre droit incorporel dont le
recouvrement peut être poursuivi en justice
contre Sa Majesté.
1991, c. 24,
s. 20
114. Paragraph 76(1)(a) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
1991, c. 24,
s. 34
115. Paragraph 119(2)(a) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
116. Section 130 of the French version of
the Act is replaced by the following:
130. Sous réserve des autres lois fédérales,
une société d'État mère verse ou fait verser au
receveur général, sur instruction du ministre
de tutelle et du ministre des Finances donnée
avec l'agrément du gouverneur en conseil,
tout ou partie de ses fonds ou de ceux d'une de
ses filiales à cent pour cent que les deux
ministres estiment excédentaires par rapport à
ses besoins ou à ceux de la filiale; les fonds
ainsi versés peuvent être affectés à
l'acquittement des obligations de la société ou
de la filiale envers Sa Majesté ou versés parmi
les recettes de l'État.
117. Paragraph 131(2)(c) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
118. Paragraphs 132(2)(a) and (b) of the
French version of the Act are replaced by
the following:
1992, c. 1,
s. 72; 1996, c.
11, s. 56
119. Schedule I.1 to the Act is amended by
striking out, in column I, the reference to
Canadian Centre for Management
and the corresponding reference in column
II to ``Prime Minister''.
1992, c. 1,
s. 72;
120. Schedule I.1 to the Act is amended by
striking out, in column I, the reference to
The Voluntary Action Program, in the
Department of Communications, known as
the Canada Information Office
and the corresponding reference in column
II to ``Minister of Communications''.
1992, c. 1,
s. 72;
121. The references to ``Minister of
Communications'' in column II of Schedule
I.1 to the Act, opposite the references to
``Canadian Radio-television and
Telecommunications Commission'',
``National Archives of Canada'', ``National
Film Board'', ``National Library'' and
``Public Service Commission'', are
replaced by references to ``Minister of
Canadian Heritage''.
122. Schedule II to the Act is amended by
striking out the following:
Agricultural Stabilization Board
R.S., c. F-14
Fisheries Act |
123. Section 58 of the French version of
the Fisheries Act is replaced by the
spéciales pour
les huîtrières
58. Peut bénéficier d'une licence ou d'un
bail spécial, pour un nombre quelconque
d'années, quiconque désire constituer des
huîtrières dans les baies, anses, havres ou
cours d'eau, ou entre les îles proches des côtes
canadiennes. Le cas échéant, le titulaire a un
droit exclusif sur les huîtres produites ou
trouvées sur les bancs dans les limites fixées
dans la licence ou le bail.
124. Subsection 59(1) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
aux provinces
de consentir
des baux pour
59. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, selon
les modalités convenues, autoriser le
gouvernement d'une province à consentir des
baux pour les zones du littoral, des baies,
anses, havres et cours d'eau de cette province
que le gouvernement de celle-ci juge propices
à l'ostréiculture; tous les preneurs possèdent,
sous réserve des règlements fédéraux sur les
pêches, un droit exclusif sur les huîtres
produites ou trouvées sur les bancs compris
dans les limites de leurs baux respectifs.
R.S., c. F-24
Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act |
125. Subsection 3(2) of the Fishing and
Recreational Harbours Act is replaced by
the following:
(2) This Act does not affect any of the
powers or duties of the Minister of Transport
or the Minister of Public Works and
Government Services under any other Act of
Parliament or regulations made pursuant
R.S., c. G-6
Government Property Traffic Act |
126. Paragraph 4(a) of the Government
Property Traffic Act is replaced by the
R.S., c. H-3
Hazardous Products Act |
R.S., c. 24
(3rd Supp.),
s. 1
127. The definition ``transmit'' in
subsection 11(1) of the English version of
the Hazardous Products Act is replaced by
the following:
``transmit'' means to send or convey by any
physical, electronic, optical or other means;
R.S., c. 24
(3rd Supp.),
s. 1
128. Subparagraph 13(a)(ii) of the
French version of the Act is replaced by the
R.S., c. 24
(3rd Supp.),
s. 1
129. Paragraph 15(1)(c) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
1990, c. 41
Hibernia Development Project Act |
130. Subsection 3(3) of the Hibernia
Development Project Act is replaced by the
Currency of
(3) Subparagraphs (2)(a)(ii), (v) and (vi)
shall be deemed to authorize the guaranteeing,
in whole or in part, of an equivalent amount in
the currency of any country other than Canada
and, notwithstanding subsection 48(2) of the
Financial Administration Act, the equivalent
amount shall be calculated using
1995, c. 15
An Act to amend the Immigration Act and the Citizenship Act and to make a consequential amendment to the Customs Act |
131. Subsection 11(2) of the French
version of An Act to amend the Immigration
Act and the Citizenship Act and to make a
consequential amendment to the Customs
Act, chapter 15 of the Statutes of Canada,
1995, is replaced by the following:
Application :
article 46.1
(2) L'article 46.1 de la même loi, édicté
par le paragraphe (1), s'applique aux cas
pour lesquels la section du statut n'a pas
rendu de décision à la date de son entrée en
132. Subsection 15(3) of the English
version of the Act is replaced by the
Application of
s. 77(3.01)
(3) Subsection 77(3.01) of the Act, as
enacted by subsection (2), applies to an
appeal that has been made on or before the
coming into force of that subsection and in
respect of which the hearing has not been
commenced, but a person who has made
such an appeal may, within fifteen days
after the person has been notified that, in
the opinion of the Minister, the person
constitutes a danger to the public in
Canada, make an application for judicial
review under section 82.1 of the Act with
respect to the matter that was the subject of
the decision made under subsection 77(1) of
the Act.
R.S., c. I-2
Immigration Act |
133. Subsection 49(2) of the Immigration
Act is repealed.
1995, c. 15,
s. 15(1)
134. The portion of subsection 77(3) of
the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by
the following:
Appeals by
(3) Subject to subsections (3.01) and (3.1),
a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who
has sponsored an application for landing that
is refused pursuant to subsection (1) may
appeal to the Appeal Division on either or both
of the following grounds:
R.S., c. 1 (5th
Income Tax Act |
135. Paragraph 84(2)(a) of the French
version of the Income Tax Act is replaced by
the following:
136. Subsection 118.1(17) of the Act, as
enacted by subsection 22(7) of the Income
Tax Amendments Act, 1997, chapter 19 of
the Statutes of Canada, 1998, is replaced by
the following:
Ordering rule
(17) For the purpose of applying subsection
(16) to determine the fair market value of a gift
made at any time by a taxpayer, the fair market
value of consideration given to acquire
property described in subparagraph (16)(c)(i)
or of property described in subparagraph
(16)(c)(ii) is deemed to be that value
otherwise determined minus any portion of it
that has been applied under that subsection to
reduce the fair market value of another gift
made before that time by the taxpayer.