This enactment provides the principles by which the Governor in Council shall determine whether a vote to separate by a province or a part of a province is a valid vote to separate.

To be valid, a separation referendum must respect principles listed in the Act, including a clear statement on the ballot that a ``Yes'' vote means:

    becoming a foreign state,

    losing representation in the Parliament of Canada,

    losing Canadian citizenship and passport, and

    losing the unrestricted right to enter, travel and work in Canada.

If there is an affirmative vote to separate that is determined to be valid by a free vote in both the Senate and the House of Commons, the Governor in Council shall hold a national referendum that is binding on the Government of Canada within one year. This may be held at the same time as a general election.

The binding national referendum shall ask for authority to negotiate terms of settlement and may also ask additional questions respecting the terms of separation to be negotiated that have been first approved by both the Senate and the House of Commons. This could include approval of a formula for the apportionment of the national debt or the manner of dealing with accrued rights under social programs.

The Senate only participates in the validation and approval processes if it is a representative elected body at the time.

Electoral districts that voted against separation will be excluded from the separation negotiations.