1st Session, 37th Parliament, 49-50 Elizabeth II, 2001
House of Commons of Canada
BILL C-316 |
An Act to provide for the publication of
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Treaty
Publication Act.
2. The definitions in this section apply in
this Act.
``Minister'' « ministre »
``Minister'' means the Minister of Foreign
``reservation'' « réserve »
``reservation'' means a unilateral statement,
however phrased or named, made by
Canada when ratifying a treaty or
purporting to exclude or to modify the legal
effect of certain provisions of the treaty in
their application to Canada.
``treaty'' « traité »
``treaty'' means an international agreement in
writing between States that is governed by
international law, whether embodied in a
single instrument or in two or more related
instruments and whatever its particular
designation, and includes a treaty amending
a treaty.
amendment'' « modification d'un traité »
``treaty amendment'' means any act or
instrument by which Canada modifies,
amends, withdraws from or denounces a
treaty, suspends its application with respect
to Canada, formulates a reservation to it or
withdraws a reservation made previously,
or makes any other change.
ratification'' « ratification d'un traité »
``treaty ratification'' means an act or
instrument by which Canada establishes at
the international level its consent to be
bound by a treaty and includes an exchange
of instruments, acceptance, approval and
accession to a treaty and, where consent is
expressed by the signature of Canada's
representative, the signing of the treaty.
3. (1) Not later than twenty-one days after
a treaty is ratified, the Minister shall cause the
treaty and any treaty amendment made at the
time the treaty is ratified to be published in the
Canada Gazette.
(2) Not later than twenty-one days after a
treaty is amended subsequently to the ratifica
tion of the treaty, the Minister shall cause the
treaty amendment to be published in the
Canada Gazette.
4. (1) Subject to subsection (3), not later
than seven days after a treaty is ratified, the
Minister shall cause an electronic version of
the treaty together with any treaty amendment
made at the time the treaty is ratified to be
posted on a site of the Government of Canada
that is generally accessible to persons who
have access to what is commonly referred to
as the Internet.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), not later than
seven days after a treaty is amended subse
quently to the ratification of the treaty, the
Minister shall cause an electronic version of
the treaty amendment to be posted on a site of
the Government of Canada that is generally
accessible to persons who have access to what
is commonly referred to as the Internet.
Access to the
(3) The Minister shall ensure that an
electronic version of any treaty and any treaty
amendment posted on the Internet under
subsections (1) or (2) is accessible, without a
password, free and in downloadable form.
Treaty Series
5. (1) Not later than three months after a
treaty is ratified, the Minister shall cause the
treaty and any treaty amendment made at the
time the treaty is ratified to be published in the
Canada Treaty Series.
Treaty Series
(2) Not later than three months after a treaty
is amended subsequently to the ratification of
the treaty, the Minister shall cause the treaty
amendment to be published in the Canada
Treaty Series.
Copies of the
treaties to
Members of
6. The Minister shall ensure that Members
of Parliament and the Parliamentary Librarian
receive, as soon as possible, a copy