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Bill C-209

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1nd Session, 35th Parliament,
42-43 Elizabeth II, 1994

The House of Commons of Canada

BILL C-209

An Act to provide for full employment in Canada


Whereas all federal economic and monetary policy has an impact on employment;

And Whereas chronic high unemployment represents an unacceptable waste of both human and economic capital;

And Whereas full employment should be the primary economic goal of the federal government;

Now, Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Short Title

1. This Act may be cited as the Full Employment Act.



2. In this Act

``full employment''
« plein emploi »

``full employment'' means continuing employment in Canada at a level defined by the Canada Employment and Immigration Advisory Council established pursuant to the Canada Employment and Immigration Advisory Council Act that takes into account the number of Canadians entering or leaving the work force or moving from job to job;

« ministre »

``Minister'' means the Minister of Human Resources Development;

« année »

``year'' means the twelve-month period starting at the commencement of the plan mentioned in section 7, or any anniversary thereof.


Policy of Government

3. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Government of Canada to

    (a) give priority to the undertaking of sufficient measures to achieve full employment in Canada; and

    (b) establish programs that ensure that employment opportunities are available to all adult Canadians who seek work.


Tabling of draft plan

4. (1) The Minister shall, within ninety days after the coming into force of this Act, lay or cause to be laid before both Houses of Parliament a draft plan to fulfil the policy described in section 3.

Draft plan

(2) The draft plan shall include an estimate of the number of jobs expected to be created in Canada as a result of the plan and a timetable for its implementation and for the achievement of full employment.

Strategies to be considered

5. The draft plan shall include consideration of the following strategies:

    (a) an expanded national infrastructure program that would include improvements to the present passenger rail system in Canada, a national information network utilizing central data banks and co-operative housing;

    (b) an environmental awareness program that would promote the goal of sustainable development through new environmental technologies, sewage treatment facilities and energy efficiency programs;

    (c) a review of existing trade policy including the termination of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement, the development of a value-added export economy to broaden resource-based exports, diversification of trade to lessen our reliance on American trade, the protection of workers, consumers and the environment, the development of sectoral agreements and a renewed commitment to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade;

    (d) an investment policy that includes the right to review and regulate foreign investment in Canada, a national investment fund that operates at arms-length from the government and an elimination of corporations' rights to deduct interest expenses from taxable income;

    (e) a research and development policy that includes improvements to technology transfer, a requirement that foreign-owned corporations locate research and development activities within Canada and the augmentation of government funding for research and development to a level comparable with Japan and Germany;

    (f) a comprehensive training policy that includes funding to promote the training of employed workers, the development of sectoral training boards and the retraining of workers under threat of lay-off before the lay-off occurs;

    (g) a national policy on education that includes a national council on education which would examine all issues relevant to education, stabilized funding for post secondary education, measures to ease the transition from school to work such as an improved apprenticeship system and career information in the higher grades and improved literacy programs;

    (h) immediate measures to address youth unemployment that include the establishment of a national youth service to give young people useful employment and life experience;

    (i) initiatives to facilitate community development including the settlement of aboriginal land claims so that aboriginal people may develop their own communities on the basis of self-government, a community bond program to assist rural community development, the local control of resources through a consultation process, a community reserve fund to assist in the diversification of local resource-based economies, extension services such as management skills, promotion, education and research for co-operative and community development and an investment program for community development initiatives;

    (j) measures to assist resource-based industries such as farming, fishing, forestry and mining that would include the incorporation of both local control and sustainable development;

    (k) a thorough review of the existing tax system that would include viable alternatives to the Goods and Services Tax, a review of tax loopholes, the elimination of the lifetime capital gains tax exemption, a reasonable tax on private trusts, the strengthening of tax enforcement, the taxing of corporate relocation outside of Canada, the establishment of tax measures to ensure that wealthy Canadians and profitable corporations pay a proportionate share of tax and taxes that would discourage behaviour that harms the environment;

    (l) strengthened support to existing social programs such as health care and the creation of new social programs such as a national child care program;

    (m) comprehensive adjustment measures for workers such as the establishment of a mandatory job vacancy registry and job matching system through Canada Employment Centres and the establishment of adjustment committees for employees in positions where significant lay-offs are anticipated, to facilitate counselling, retraining and employment services for workers who are or may be laid off;

    (n) measures to create a co-determinant work environment including the participation of workers and businesses as partners in the workplace and the facilitation of employee ownership if appropriate;

    (o) protection of worker entitlements such as respect for seniority, pensions and other worker benefits and amendments to regulations under the Unemployment Insurance Act to remove provisions that classify severance pay and pensions as earnings;

    (p) the strengthening of provisions of the Employment Equity Act so that women, visible minorities, aboriginal people and the disabled achieve representative and equitable participation in the labour market;

    (q) measures that would encourage a truly consensual discourse between government, business and labour leading to the implementation of co-operative, long range economic planning;

    (r) examination of the impact of all federal fiscal policies on employment, including the mandate of the Bank of Canada;

    (s) consideration of a review process for all government programs which have an impact on employment, to ensure full employment;

    (t) consideration of the establishment of a department of full employment that would include a mandate to achieve full employment;

    (u) a series of conferences of First Ministers to discuss jurisdictional considerations regarding proposals concerning full employment; and

    (v) any other measures which may be deemed viable to the goal of promoting full employment.


Draft Plan referred to standing committee

6. The draft plan shall be referred to a standing committee of the House of Commons for consideration and report to the House in accordance with the Order of Reference the House gives to the committee.


Preparation of plan for implementa-

7. The Minister shall, in completing and implementing the plan to fulfil the policies described in section 3, take into consideration any report and recommendations made by the Committee pursuant to section 6 and shall lay or cause to be laid before both Houses of Parliament the plan for implementation and a response to the report and recommendations of the Committee within ninety days of the date when the Committee tables the report.

No delay to be implied

8. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit or delay the Minister or the government in the implementation of any measure that the Minister or the government believes will increase employment for Canadians.


Ministerial review

9. (1) Within six months of the end of the first and every subsequent year of the opera tion of the plan to achieve full employment, the Minister shall carry out a review of the year's programs, the number of jobs created, the impact on national revenues and expendi tures and the degree of achievement of the targets set in the plan, and prepare a report outlining any adjustments to the plan that will be made to achieve full employment within the time limits contained in the plan.

Report to Parliament

(2) The Minister shall lay the report pre pared pursuant to subsection (1) before both Houses of Parliament on any of the first fifteen days the House sits following its completion.