His Excellency the Governor General recommends to the House of
Commons the appropriation of public revenue under the circumstances,
in the manner and for the purposes set out in a measure entitled ``An Act
to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential
amendments to other Acts''.
This enactment reforms and modernizes the National Defence Act
and, in particular, the Code of Service Discipline. Key components of
the enactment include:
- clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the principal
actors in the military justice system, including the Minister of
National Defence and the Judge Advocate General, and the
establishment of clear standards of institutional separation
between the investigative, prosecutorial, defence and judicial
- establishment of a Director of Military Prosecutions who prefers
all charges to be tried by court martial and has conduct of all
prosecutions at court martial;
- establishment of a Canadian Forces Grievance Board to make
findings and provide recommendations to the Chief of the
Defence Staff on grievances by members of the Canadian Forces;
- establishment of a Military Police Complaints Commission to
investigate complaints as to military police conduct and interfer
ence with military police investigations;
- abolition of the death penalty and substitution of the punishment
of life imprisonment; and
- increased reporting through the release of annual reports by the
Canadian Forces Grievance Board, the Military Police Com
plaints Commission and the Judge Advocate General.