1. The rights subject to the consent of the Yukon first nation
concerned are the following:
(a) the right of any person to use a waterfront right-of-way on
settlement land for commercial recreational purposes;
(b) the right of any person, other than a person having a right
described in paragraph 2(1)(b), to enter, cross and make
necessary stops on undeveloped settlement land in order to
reach adjacent land for commercial or non-commercial
(c) the right of a Government or its agents or contractors to
enter, cross and stay on undeveloped settlement land for a
period of more than one hundred and twenty consecutive
days, and to use natural resources incidental to that access, in
order to deliver, manage or maintain Government programs or
projects, including, without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, the right to make necessary alterations of land or
watercourses by earthmoving equipment for routine or
emergency maintenance of transportation corridors;
(d) the right of any person authorized by law to provide
utilities for public purposes, including electricity,
telecommunications and municipal services, to enter, cross
and stay on undeveloped settlement land for a period of more
than one hundred and twenty consecutive days in order to
carry out site investigations, assessments, surveys and studies
in relation to proposed services;
(e) the right of the Department of National Defence to conduct
military maneouvres on undeveloped settlement land;
(f) the right of any person
(i) having a right, under and in accordance with laws of
general application, to use water incidental to the exercise
of a right or interest of that person in settlement land, or
(ii) holding a licence under the Yukon Waters Act or the
Dominion Water Power Act for water on or flowing
through settlement land, which licence existed when the
land became settlement land,
to use that settlement land in order to exercise that right or
(g) the right of the holder of a commercial timber permit or a
timber harvesting agreement to cross and make necessary
stops on settlement land in order to reach adjacent land or to
reach settlement land subject to that permit or agreement;
(h) the right of any person having an existing mineral right on
settlement land, other than a person having a right described
in paragraph 2(1)(g), to cross and make necessary stops on
settlement land for the purpose of exercising that existing
mineral right;
(i) the right of any person having an existing mineral right on
non-settlement land, other than a person having a right
described in paragraph 2(1)(g), to cross and make necessary
stops on settlement land for the purpose of exercising that
existing mineral right;
(j) the right of any person having a new mineral right on
category B settlement land or fee simple settlement land, other
than a person having a right described in paragraph 2(1)(h) or
(i), to use, cross and make necessary stops on settlement land
for the purpose of exercising that new mineral right;
(k) the right of any person having a new mineral right on
non-settlement land, other than a person having a right
described in paragraph 2(1)(h), to cross and make necessary
stops on settlement land for the purpose of exercising that new
mineral right; and
(l) the right of a Government, in relation to a right-of-way on
a parcel of settlement land that is identified in Appendix A to
a final agreement as a right-of-way to which a Specified
Access Right applies, to significantly alter that parcel of
settlement land for the purpose of maintaining the
2. (1) The rights not subject to the consent of the Yukon first
nation concerned are the following:
(a) the right of any person to use a waterfront right-of-way on
settlement land for travel or non-commercial recreation,
including camping and sport fishing, and to use standing dead
or deadfall firewood incidental to that use;
(b) the right of any person to enter, cross and make necessary
stops on undeveloped settlement land in order to reach
adjacent non-settlement land for commercial or
non-commercial purposes;
(c) the right of any person to enter, cross and stay on
undeveloped settlement land for a reasonable period for
non-commercial recreational purposes;
(d) except where a final agreement requires, in relation to a
parcel of settlement land, the consent of the Yukon first nation
concerned, the right of a Government or its agents or
contractors to enter, cross and stay on undeveloped settlement
land for a period of not more than one hundred and twenty
consecutive days, and to use natural resources incidental to
that access, in order to deliver, manage or maintain
Government programs or projects, including, without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right to make
necessary alterations of land or watercourses by earthmoving
equipment for routine or emergency maintenance of
transportation corridors;
(e) the right of any person authorized by law to provide
utilities for public purposes, including electricity,
telecommunications and municipal services, to enter, cross
and stay on undeveloped settlement land for a period of not
more than one hundred and twenty consecutive days in order
to carry out site investigations, assessments, surveys and
studies in relation to proposed services, if there has been prior
consultation with the Yukon first nation;
(f) the right of the holder of a trapline on settlement land, other
than a Yukon Indian person, to construct and occupy on
settlement land such cabins as are necessary for the reasonable
use and enjoyment of the trapline and to cut necessary trails on
the trapline;
(g) the right of any person having an existing mineral right on
settlement land or non-settlement land to cross and make
necessary stops on settlement land for the purpose of
exercising that existing mineral right;
(h) the right of any person having a new mineral right on
category B settlement land or fee simple settlement land or on
non-settlement land to cross and make necessary stops on
settlement land for the purpose of exercising that new mineral
right; and
(i) the right of any person having a new mineral right on
category B settlement land or fee simple settlement land to use
the land in a manner that does not require the use of heavy
equipment or methods more disruptive or damaging to the
land than hand labour methods, for the purpose of exercising
that new mineral right.
(2) A right described in paragraph (1)(a) or (c) is subject to the
conditions that there will be no
(a) significant damage to settlement land or to improvements
on settlement land;
(b) mischief committed on settlement land; or
(c) significant interference with the use and peaceful
enjoyment of settlement land by the Yukon first nation.
(3) A right described in paragraph (1)(b) is subject to the
conditions set out in subsection (2) and to the condition that
(a) the access is of a casual and insignificant nature; or
(b) the route used is generally recognized and was being used
on a regular basis, whether year round or intermittently,
(i) prior to public notification of the selection of the
settlement land for the final agreement of the Yukon first
nation concerned, or prior to June 8, 1992 in the case of
Tetlit Gwich'in Yukon lands, or
(ii) where the land became settlement land after the date that
agreement takes effect, on the date the land became
settlement land,
and the exercise of the right does not result in a significant
alteration of that route.
(4) A right described in paragraph (1)(d) or (e) is subject to the
conditions that there will be no
(a) mischief committed on settlement land; or
(b) unnecessary interference with the use and peaceful
enjoyment of settlement land by the Yukon first nation.
(5) A right described in paragraph (1)(g) or (h) is subject to the
conditions set out in subsections (2) and (3) and to the condition
that there will be no permanent structure erected on settlement
(6) A right described in paragraph (1)(i) is subject to the
conditions that there will be no
(a) unnecessary damage to settlement land or significant
damage to improvements on settlement land;
(b) mischief committed on settlement land; or
(c) unnecessary interference with the use and peaceful
enjoyment of settlement land by the Yukon first nation.