Bill C-55
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An Act to establish a board having jurisdiction
concerning disputes respecting surface
rights in respect of land in the Yukon
Territory and to amend other Acts in
relation thereto
[Assented to 15th December, 1994]
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Yukon
Surface Rights Board Act.
General |
2. In this Act,
``Board'' « Office »
``Board'' means the Yukon Surface Rights
Board established by section 8;
``category A
land'' « terre désignée de catégorie A »
``category A settlement land'' means, in
relation to a final agreement, land that has
``category B
land'' « terre désignée de catégorie B »
``category B settlement land'' means, in
relation to a final agreement, land that has
``cost of
construction'' « coûts de construction
``cost of construction'', in respect of a
hydro-electric or water storage facility,
means the aggregate of the following costs:
``Council for
Indians'' « Conseil des Indiens du Yukon »
``Council for Yukon Indians'' includes any
successor to the Council for Yukon Indians
and, in the absence of any successor, the
first nations referred to in the definition
``Yukon first nation'', whether or not their
land claims agreement has been added to
Part I of Schedule I;
land'' « terre domaniale »
``Crown land'' means land vested in Her
Majesty in right of Canada, whether the
administration and control thereof is
appropriated to the Commissioner of the
Yukon Territory or not, but does not include
settlement land;
mineral right'' « droit minier existant »
``existing mineral right'' means a mineral
right, other than a right to locate a claim or
an unrecorded right to explore for minerals,
other than oil and gas, existing at the date
the affected land became settlement land,
and includes
``fee simple
land'' « terre désignée en fief simple »
``fee simple settlement land'' means, in
relation to a final agreement, land that has
agreement'' « accord définitif »
``final agreement'' means an agreement
referred to in Part I of Schedule I, and
includes any amendments made to it from
time to time in accordance with its
``fish'' « poisson » ou « ressources halieutiques »
``fish'' includes
``gas'' « gaz »
``gas'' means natural gas and includes all
substances, other than oil, that are produced
in association with natural gas;
'' « gouverneme nt »
``Government'' means the Government of
Canada or the Government of the Yukon
Territory, or both, depending on which has
responsibility for the matter in question;
``harvesting'' « exploitation »
``harvesting'' means gathering, hunting,
trapping or fishing in accordance with a
final agreement or the Transboundary
right'' « droit minier »
``mineral right'' means a licence, permit or
other right to explore for, locate, develop,
produce or transport minerals, other than
specified substances, and to enter on land
for those purposes;
``minerals'' « minéraux »
``minerals'' means precious and base metals
and other non-living, naturally occurring
substances, whether solid, liquid or
gaseous, and includes coal, oil, gas and
specified substances;
``mines'' « mines »
``mines'' means mines, opened and unopened;
``Minister'' « ministre fédéral »
``Minister'' means the Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development;
water'' « navigable »
``navigable water'' means a stream, river,
lake, sea or other body of water, used or
capable of being used by the public for
navigation by boats, kayaks, canoes, rafts or
other small craft, or log booms on a
continuous or seasonal basis, and includes
any parts of those bodies of water
interrupted by occasional natural
obstructions or bypassed by portages;
``new mineral
right'' « droit minier nouveau »
``new mineral right'' means any mineral right,
other than an existing mineral right;
nt land'' « terre non désignée »
``non-settlement land'' means all land and
water in the Yukon Territory, other than
settlement land, and includes mines and
minerals, other than specified substances,
in category B settlement land and in fee
simple settlement land;
``oil'' « pétrole »
``oil'' means crude oil, regardless of gravity,
produced at a well head in liquid form, and
any other hydrocarbons, other than coal and
gas, and includes hydrocarbons that may be
extracted or recovered from deposits of oil
sand, bituminous sand, oil shale or from any
other type of deposits on the surface or
``person'' « personne »
``person'' means a natural person or an
artificial entity capable of having rights or
obligations and includes a Government or
the government of a province or of a foreign
state or any subdivision thereof;
agreement'' « accord sur l'autonomie gouvernement ale »
``self-government agreement'' means an
agreement referred to in Part II of Schedule
land'' « terre désignée »
``settlement land'' means category A
settlement land, category B settlement land
or fee simple settlement land;
substances'' « matières spécifiées »
``specified substances'' means carving stone,
flint, limestone, marble, gypsum, shale,
slate, clay, sand, gravel, construction stone,
sodium chloride, volcanic ash, earth, soil,
diatomaceous earth, ochre, marl and peat;
Minister'' « ministre territorial »
``Territorial Minister'' means, in respect of
any provision of this Act, such minister of
the Yukon Territory as is designated by the
Commissioner of the Yukon Territory for
the purposes of that provision;
territory'' « territoire traditionnel »
``traditional territory'' means, with respect to
a Yukon first nation, the geographic area
within the Yukon Territory identified as that
Yukon first nation's traditional territory on
the map for that purpose set out in Appendix
B to the final agreement of that Yukon first
Agreement'' « accord transfrontalier »
``Transboundary Agreement'' means the
Yukon Transboundary Agreement, set out
in Appendix C to the Comprehensive Land
Claim Agreement between Her Majesty the
Queen in right of Canada and the Gwich'in,
as represented by the Gwich'in Tribal
Council, that was approved, given effect
and declared valid by the Gwich'in Land
Claim Settlement Act, and includes any
amendments made to it from time to time in
accordance with its provisions;
land'' « terre désignée non aménagée »
``undeveloped settlement land'' means all
settlement land that has not been designated
as developed settlement land in or pursuant
to a final agreement or pursuant to section
63 or a self-government agreement;
right-of-way'' « emprise riveraine »
``waterfront right-of-way'' means, except as
otherwise provided in Appendix A to a final
agreement, the thirty metre wide area
measured landward from the limit or edge
of the bed of any navigable water on or
abutting settlement land;
``wildlife'' « faune » ou « ressources fauniques »
``wildlife'' means a vertebrate animal of any
species or subspecies that is wild in the
Yukon, but does not include
``Yukon first
nation'' « première nation »
``Yukon first nation'' means any of the first
nations known as the Champagne and
Aishihik First Nations, the First Nation of
Nacho Nyak Dun, the Teslin Tlingit
Council, the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
or any of the following first nations whose
land claims agreement has been added to
Part I of Schedule I pursuant to section 79,
person'' « Indien du Yukon »
``Yukon Indian person'' means a person
enrolled as such under a final agreement.