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Bill C-51

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The amendments to the Criminal Code in this enactment

    (a) permit the operation of casinos on international cruise ships that are Canadian or in Canadian waters;

    (b) permit dice-games conducted and managed by a province;

    (c) widen the scope of the offence of obtaining the services of a prostitute under eighteen years old;

    (d) repeal the ``year and a day rule'' for offences involving homicide and criminal negligence causing death;

    (e) modernize the fraud and theft provisions in respect of valuable minerals;

    (f) modernize the provisions concerning the offence of making likenesses of bank-notes;

    (g) ensure that only officials with law enforcement duties can execute search warrants;

    (h) provide for the authority to remove lawfully-installed electronic surveillance devices;

    (i) provide sentencing measures dealing with the consideration of outstanding charges, the offender's ability to pay a fine and addressing technical matters;

    (j) provide rules governing when conditional sentences run following the breach of a condition;

    (k) bring deceptive telemarketing offences against the Competition Act under the forfeiture provisions for the proceeds of crime; and

    (l) provide a number of other technical amendments.

The amendments to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in this enactment deal with aggravating factors in sentencing and the criminal liability of law enforcement officers engaged in their duties.

The amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act in this enactment exclude those convicted of organized-crime offences from eligibility for accelerated parole review.