This enactment requires the Solicitor General of Canada to establish and maintain a sex offender registry. The registry will contain the names, addresses, dates of birth, list of sex offences and other prescribed information about persons convicted of sex offences anywhere in Canada. The information to be included in the registry will be collected from the offenders themselves and from any other source available to the Solicitor General. The registry will be available only to the Solicitor General and police forces for the purposes of crime prevention and law enforcement.

The enactment will apply to every person convicted or found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder of a sex offence after the Act comes into force.

Every offender who resides in Canada is required to register in person at his or her local police station at least once a year and provide updated information to be added to the registry. Persons convicted or found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder of one sex offence that carries a maximum sentence of 10 years or less will have to report to police for 10 years. Persons convicted or found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder of a sex offence that carries a longer maximum sentence and persons convicted or found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder of more than one sex offence will have to report to police for the rest of their lives. A person who is pardoned for all sex offences for which the Act applied to him or her is no longer required to report to police and his or her record will be deleted from the registry.

Any offender whose name appears in the registry may ask to see the information about the offender that is contained in the registry at any time and to correct it. Regulations may be made to limit the number of times a person may ask to see such information.

A police officer may obtain a warrant to arrest a person who fails to register and report as required.