Bill C-80
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Cooperation and Joint Reviews |
Report under
Environ- mental Assessment Act
138. (1) A review panel established under
subsection 40(2.1) of the Canadian Environ
mental Assessment Act in respect of a proposal
for a development that was referred pursuant
to paragraph 130(1)(c) of this Act shall, in
addition to satisfying the requirements of
paragraph 41(f) of that Act, submit the report
of its recommendations
Application of
other sections
(2) An examination of the environmental
impact of a proposed development by a review
panel referred to in subsection (1) stands in
lieu of an environmental impact review and
sections 135 to 137 apply, with such modifica
tions as may be required, in respect of the
139. (1) Where an environmental impact
review of a proposal is ordered under this Part,
and a licence, permit or other authorization
must be issued by a designated regulatory
agency in order for the proposed development
to be carried out, the Review Board and the
agency may enter into an agreement for the
examination of the impact of the development
on the environment by a joint panel estab
lished for that purpose.
Report to
ministers and
(2) A joint panel so established shall make
a report of its examination to
Powers of
ministers and
(3) An examination by a joint panel estab
lished under this section stands in lieu of an
environmental impact review and sections
135 to 137 apply, with such modifications as
may be required, in respect of the examina
Transboun- dary effects
140. (1) Where it appears to the Review
Board, during its assessment of a development
proposed to be carried out wholly within the
Mackenzie Valley, that the development
might have a significant adverse impact on the
environment in a region outside the Macken
zie Valley, the Review Board shall so advise
the authority responsible for the examination
of environmental effects in that region and
request its cooperation in the conduct of the
(2) Where it has been determined pursuant
to subsection 128(4), 130(2) or 131(3) that a
development referred to in subsection (1) is
likely to have a significant adverse impact on
the environment in a region outside the
Mackenzie Valley, the Review Board may,
with the approval of the federal Minister, enter
into an agreement with the authority responsi
ble for the examination of environmental
effects in that region to provide for
Report to
ministers and
(3) A joint panel established under subsec
tion (2) shall make a report of its recommen
dations to
Powers of
ministers and
(4) An examination by a joint panel estab
lished under subsection (2) stands in lieu of an
environmental impact review of the proposal
and sections 135 to 137 apply, with such
modifications as may be required, in respect
of the examination.
Transregional and External Developments |
Environ- mental assessment
141. (1) In relation to a development that is
proposed to be carried out partly in the
Mackenzie Valley and partly in a region of the
Northwest Territories or Yukon Territory adja
cent to the Mackenzie Valley, or partly in a
province, as the case may be, the Review
Board shall to the extent possible coordinate
its environmental assessment functions with
the functions of any authority responsible for
conducting an examination of the environ
mental effects of the development in that
province or region.
Agreement -
region or
(2) Where an environmental impact review
of a proposal for such a development is
ordered in respect of the Mackenzie Valley,
the Review Board may, with the approval of
the federal Minister,
representa- tion
(3) Where a review panel referred to in
paragraph (2)(a) is established in relation to a
development in a region of the Northwest
Territories or Yukon Territory, at least one
quarter of its members, excluding the chair
person, must be appointed on the nomination
of first nations and other aboriginal groups
affected by the proposed development.
Report to
ministers and
(4) A review panel or joint panel established
by an agreement referred to in subsection (2)
shall make a report of its examination to
Powers of
ministers and
(5) An examination by a review panel or
joint panel referred to in subsection (2) stands
in lieu of an environmental impact review of
the proposal referred to in that subsection and
sections 135 to 137 apply, with such modifica
tions as may be required, in respect of the
Transregio- nal impact
142. Where a development proposed to be
carried out wholly in a region of the Northwest
Territories or Yukon Territory adjacent to the
Mackenzie Valley, or wholly in a province,
might have a significant adverse impact on the
environment in the Mackenzie Valley, the
Review Board may, with the approval of the
federal Minister, enter into an agreement with
the authority responsible for the examination
of the environmental effects of such develop
ments in that region or province to provide for
the participation of the Review Board in the
examination by that authority of the effects of
the development on the environment.
Regulations |
143. (1) The Governor in Council may,
following consultation by the federal Minister
with the Review Board, the territorial minister
and first nations, make regulations for carry
ing out the purposes and provisions of this Part
and, in particular, may make regulations
(2) No development may be exempted for a
reason set out in paragraph 124(1)(b) if
144. (1) The Governor in Council may, by
regulations made following consultation by
the federal Minister with the Review Board,
the first nations and the territorial Minister,
amend the schedule by adding, or by deleting,
the name of any agency, other than a land and
water board established by Part III or IV, that
exercises regulatory powers pursuant to terri
torial or federal laws and that is not subject to
specific control or direction by a minister of
the federal or territorial government or the
Governor in Council.
(2) Policy directions of general application
governing an agency, or the power to approve,
vary or rescind an agency's decisions, do not
constitute specific control or direction for the
purposes of subsection (1).
145. The definitions in this section apply in
this Part.
authority'' « autorité compétente »
``responsible authority'' means the person or
body designated by the regulations as the
responsible authority or, in the absence of a
designation, the federal Minister.
``impact on
environment'' « répercus- sions environne- mentales »
``impact on the environment'' has the same
meaning as in Part V.
environ- mental impact
146. The responsible authority shall, sub
ject to the regulations, analyze data collected
by it, scientific data, traditional knowledge
and other pertinent information for the pur
pose of monitoring the cumulative impact on
the environment of concurrent and sequential
uses of land and water and deposits of waste in
the Mackenzie Valley.
with first
147. (1) A responsible authority that is a
minister of the Crown in right of Canada shall
carry out the functions referred to in section
146 after consultation with the Gwich'in and
Sahtu First Nations.
Role of first
(2) Where a responsible authority is other
than a minister of the Crown in right of
Canada, the Gwich'in and Sahtu First Nations
are entitled to participate in the functions
referred to in section 146 in the manner
provided by the regulations.
Environ- mental audit
148. (1) The federal Minister shall have an
environmental audit conducted at least once
every five years by a person or body that is
Terms of
(2) The federal Minister shall, after consult
ing the Gwich'in First Nation, the Sahtu First
Nation and the territorial government, fix the
terms of reference of an environmental audit,
including the key components of the environ
ment to be examined.
Content of
(3) An environmental audit shall include
Report of
(4) A report of the environmental audit,
which may include recommendations, shall be
prepared and submitted to the federal Minis
ter, who shall make the report available to the
by first
(5) The Gwich'in and Sahtu First Nations
are entitled to participate in an environmental
audit in the manner provided by the regula
149. Subject to any other federal or territo
rial law, a responsible authority or a person or
body who performs an environmental audit
may obtain, from any board established by this
Act or from any department or agency of the
federal or territorial government, any infor
mation in the possession of the board, depart
ment or agency that is required for the
performance of the functions of the responsi
ble authority or person under this Part.
150. The Governor in Council may, after
consultation by the federal Minister with
affected first nations and the territorial minis
ter, make regulations for carrying out the
purposes and provisions of this Part and, in
particular, regulations