Bill C-510
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1st Session, 36th Parliament, 46-47-48 Elizabeth II, 1997-98-99
The House of Commons of Canada
BILL C-510 |
An Act to provide cost of production
protection for the family farm
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Family Farm
Cost of Production Protection Act.
2. The definitions in this section apply in
this Act.
``average cost
of produc- tion'' « coût moyen de produc- tion »
``average cost of production'' means the
average of the input costs per acre for a year
of all of the designated products prescribed
as being typical products in the zone,
weighted by the percentage of acres used
for each designated product in the zone
averaged over the previous three years.
netback'' « revenu net moyen »
``average netback'' means the average of the
netback to farm gate per acre for each of the
designated products prescribed as being
typical products in the zone, weighted by
the percentage of acres used for each
designated product in the zone averaged
over the previous three years.
product'' « produit désigné »
``designated product'' in respect of a farming
zone means
prescribed for the purposes of this Act as a
product typically produced or suited to
production in that farming zone.
farm'' « exploi- tation agricole familiale »
``family farm'' means a farm
zone'' « zone agricole »
``farming zone'' means an area prescribed as
an area in which the soil type and weather
are sufficiently consistent to enable the
establishment of a reasonably widely
applicable cost of production.
``input cost'' « coût des facteurs de production »
``input cost'' means the cost of production of
a designated product, including but not
limited to cost for land and buildings,
labour, fuel, utilities, seed, fertilizer,
pesticide, feed and animal health that would
be incurred on a family farm in a farming
zone taking into account the typical costs
and typical yields of marketable product at
the time in the zone.
``Minister'' « ministre »
``Minister'' means the Minister of Agriculture
and Agri-Food.
``netback to
farm gate'' « revenu net de l'exploitation agricole »
``netback to farm gate'' means the average
return to a farm from sales of a designated
product net of freight, cleaning and other
costs incurred outside the farm gate.
land'' « terre admissible »
``qualifying land'' means land that is used for
production of one or more designated
3. (1) The Governor in Council may, on the
recommendation of the Minister, make
(2) The Minister shall not recommend a
regulation for the purposes of paragraphs
(1)(b) or (c) unless it has first been audited and
approved by an independent auditor who
4. In respect of every year, the Minister shall
designate a payment per hectare to be made to
every family farm in a farming zone, for land
that is qualifying land in that year on the farm,
that equals the amount, if any, by which the
average cost exceeds the average netback to
farm gate, per hectare of production of
designated products in the farming zone,
weight averaged by the amount of each
designated product produced in the zone in
that year and the previous two years.
5. Section 4 applies to 1999 and the
succeeding nine years.