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Bill C-300

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2nd Session, 35th Parliament,
45 Elizabeth II, 1996-97

The House of Commons of Canada

BILL C-300

An Act respecting the establishment and award of a Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp for United Nations Peacekeeping to Canadians serving with a United Nations peacekeeping force

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for United Nations Peacekeeping Act.


2. In this Act,

« médaille »

``Medal'' means the medal described in subsection 3(1);

« agrafe »

``Clasp'' means the clasp described in subsection 3(3);

« ministre »

``Minister'' means the Minister of National Defence.

Design of medal

3. (1) The Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for United Nations Peacekeeping shall be a circular medal of cupro-nickel

    (a) on the obverse bearing a large maple leaf with the United Nations emblem superimposed in the centre and circumscribed with the legend


    with the word ``CANADA'' incorporated at the top centre; and

    (b) on the reverse bearing the Canadian flag and the United Nations flag crossed within a wreath of laurel and a maple leaf centred at the bottom.


(2) The medal shall be suspended from a ribbon of United Nations blue, 32mm in width overall, of which the outer edges shall be a 2mm band of dark blue, and in the centre of which shall be three bands being 4mm of the red of the Canadian flag, 8mm of white and 4mm of the red of the Canadian flag.


(3) The Nobel Peace Prize Clasp shall be a clasp of cupro-nickel bearing the date ``1988'' and with a replica of the Nobel Peace Prize established that year centred in the date.

Purpose and award of Medal

4. (1) The Medal shall represent the United Nations peacekeeping service and shall be awarded to every Canadian citizen who serves at the initiative, by the nomination or with the agreement of the Government of Canada with a peacekeeping force under the command of the United Nations.

Single award

(2) The Medal or Clasp may not be awarded twice to the same person.

Other medal

(3) The Medal or Clasp may not be awarded to a person who has been awarded the Special Service Medal or Bar for Peacekeeping.

Excluded persons

(4) The Medal or Clasp shall not be awarded to a person excluded by the regulations.

Purpose and award of Clasp

5. The Clasp shall represent the United Nations peacekeeping service before the award of the first Nobel Peace Prize and shall be awarded to every person who is awarded the Medal in respect of service prior to September 30, 1988.

Posthumous award

6. (1) The Medal and the Clasp may be awarded posthumously.

Next of kin

(2) Where a Medal or a Clasp is awarded posthumously, it shall be sent or presented to the eldest next of kin of the person in whose name it is awarded, or, if there is no next of kin, to the person best suited to receive it in the opinion of the Minister.

Wearing of Medal

7. (1) The Medal shall be worn after the Gulf and Kuwait Medal on the left breast, suspended from the ribbon described in paragraph 3(2).

Wearing of Clasp

(2) The Clasp shall be attached to the ribbon.

Undress ribbon

8. A person to whom the Clasp has been awarded shall receive and wear on the undress ribbon a miniature gold replica of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Acquisition and register

9. The Director, Honours, the Chancellery shall

    (a) acquire the insignia and provide it to the minister of the Crown at whose nomination the insignia will be awarded; and

    (b) maintain a register containing the names of those to whom the Medal or Clasp are awarded and such other information as is appropriate with respect to the award of the Medal or Clasp.

Nomination by Minister

10. (1) The Minister shall nominate for award of the Medal or Clasp those persons who are qualified and who are members of the Canadian Forces or who are veterans or who otherwise come under the administration of the Minister.

Nomination by Minister of Foreign Affairs

(2) The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall nominate for award of the Medal or Clasp those persons who are qualified and who are serving under the administration of the Minister or in a program under the administration of the Minister.

Nomination by another minister

(3) A minister of the Crown may nominate for award of the Medal or Clasp any person who is qualified and who is serving under the administration of the minister of the Crown or in a program under the administration of the minister of the Crown.


11. The Minister may make regulations

    (a) defining the nature and duration of service for the purposes of section 4;

    (b) prescribing activities carried out in the location of the peacekeeping that are in support of, in consequence of or otherwise directly connected with the peacekeeping to be service for the purposes of section 4; and

    (c) providing for persons to be excluded from entitlement to an award under this Act for cause.

Prerogative not affected

12. Nothing in this Act derogates from any power or function of the Governor General in the exercise of Her Majesty's prerogative respecting honours.

No appropriation

13. No payment shall be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund to defray any expense necessary for the implementation of this Act without the authority of an appropriation for the purpose by Parliament.