An Act to establish a process for assessing the
environmental and socio-economic
effects of certain activities in Yukon
[Assented to 13th May, 2003]
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Yukon
Environmental and Socio-economic
Assessment Act.
2. (1) The following definitions apply in
this Act.
``assessment'' « évaluation »
``assessment'' means an evaluation by a
designated office, a screening by the
executive committee or a review by a panel
of the Board.
n'' « autorisation »
``authorization'' means a licence, permit or
other form of approval that is issued or
given by
``Board'' « Office »
``Board'' means the Yukon Environmental
and Socio-economic Assessment Board
established by section 8.
``category B
land'' « terres désignées de catégorie B »
``category B settlement land'' means land that
is, or is to be treated as, category B
settlement land, as referred to in the
definition ``settlement land''.
``Council'' « Conseil »
``Council'' means the Council for Yukon
Indians or any successor to it or, in the
absence of a successor, the first nations
named in the schedule to the Yukon First
Nations Land Claims Settlement Act.
body'' « décisionnair e »
``decision body'', in relation to a project,
document'' « décision écrite »
``decision document'' means a decision
document issued by a decision body under
section 75, 76 or 77.
office'' « bureau désigné »
``designated office'' means an office
maintained under subsection 22(1).
monitoring'' « mesures de contrôle »
``effects monitoring'' means the monitoring of
environmental and socio-economic effects,
or of the effectiveness of mitigative
'' « environnem ent »
``environment'' means the components of the
Earth and includes
committee'' « comité de direction »
``executive committee'' means the executive
committee of the Board established by
section 8.
project'' « ouvrage »
``existing project'' means an activity that has
been undertaken or completed and that, if
proposed to be undertaken, would be
subject to assessment under section 47.
agency'' « autorité fédérale »
``federal agency'' means a minister of the
federal government or a person or body
carrying out a function of government
under a federal law other than the Yukon
Act, the Yukon First Nations
Self-Government Act or the Yukon First
Nations Land Claims Settlement Act, but
does not include the Governor in Council,
an independent regulatory agency or the
Yukon Surface Rights Board.
body'' « décisionnair e fédéral »
``federal decision body'', in relation to a
project, means a decision body referred to
in any of paragraphs (c) to (e) of the
definition ``decision body''.
agency'' « organisme administratif autonome fédéral »
``federal independent regulatory agency''
means any body named in Part 1 of the
minister'' « ministre fédéral »
``federal minister'' means the Minister of
Indian Affairs and Northern Development,
unless another member of the Queen's
Privy Council for Canada is designated by
the Governor in Council as the federal
minister for the purposes of this Act.
``fee simple
land'' « terres désignées en fief simple »
``fee simple settlement land'' means land that
is, or is to be treated as, fee simple
settlement land, as referred to in the
definition ``settlement land''.
agreement'' « accord définitif »
``final agreement'' means a final agreement
within the meaning of the Yukon First
Nations Land Claims Settlement Act or the
agreement contained in Appendix C to the
Gwich'in Agreement.
assistance'' « aide financière »
``financial assistance'' means a payment, loan
or loan guarantee, but does not include
``first nation'' « première nation »
``first nation'' means a Yukon First Nation,
within the meaning of the Umbrella Final
Agreement, and includes the Gwich'in
Tribal Council, in relation to consultation,
or the Tetlit Gwich'in, in relation to any
other matter.
``first nation
law'' « texte législatif d'une première nation »
``first nation law'' means a law enacted by a
first nation in accordance with the Yukon
First Nations Self-Government Act or the
first nation's final agreement.
agency'' « autorité publique »
``government agency'' means a federal
agency or a territorial agency.
Agreement'' « accord gwich'in »
``Gwich'in Agreement'' means the
Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement
between Her Majesty the Queen in right of
Canada and the Gwich'in as represented by
the Gwich'in Tribal Council, signed on
April 22, 1992 and approved, given effect
and declared valid by the Gwich'in Land
Claim Settlement Act, as that Agreement is
amended from time to time in accordance
with its provisions.
resource'' « ressources patrimoniales »
``heritage resource'' means
agency'' « organisme administratif autonome »
``independent regulatory agency'' means any
body named in the schedule.
person'' « intéressé »
``interested person'' means any person or
body having an interest in the outcome of an
assessment, for a purpose that is not
frivolous or vexatious, and includes
``joint panel'' « comité mixte »
``joint panel'' means a joint panel established
by an agreement under section 67.
measures'' « mesures d'atténuation »
``mitigative measures'' means measures for
the elimination, reduction or control of
adverse environmental or socio-economic
nt land'' « terres non désignées »
``non-settlement land'' means
``panel of the
Board'' « comité restreint »
``panel of the Board'' means a panel
established under subsection 65(1),
paragraph 93(1)(a) or subsection 95(1),
103(1) or 105(1).
``plan'' « plan »
``plan'' means any plan, program, policy or
proposal that is not a project or existing
``project'' « projet de développemen t »
``project'' means an activity that is subject to
assessment under section 47 or 48 and is not
exempt from assessment under section 49.
``proponent'' « promoteur »
``proponent'', in relation to a project or other
activity, means a person or body that
proposes to undertake it, or a government
agency, independent regulatory agency,
municipal government or first nation that
proposes to require - under a federal or
territorial law, a municipal by-law or a first
nation law - that it be undertaken.
agreement'' « accord sur l'autonomie gouvernement ale »
``self-government agreement'' has the same
meaning as in the Yukon First Nations
Self-Government Act.
land'' « terres désignées »
``settlement land'' means land that is category
A settlement land, category B settlement
land or fee simple settlement land under a
final agreement or under section 63 of the
Yukon Surface Rights Board Act, or land
that is to be treated as such by virtue of a
self-government agreement, and includes
Tetlit Gwich'in Yukon land, but does not
include water or mines and minerals
defined to be non-settlement land.
mic effects'' « effets sur la vie socio-économi que »
``socio-economic effects'' includes effects on
economies, health, culture, traditions,
lifestyles and heritage resources.
agency'' « autorité territoriale »
``territorial agency'' means a member of the
Executive Council of Yukon or a person or
body carrying out a function of government
under the Yukon Act, but does not include an
independent regulatory agency or a
municipal government.