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REGS Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Proceedings of the Standing Joint Committee for the
Scrutiny of Regulations

Issue 15 - Minutes of Proceedings

OTTAWA, Thursday, May 31, 2007


The Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations met this day at 8:30 a.m. in room 256-S of the Centre Block, the Joint Chairs, the Honourable Senator J. Trevor Eyton and Mr. Paul Szabo, M.P., presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Bryden, Eyton, Harb and Moore (4).

Representing the House of Commons: France Bonsant, Ron Cannan, Paul Dewar, Dean Del Mastro, Ken Epp, Monique Guay, Derek Lee, John Maloney, Rick Norlock and Paul Szabo (10).

Also present: Mike Macpherson, Joint Clerk of the Committee (House of Commons); from the Parliamentary Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Peter Bernhardt, General Counsel, and Lindsay Armstrong, Counsel.

In attendance: The official reporters of the Senate.

The committee continued to examine its permanent Order of Reference as set out in section 19 of the Statutory Instruments Act, R.S.C. (1985), c. S-22, which provides for the following:

Every statutory instrument issued, made or established after December 31, 1971, other than an instrument the inspection of which and the obtaining of copies of which are precluded by any regulations made pursuant to paragraph 20(d), shall stand permanently referred to any committee of the House of Commons, of the Senate or of both Houses of Parliament that may be established for the purpose of reviewing and scrutinizing statutory instruments.

On the Parks Canada Master List of Fees 2003-2004, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/2003-284 — Regulations Amending the Canada Grain Regulations, it was agreed that the Joint Chairs correspond with the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/2000-273 — Tobacco Reporting Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/2002-1 — Proclamation Amending the Chicken Farmers of Canada Proclamation, it was agreed that the Joint Chairs correspond with the Chairperson of the National Farm Products Council with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/2006-177 — Order Amending the Schedule to the Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act, it was agreed that the file be closed.

On SI/2006-102 — Proclamation Designating the ``Fire Prevention Week,'' it was agreed that the file be closed.

On SOR/2001-111 — Regulations Amending the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990, it was agreed that the Joint Chairs correspond with the President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/2006-254 — First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

ON SI/2002-142 — Order Respecting the Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Lands in the Northwest Territories (Edéhzhie (Horn Plateau), N.W.T.), it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/84-432 — Licencing and Arbitration Regulations; SOR/96-363 — Licencing and Arbitration Regulations, amendment, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/91-152 — Chlorobiphenyls Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Environment Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/94-276 — Canadian Forces Superannuation Regulations, amendment; SOR/94-277 — Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations, amendment, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/96-170 — National Parks Garbage Regulations, amendment, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/2003-378 — Regulations Amending the Special Services and Fees Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/2003-379 — Regulations Amending the Materials for the Use of the Blind Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/96-245 — National Parks Fishing Regulations, amendment; SOR/97-111 — Regulations Amending the National Parks Fishing Regulations; SOR/98-268 — Regulations Amending the National Parks Fishing Regulations; SOR/99-352 — Regulations Amending the National Parks Fishing Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Parks Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/2005-297 — Regulations Amending the Weights and Measures Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/2000-265 — Ship Station (Radio) Technical Regulations, 1999, it was agreed that the file be closed.

On SOR/2000-416 — Regulations Amending the Health of Animals Regulations; SOR/2003-409 — Regulations Amending the Health of Animals Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/2001-167 — Regulations Amending the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990; SOR/2004-280 — Regulations Amending the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/2002-438 — Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Administered and Enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 2002-2 (Miscellaneous Programs), it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/2003-283 — Solvent Degreasing Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee review their status at a future date and inform the committee of the action taken.

On SOR/2001-536 — Regulations Amending the Consular Services Fees Regulations, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SI/2006-111 — Order Amending the Special Service Medal Bar Order ``NATO-OTAN,'' it was agreed that the file be closed.

The committee considered SOR/97-150 — National Park Aircraft Access Regulations; SOR/2006-123 — Regulations Amending the Statutory Instruments Regulations (Miscellaneous Program).

ON SOR/2006-95 — Order Amending the Canadian Passport Order, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

ON SOR/92-620 — Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations; SOR/96-108 — Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations, amendment, it was agreed that Counsel to the committee correspond with the Designated Instruments Officer of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada with respect to certain comments made by the committee.

On SOR/2006-273 — Regulations Amending the Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations (Miscellaneous Program), it was agreed that the file be closed.

The committee considered SOR/2003-272 — Regulations Amending the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Motorcycles and Three-wheeled Vehicles) and the Motor Vehicle Tire Safety Regulations, 1995.

The committee considered SOR/99-459 — Rules Repealing the Industrial Design Rules; SOR/99-460 — Industrial Design Rules.

The committee considered SOR/2007-68 — Regulations Amending the Passport Services Fees Regulations (Miscellaneous Program).

The committee considered the following statutory instruments without comment:

TR/2006-101 — Order Transferring from the Privy Council Office to the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada the Control and Supervision of the Office of the Senior Advisor Responsible for Diversity and Special Projects.

TR/2006-135 — Order Transferring from the Department of Industry to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development the Control and Supervision of Aboriginal Business Canada and First Nations SchoolNet and Transferring from the Minister of Industry to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development the Powers, Duties and Functions Relating to the National Aboriginal Economic Development Board.

SI/2006-144 — Order Designating the Internal Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad Abou-Emaati and Muayyed Nureddin as a Department for Purposes of the Act and the Prime Minister as Appropriate Minister.

SI/2007-9 — Order Designating the Minister of the Environment to Represent Her Majesty in right of Canada for Purposes of the Act.

SI/2007-10 — Order Designating the Minister of the Environment as Minister Responsible for Matters Relating to the Activities of the Federal Government with Respect to the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative.

SI/2007-11 — Order Transferring from the Treasury Board to the Department of the Environment the Control and Supervision of the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative.

SI/2007-12 — Order Transferring from the President of the Treasury Board to the Minister of the Environment the Powers, Duties and Functions Relating to the Contribution Agreement.

SI/2007-13 — Softwood Lumber Products Charge on Duty Deposit Refunds Remission Order, No. 1.

SI/2007-14 — Softwood Lumber Products Charge on Duty Deposit Refunds Remission Order, No. 2.

SI/2007-15 — Order Fixing March 1, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Act.

SI/2007-16 — Order Authorizing the Issue of Non-Circulation Coins of the Denomination of One Million Dollars.

SI/2007-17 — Order Fixing February 10, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Act.

SI/2007-19 — Order Fixing March 1, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Act.

SI/2007-20 — Order Fixing April 1, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Act.

SI/2007-21 — Order Fixing March 1, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Acts.

SI/2007-28 — Order Fixing April 1, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Act.

SI/2007-29 — Order Fixing April 1, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Act.

SI/2007-30 — Order Fixing April 27, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Act.

SI/2007-32 — Order Fixing March 31, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Part VIII of the Act.

SI/2007-33 — Murray Chalmers Remission Order.

SI/2007-38 — Order Fixing April 1, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Section 172.01 of the Act.

SI/2007-39 — Order Fixing September 1, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of Certain Sections of the Act.

SI/2007-43 — Order Fixing April 15, 2007 as the Date of the Coming into Force of the Act.

SOR/93-448 — Order Rescinding National Transportation Agency Order No. 1990-R-616.

SOR/98-582 — Regulations Amending the Plant Breeders' Rights Regulations.

At 9:49 a.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Joint Chairs.


François Michaud

Joint Clerk of the Committee (Senate)