Founded in 1980, the aim of this Association is to provide a structured forum for the exchange of information and ideas between Canadian parliamentarians and parliamentarians from the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, similar European parliamentary organizations such as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA), the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region, and individual parliaments of all countries of Europe. Under the aegis of the Association, an annual exchange takes place with the European Parliament, which is the parliamentary institution of members of the European Union. From time to time, special meetings are organized on bilateral issues of particular and urgent concern. The Canadian Parliament enjoys observer status to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and sends delegates to the annual debate on the activities of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The Council of Europe comprises 47 European democratic countries, including 21 countries from Central and Eastern Europe, and focuses its work on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Association also acts as an umbrella for bilateral exchanges with European countries.
Canada and the European Union have long-standing inter-parliamentary relations with regular meetings dating back to June 1979. Canadian parliamentarians started participating in Council of Europe activities in the 1960s and today participate at the level of the Council’s Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and through other forums. Canada became an observer state to the PACE in 1997. The Parliament of Canada regularly sends delegations to the part sessions of the PACE, which occur four times per year, and actively participates in the proceedings.
- Julie-Anne Macdonald, Association Secretary
- Sara Fryer, Advisor
- Daniele Lafrance, Advisor
- Matthew Pringle, Advisor
- Billy Joe Siekierski, Advisor