Bill C-359
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1st Session, 36th Parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98
The House of Commons of Canada
BILL C-359 |
An Act to require every organization that
receives a grant of public money to
submit a report on the way it is spent that
is to be available for public inspection
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Grant
Expenditure Report Act.
2. The definitions in this section apply in
this Act.
``grant''* « subvention »
``grant'' means a payment, contribution, loan,
guarantee of loan or other method of
financing that is a charge on public funds.
``Minister'' « ministre »
``Minister'' means the Minister responsible
for the administration of the Act under the
authority of which a grant is made.
``regula- tions'' « règle- ments »
``regulations'' means the regulations referred
to in section 4.
3. (1) Every person, organization or branch
of any level of government that receives a
grant during a fiscal year shall submit to the
Minister, no later than September 1 of every
fiscal year in which the grant is spent follow
ing the year in which the grant is made, a
financial statement showing the purposes for
which the grant was spent during the previous
fiscal year and the amount spent on each
purpose, in the form and content required by
the regulations.
Available to
(2) Every report made pursuant to subsec
tion (1) is public information and the Minister
shall make it available for public inspection
during normal business hours, which may
include but shall not be restricted to electronic
access, and shall provide copies of any record
on request at a reasonable charge set by the
regulations, not to exceed ten cents a page.
4. The Governor in Council may make
regulations respecting the form and content of
a report referred to in section 3.
Access to
5. A report submitted pursuant to section 3
is deemed not to have been submitted in
confidence for the purposes of the Access to
Information Act and is public information.