His Excellency the Governor General recommends to the House of
Commons the appropriation of public revenue under the circumstances,
in the manner and for the purposes set out in a measure entitled ``An Act
respecting the commercialization of civil air navigation services''.
This enactment provides the authority for the commercialization of
air navigation services provided by the Minister of Transport. The key
components of the enactment include:
(a) the transfer of air navigation services assets under the
management and control of the Minister of Transport to NAV
CANADA, a corporation incorporated under Part II of the Canada
Corporations Act;
(b) the transfer of employees to NAV CANADA, with equivalent
working conditions and benefits;
(c) the continuation of current collective agreements and the
granting of successor rights to bargaining agents;
(d) the granting of certain powers to NAV CANADA, as well as the
imposition of certain operating obligations;
(e) the introduction by NAV CANADA of user charges;
(f) the elimination of the air transportation tax two years after the
transfer date;
(g) the provision of transition period payments to NAV CANADA
during the first two years equivalent to anticipated revenues from the
air transportation tax;
(h) the establishment of an economic regulatory framework in
respect of user charges based on the principle of self-regulation;
(i) the opportunity for users to appeal new or revised charges, other
than in respect of charges that may be approved by the Minister of
Transport during the first two years;
(j) the establishment of a process to ensure public input to decisions
by NAV CANADA in respect of the introduction, increase,
termination or reduction of services, and the closure of facilities;
(k) the preservation of air navigation services to northern and remote
communities, including a special process involving provincial and
territorial governments for service reductions proposed by NAV
(l) provisions to ensure the continuing safety of air navigation
services in Canada.