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CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

March 29, 2019

Round Table with Representatives of the Canadian and Japanese Business Communities

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group (CAJP)

CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

February 22, 2019

Reception hosted by His Excellency Kimihiro Ishikane, Ambassador of Japan to Canada

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Japon Inter-Parliamentary Group (CAJP)

CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

Room 425, Wellington Building

12:30 p.m.

To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is 7 days before the meeting.

CACN Canada-China Legislative Association
CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

The Canada-China Legislative Association (CACN) and the Canada-Japan Interparliamentary Group (CAJP) have participated in the 27th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) to discuss regional, political, economic and environmental issues as well as the situation of women in Asia. It was an opportunity for parliamentarians to dialogue with their counterparts from both sides of the Pacific Ocean.

CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

November 21, 2018

Dinner hosted by His Excellency Kimihiro Ishikane, Ambassador of Japan to Canada for the Members of the Executive Committee

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Japon Inter-Parliamentary Group (CAJP)

CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

October 9 - 12, 2018

Co-Chairs' Annual Visit to Japan

Tokyo, Fukushima and Sapporo, Japan

Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group (CAJP)

CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

September 25, 2018

Meeting with Members of the House of Councillors of Japan

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group (CAJP)

CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group
CACN Canada-China Legislative Association

September 3 - 7, 2018

39th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)

Singapore, Singapore

Canada-China Legislative Association (CACN) and Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group (CAJP)

CACN Canada-China Legislative Association
CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

June 21, 2018

Meeting with Mr. Nguyen Van Giau, Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and a delegation

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Canada-China Legislative Association (CACN) and Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group (CAJP)