Bill C-34
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2nd Session, 35th Parliament, 45 Elizabeth II, 1996-97
The House of Commons of Canada
BILL C-34 |
An Act to establish programs for the
marketing of agricultural products, to
repeal the Agricultural Products Board
Act, the Agricultural Products
Cooperative Marketing Act, the
Advance Payments for Crops Act and the
Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act and
to make consequential amendments to
other Acts
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate and House of Commons
of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Agricultural
Marketing Programs Act.
2. (1) The definitions in this subsection
apply in this Act.
r'' « agent d'exécu- tion »
``administrator'' means the Board or any of
the following organizations that has the
power to sue and be sued in its own name:
``advance'' « avance »
``advance'' means an advance payment to an
eligible producer for a crop.
agreement'' « accord de garantie d'avance »
``advance guarantee agreement'' means an
agreement under section 5.
product'' « produit agricole »
``agricultural product'' means
``Board'' « Commission »
``Board'' means The Canadian Wheat Board
established by section 3 of the Canadian
Wheat Board Act.
``crop'' « récolte »
``crop'' means
``crop unit'' « unité de récolte »
``crop unit'' means a unit of a crop, as defined
in the advance guarantee agreement relat
ing to the crop.
``crop year'' « campagne agricole »
``crop year'' means a period of 12 months or
less specified for a crop in the advance guar
antee agreement relating to the crop.
Majesty'' « Sa Majesté »
``Her Majesty'' means Her Majesty in right of
``lender'' « prêteur »
``lender'' means a financial institution, as de
fined in section 2 of the Bank Act, or any
other legal entity that the Minister of Fi
nance may designate for the purposes of this
Act on the application of that entity.
agency'' « agence de commerciali- sation »
``marketing agency'' means
``Minister'' « ministre »
``Minister'' means the Minister of Agriculture
and Agri-Food.
book'' « carnet de livraison »
``permit book'' means a permit book, as de
fined in subsection 2(1) of the Canadian
Wheat Board Act.
agreement'' « accord de garantie des prix »
``price guarantee agreement'' means an agree
ment under section 28.
``producer'' « producteur »
``producer'' means a producer of an agricul
tural product who is
agreement'' « accord de rembourse- ment »
``repayment agreement'' means an agreement
under subsection 10(2).
of crops by
Governor in
(2) The Governor in Council may, by
regulation, designate as a crop for the pur
poses of this Act any agricultural product
grown or produced in Canada.
3. (1) Producers are related for the purposes
of this Act if they do not deal with each other
at arm's length.
(2) In the absence of proof to the contrary,
producers are presumed not to deal with each
other at arm's length if they are related as
Groups of
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2),
``group of persons'' means a producer that is
a partnership, cooperative or other association
of persons.
Advance Guarantee Agreements |
4. The purpose of this Part is to improve
marketing opportunities for crops of eligible
producers by guaranteeing the repayment of
the advances made to them as a means of
improving cash-flow at or after harvest.
Agreements to
repayment of
5. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this
Act, the Minister may make an agreement
with an administrator for the purpose of
guaranteeing the repayment of advances that
the administrator makes to eligible producers
from money borrowed for the purpose of
making the advances, together with any
interest on the advances.
(2) The administrator must demonstrate to
the Minister that
Terms and
(3) In addition to designating the crop and
specifying any other terms and conditions
governing advances and their repayment, the
advance guarantee agreement must provide
that the administrator agrees
Administra- tion fees
(4) The administrator may charge fees to
producers for administrative services, includ
ing fees for receiving and dealing with
applications for advances and for administer
ing advances. The fees may be charged only
for the purpose of recovering administrative
costs under this Part and are subject to any
terms and conditions of the advance guarantee
(5) The aggregate contingent liability of
Her Majesty in relation to principal outstand
ing under guarantees made under advance
guarantee agreements must not at any time
exceed $1.9 billion, or any greater amount that
the Governor in Council may prescribe by
Obligations of
administra- tors
6. A guarantee is not effective unless the
administrator complies with this Act and the
advance guarantee agreement.
7. (1) Despite paragraph 5(3)(e), the ad
vance guarantee agreement may authorize the
administrator to pay a portion of an advance as
an emergency advance to an eligible producer
if the producer has difficulty harvesting a crop
because of unusual weather conditions and it
is reasonable to expect the crop to be har
vested in a marketable condition. Payment of
the emergency advance is subject to any terms
and conditions set out in the advance guaran
tee agreement.
(2) The maximum amount of the emergen
cy advance is the lesser of $25,000 and 50% of
the advance that the administrator expects to
make to the producer on the basis of the
amount of the crop that will be harvested.
8. A guarantee under the advance guarantee
agreement may, with the approval of the
Minister of Finance, be made to the lender
instead of to the administrator if the Minister
is satisfied that doing so will reduce the
interest payable to the lender.
Payment of
9. (1) The Minister must, in relation to each
producer, pay to the lender specified in the
advance guarantee agreement the interest
accruing during a crop year on the amounts
borrowed by the administrator to pay the first
$50,000 of the total of the following amounts
advanced during the crop year, or any shorter
period specified in the advance guarantee
(2) The amounts advanced to related pro
ducers are attributable to the producer as