1st Session, 36th Parliament,
46-47-48 Elizabeth II, 1997-98-99

The House of Commons of Canada

BILL C-517

An Act respecting the transfer of grain elevators located in a Prairie province and the discontinuance of their operation

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Prairie Grain Elevators Act.



2. The definitions in this section apply in this Act.

``grain elevator''
« silo »

``grain elevator'' means an elevator within the meaning of section 2 of the Canada Grain Act that is located in a Prairie province.

``grain elevator operator''
« exploi-

``grain elevator operator'' means a person who operates a grain elevator pursuant to a license issued under the Canada Grain Act or who operates a grain elevator that has been exempted from the licensing requirements of that Act pursuant to a regulation or order made under section 117 of that Act.

``Prairie province''
« province des Prairies »

``Prairie province'' means the province of Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta.

Three year plan

3. (1) Every grain elevator operator shall prepare and keep up to date a plan indicating for each of the operator's grain elevators whether the operator intends to continue to operate the elevator or whether within the next three years, the operator intends to sell, lease or otherwise transfer the elevator, or to take steps to discontinue operating the elevator.

Public availability of plan

(2) The operator shall make the plan available for public inspection in offices of the operator that it designates for that purpose.

No sale, etc. unless indicated in plan

(3) A sale, lease or other transfer of a grain elevator is void unless, before the transfer is completed, the plan indicates the operator's intention to transfer or discontinue operating it.

Compliance with steps for discontinu-

4. A grain elevator operator shall comply with the steps described in this Act before discontinuing the operation of a grain elevator, but no steps shall be taken until the operator's intention to discontinue the elevator has been indicated in its plan for at least sixty days.

ment of availability of grain elevator for continued operations

5. (1) The grain elevator operator shall advertise the availability of the grain elevator, or any operating interest that the operator has in it for sale, lease or other transfer for continued operation and its intention to discontinue operating the elevator if it is not transferred.

Content of advertise-

(2) The advertisement must include a description of the grain elevator and how it or the operating interest is to be transferred, whether by sale, lease or otherwise, and an outline of the steps that must be taken before the operation of the elevator be discontinued, including

    (a) a statement that the advertisement is directed to persons interested in buying leasing or otherwise acquiring the grain elevator, for the purpose of continuing its operation as a grain elevator; and

    (b) the date by which interested persons must make their interest known in writing to the operator, but that date must be at least sixty days after the first publication of the advertisement.

Disclosure of process

6. (1) The grain elevator operator shall disclose the process the operator intends to follow for receiving and evaluating offers to each interested person who makes their interest known in accordance with the advertisement.

Negotiation in good faith

(2) The operator shall negotiate with an interested person in good faith and in accordance with the process it discloses.

Time limit for agreement

(3) The operator has four months to reach an agreement with an interested person after the final date stated in the advertisement for persons to make their interest known.

Decision to continue operation of grain elevator

(4) If an agreement is not reached within the four months, the operator may decide to continue the operation of the grain elevator in which case it is not required to comply with section 7, but shall amend its plan to reflect its decision.

Offer to municipal or district government

7. (1) The grain elevator operator shall offer to transfer all of the operators' interest in the grain elevator to a government mentioned in this section (2) for not more than its net salvage value to be used for any purpose if

    (a) no person makes their interest known to the operator, or no agreement with an interested person is reached, within the required time; or

    (b) an agreement is reached within the required time, but the transfer is not completed in accordance with the agreement.

Offer to municipal or district government

(2) After the requirement to make the offer arises, the operator shall send it to the clerk or other senior administrative officer of the municipal or district government in whose territory the elevator is located.

Time limits for acceptance

(3) After the offer is received by a municipal or district government, it may accept it within sixty days.

tion and notice of acceptance

(4) Once a government communicates its written acceptance of the offer to the operator, the right of any other government or accept the offer is extinguished and the operator shall notify the other governments of the acceptance.

Net salvage value

(5) If a government accepts the offer, but cannot agree with the operator on the net salvage value within ninety days after the acceptance, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food may, on the application of the government or the operator, determine the net salvage value.


8. (1) Where a grain elevator operator has complied with the process set out in this Act, but an agreement for the sale, lease or other transfer of the grain elevator is not entered into through that process, the operator may discontinue operating the elevator on providing notice thereof to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. Thereafter, the operator has no obligations under this Act in respect of the operation of the elevator.

No obligation

(2) If the grain elevator is sold, leased or otherwise transferred by an agreement entered into through the process prescribed by this Act, the operator that conveyed the elevator has no obligations under this Act in respect of the operation of the elevator as and from the date the sale, lease or other transfer was completed.