Logo Section canadienne du Forum interparlementaire des Amériques (FIPA)

Appendix 1



“The FIPA Executive Committee resolves:

1.    TO ENCOURAGE the member states of the OAS to consider the inclusion of the following paragraph in the “Declaration of Commitment of Port-of-Spain”, to be adopted by Heads of States and Governments on the Americas at the Fifth Summit of the Americas on April 19, 2009: “We, the Heads of States and Governments of the Americas, commit to work jointly with the legislatures of our respective countries and to promote cooperation between institutions of the Inter-American system and the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA) in order to deliver the goals set forth in this Declaration of Commitment.”

2.    TO CALL for a formal recognition of the contribution made by national parliaments to the Summits of the Americas process, through the attribution, by the Summits Implementation Review Group, of a special observer status to FIPA.”


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