Bill C-52
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R.S., c. S-3
Salaries Act |
1993, c. 12,
s. 14(2)
56. (1) Section 4 of the Salaries Act is
amended by striking out the following:
The Minister of Public Works 46,645
The Minister of Supply and Services 46,645
(2) Section 4 of the Act is amended by
adding the following:
The Minister of Public Works and
Government Services 46,645
R.S., c. T-16
Translation Bureau Act |
57. Section 2 of the Translation Bureau
Act is replaced by the following:
Definition of
2. In this Act, ``Minister'' means such
member of the Queen's Privy Council for
Canada as is designated by the Governor in
Council as the Minister for the purposes of this
58. Section 5 of the Act is repealed.
59. Section 6 of the English version of the
Act is replaced by the following:
Officers and
6. Such officers, translators, clerks or other
employees as are necessary for the proper
conduct of the business of the Bureau may be
appointed under the Public Service
Employment Act to hold office during
References to
Minister of
Public Works
and Minister
of Supply and
60. (1) The following provisions are
amended by replacing the expression
``Minister of Public Works'' or ``Minister
of Supply and Services'' with the expression
``Minister of Public Works and
Government Services``:
References to
Minister of
Public Works
and Minister
of Supply and
(2) Every reference to the Minister of
Public Works or the Minister of Supply and
Services in any other Act of Parliament or
in any order, regulation or other instrument
made under an Act of Parliament shall,
unless the context otherwise requires, be
read as a reference to the Minister of Public
Works and Government Services.
References to
Department of
Public Works
Department of
Supply and
61. (1) The following provisions are
amended by replacing the expression
``Department of Public Works'' or
``Department of Supply and Services'' with
the expression ``Department of Public
Works and Government Services``:
References to
Department of
Public Works
Department of
Supply and
(2) Every reference to the Department of
Public Works or the Department of Supply
and Services in any other Act of Parliament
or in any order, regulation or other
instrument made under an Act of
Parliament shall, unless the context
otherwise requires, be read as a reference to
the Department of Public Works and
Government Services.
amendment re
Bill C-7
62. If Bill C-7, An Act respecting the
control of certain drugs, their precursors and
other substances and to amend certain other
Acts and repeal the Narcotic Control Act in
consequence thereof, receives royal assent,
63. The Crown Assets Disposal
Corporation Dissolution Act, chapter 13 of
the Statutes of Canada, 1985, is repealed.
Repeal of
R.S., c. P-38
64. The Public Works Act is repealed.
Repeal of
R.S., c. S-25
65. The Department of Supply and
Services Act is repealed.
66. The Trading with the Enemy
(Transitional Powers) Act, chapter 24 of the
Statutes of Canada, 1947, is repealed.
Coming into
67. This Act or any of its provisions or any
provision of an Act of Parliament enacted
by this Act comes into force on a day or days
to be fixed by order of the Governor in